I cut some today, help with tree ID Thanks.

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Looks like Sassafras,burns good but throws sparks pretty bad.

:agree2:..... Sure looks like sassafras to me.....We have a lot of it on our property and it cuts like a hot knife through butter.:chainsaw:
locust. color, bark, even rings look right. if you have your chain good and sharp on a bigger saw you can fly through locust. we have a lot around here.
Here is a photo of sassafras

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My guess would be Oak also, but hard to tell from a photo. I confess that I have no experience with Locust, so it well may be. The only Locust we have around here is has WICKED long and sharp thorns. Most of is is called Thornless Locust, and whoever named it must have been blind or crazy. JR
Locust. Not hard to split, and not that hard to cut when it's green. It can toughen up when it's dead for a while, but the stuff in the picture looks like what I burn 75% of the time.

Wonderful book on the subject

I've got a copy of Trees of the Northern United States and Canada, and it looks an awful lot like locust to me. I checked mulberry out too and although there is definite similarities to white mulberry however, I am almost positive that the last picture shows the bark pattern of a black locust. But i would not stake any money on this