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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
...b'cause mine sucked.
This is what happens when you don't get stopped in time at a rural railroad crossing.
I can't even begin to explain to you how big a train looks when it coming straight at you.
I've always wondered what sort'a dumb-azz gets hit by a train... well... today I was the dumb-azz.
Guys... when you're out in the sticks scroungin' your firewood, don't get complacent at those cow-path-like RR crossings.
I was lucky... I walked away.

van.jpg crossing.jpg
...b'cause mine sucked.
This is what happens when you don't get stopped in time at a rural railroad crossing.
I can't even begin to explain to you how big a train looks when it coming straight at you.
I've always wondered what sort'a dumb-azz gets hit by a train... well... today I was the dumb-azz.
Guys... when you're out in the sticks scroungin' your firewood, don't get complacent at those cow-path-like RR crossings.
I was lucky... I walked away.

View attachment 495135 View attachment 495136
Damn WS, that sux. Glad you're alright. That'll just make ya wanna sit on the front porch and knock down a cold one or three.
WTF man?!? Glad you are OK. Ya, your ride is toast but dang, it could have been lots worse. I mean, wow and stuff..geez....
Dang....... Speechless. Glad you're ok. You have your radio on or loud something? They are required to blow their ear-splitting horns before every crossing.

Man, that could have been nasty. We don't want to hear about a you getting squashed like a spider!!
productive to say the least... 7 cords of aspen/poplar pulp on the landing stacked for delivery, and 2 cords of mixed wood for a customer. not a bad day.
sorry spider... guess I should have read the op post before replying! good to know you are "AOK"... guess I should not take post's at face value... LOL@ chucker, BRAINLESS sometimes! lol

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