How many times do you touch your firewood?

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. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 21, 2010
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N. Central Indiana
Going from a standing tree to removing the ashes out of the stove?
Here's what my longest process involves. I am usually dealing with pieces of wood that are 16" dia. up to 40" dia. and 12' - 14' in length
1) Cut down the tree, cut to 12' lengths
2) Load the log on the trailer
3) Remove log from trailer and stack (I've cut it to 16" lengths on the trailer, but the risk of hitting the trailer with the saw is too great to continue to do that.)
3a) Remove from stack.
4) Cut to 16" long pieces
5) Roll pieces into FEL and bring to splitter.
6) Place on splitter, split in half, let 1/2 fall on ground, split the first half into smaller pieces, placing pieces in FEL bucket.
7) Bring tractor to where they will be stacked, remove from bucket and place on stack.
8) Remove from stack, place in FEL bucket
9) Bring to house and stack in outside wood rack
10) Remove from wood rack, place in Rubbermaid totes to bring in house.
11) Pick out of totes and place in fireplace insert
1: have a rolloff truck dump it all precut in my yard
2: stack it in my woodshed in early spring
3:fill my trailer and cart it over to the basement window
4:fill racks in basement
5: feed furnace as needed
I have to scrounge so i cut on site...i move my splitter to where the wood will be stacked and empty the rounds right next to the splitter, then split and stack right there
Yeah, too many times.

1 drop and top trees in woods
2 skid out and block on the ground
3 load in trailer
4 unload and stack
5 into boiler

Seems like I move things more than the list implies...
Too many times.
Cut tree into rounds.
Move to splitting location.
Split and pile.
Pile into wheelbarrow
Wheelbarrow to stacks

Them once seasoned

Wheelbarrow to truck, drive to house
From truck to different wheelbarrow
Wheelbarrow to outside stack at house.
Outside stack to inside garage stack.
Garage stack to copper tub next to stove
Into stove.
1) drop tree and buck
2) Load rounds into trailer
3) unload trailer
4) tip up rounds and split
5) stack rounds
6) load into wheelbarrow
7) load into stove

When I can I drop tree and drag log length right next to woodpile. Saves two steps.
We cut tree down, or already down, then trim up in timber. Drag out with tractor buck to 12ft load on 5 tine hay mover (3pt hitch) then take to wood pile. If conditions r good drag trimmed tree to pile. Cut split throw on pile. Labor of love and my labor is cheaper than LP.

From the Hills
We cut tree down, or already down, then trim up in timber. Drag out with tractor buck to 12ft load on 5 tine hay mover (3pt hitch) then take to wood pile. If conditions r good drag trimmed tree to pile. Cut split throw on pile. Labor of love and my labor is cheaper than LP.

From the Hills
the cheaper than lp,,might not be soo this year..its REALLY cheap!!!!! :D
Tree service drops log length in splitting area.
1. Buck rounds over pile with skidsteer and grapple.
2. Roll rounds to log lift on TW6 and split 4 ways. Pushes off onto the conveyor and into a pile.
3. Load totes with grapple. (Not really touching)
4. Move totes with forks. (Not really touching)
5. Chuck rounds into the OWB.

6. Resplit extra OWB rounds with supersplit to conveyor to new pile for retail firewood.

I'm always looking to make it faster and easier but I'm running out of things to upgrade.
Tree service drops log length in splitting area.
1. Buck rounds over pile with skidsteer and grapple.
2. Roll rounds to log lift on TW6 and split 4 ways. Pushes off onto the conveyor and into a pile.
3. Load totes with grapple. (Not really touching)
4. Move totes with forks. (Not really touching)
5. Chuck rounds into the OWB.

6. Resplit extra OWB rounds with supersplit to conveyor to new pile for retail firewood.

I'm always looking to make it faster and easier but I'm running out of things to upgrade.

You need one of them darpa robots to move levers and pedals on machinery for ya now..sit back sipping a beverage and watch the action on a screen..there's your next upgrade!