I did nothin'

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ArboristSite Operative
Aug 22, 2011
Southeastern indiana
I planned to do nothing today but my nephew called and his truck had gone down. After an hour in 27 deg and wind I went home for the loader to push it into the shop. Fuel pump was shot, so once the tanks was down went to the only place open around here on saturday only to get sent home with the wrong pump or filter havent figured out which yet. So 3 hrs in Dads shop with the wood burner running full tilt it never got warm enough to burn off the snow.. Worst part is I get to do it again tomorrow...... When the right parts come in.
Burned plenty of wood...... stayed plenty cold all day.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 4, 2007
I cleaned up my shop a little, burned some slash piles, finished a carpentry job and picked up the payment. Not a lot really, took it kinda easy. Now I'm staying up way late just because I can sleep in tomorrow. :msp_wink:

Mr. HE:cool:
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Awwww man... you guys are the best... tryin' to get me goin' like that.
But right after I started this thread last night my wife called supper, and eating always ends happy hour for me (hmmm.... it's like she knows exactly when to throw food on the table so happy hour doesn't go over the edge). After I eat, normally flop in front of the TV for a nap (can't seem to watch that thing) before the wife wakes me up and sends me to bed...

Soooo...... I missed all the luv you guys was spreadin' my way... But I really appreciate y'all tryin'.


Smoke Dragon Herder
Dec 29, 2011
Charlotte, Michigan
SE Michigan, the high today was like +17 with wind gusts around 20 MPH. Don't think it's been that cold all season. Did some errands with the wife today and it actually stung to breath in that cold air when you walked out of a warm building. Glad the ol' Woodchuck is still cookin' away after 26 years!

Don't you remember we had our first winter a few weeks ago? I was cutting wood and it was 4 degrees? I had snot sickles running from my nose to my chin and I coughed all day long trying to get those ice chunks from my lungs.

It was indeed cold Saturday morning though. I waited until it reached 10 before I went outside. I managed to tune the chainsaw and cut one load of wood. Then I started happy hour and when that 60 minutes was up I started happier hour. :D
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Speaking of TV's I don't watch...
How silly is this?
There are four people living in my house... Wife, teenager, 4-year-old and myself. We have a TV in every room but the dinning and bathroom room...

  • TV's = 7 (one is a 55-inch)
  • DVD players = 5
  • Blue-Ray player = 1
  • VCR's = 4
  • Satellite tuner boxes = 4
  • DVR recorders = 2
  • Remote controls = 1,268 (if I didn't miss any)

And then there's the other electronics...

  • Desktop computers = 4
  • Laptop computers = 3
  • Wireless router/access point = 1
  • Printers = 2
  • Scanners = 2
  • Cell phones = 3
  • Cordless phones = 4
  • I-pods = 2
  • Stereos = 4
  • Kindle = 1
  • Digital cameras = 6
  • Video cameras = 2
  • Battery operated electronic toys for the boy = 7,294 (I think... there might be one under the couch I missed)

How about vehicles...

  • Cars = 1
  • Mini-Vans = 2
  • Pickup = 1
  • Golf Car (gas powered) = 1
  • Battery powered vehicles for the boy = 3

And other notables...

  • Refrigerators = 3
  • Freezers = 2
  • Ovens = 3
  • Microwaves = 3

So why is it I only have one chain saw???????????????????????????????????????????


Smoke Dragon Herder
Dec 29, 2011
Charlotte, Michigan
Speaking of TV's I don't watch...
How silly is this?
There are four people living in my house... Wife, teenager, 4-year-old and myself. We have a TV in every room but the dinning and bathroom room...

  • TV's = 7 (one is a 55-inch)
  • DVD players = 5
  • Blue-Ray player = 1
  • VCR's = 4
  • Satellite tuner boxes = 4
  • DVR recorders = 2
  • Remote controls = 1,268 (if I didn't miss any)

And then there's the other electronics...

  • Desktop computers = 4
  • Laptop computers = 3
  • Wireless router/access point = 1
  • Printers = 2
  • Scanners = 2
  • Cell phones = 3
  • Cordless phones = 4
  • I-pods = 2
  • Stereos = 4
  • Kindle = 1
  • Digital cameras = 6
  • Video cameras = 2
  • Battery operated electronic toys for the boy = 7,294 (I think... there might be one under the couch I missed)

How about vehicles...

  • Cars = 1
  • Mini-Vans = 2
  • Pickup = 1
  • Golf Car (gas powered) = 1
  • Battery powered vehicles for the boy = 3

And other notables...

  • Refrigerators = 3
  • Freezers = 2
  • Ovens = 3
  • Microwaves = 3

So why is it I only have one chain saw???????????????????????????????????????????

Sounds like you need to build a outdoor wood boiler that makes steam and then convert that steam, via turbine, into electricity!


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 1, 2010
All that stuff sounds like a high electric bill. Sell half of it and buy some more chainsaws and your electric bill would go down. Its a win win situation.
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Why three ovens???
One is in the kitchen of course. The second is in the basement used mostly for overflow cooking on Holidays; for example, put the turkey in the basement oven and that leaves the kitchen oven free to do the other stuff. And third is in my shop, I use it for so many things it would take pages to list, casting bullets, heating steel, keeping my coffee hot, etc.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Nov 2, 2008
Montpelier, Ohio
I'm thinkin the one in the shop probably doesn't get used for the Christmas ham any more.:D

Back to the original post.
I got 1 load of wood cut yesterday and quit. That wind just made it no fun at all. I'm cutting along my creek with no wind block. Happy hour started about 5 then. Sounds like as much beer got drank yesterday as wood got burned. Today will likely be a repeat.
Mntn Man

Mntn Man

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 28, 2009
With all that residual heat, do you even need to burn wood? I also wonder how you can have only 1 saw. What kind of rookie are you? Everyone on here knows you need to have at least 3 saws and 6 parts saws on the bench!


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 22, 2010
East Central IOWA
Well,my day started @ 7:00 or so with feeding livestock--the tractor sure thought it was cold too. Got that done and then pulled out a couple of big oaks that blew over on the edges of the hayfield. Got those cut up and split by hand and all told ended up with several cords. My brother and I then pulled out several more trees and hauled them to where we cut and split-when it is not windy. So where we cut and split was in a spot where we had a very good windbreak and with the sunshine was a nice place to work.There was several of us cutting and 3 guys splitting-a total of 4 loading onto the trailer and truck.It is more fun with friends along---also get more done.Pretty Good Day!



ArboristSite Operative
Jan 22, 2012
Auburn, MA
Absolutely nothin' today. It was cold and windy outside and I holed up in the house all day... nothin'!
Walked out to the mail box 'round 1:00, friggin' cold... back to the house.
Logged into AS at last 20 times today... ashes, flippy caps, nothin' to get me excited.
Started happy hour 'bout 3:00... it ain't over yet.

Where the hell is Woodcutter TV when ya' need some entertainment?
C'mon, one a y'all need to get something going...


Just got up and having a cup of coffee. I'm thinking happy hour might just start as soon as i'm done with that . :rock:


Addicted to ArboristSite
Apr 22, 2004
My Excellent Evening

Absolutely nothin' today. It was cold and windy outside and I holed up in the house all day... nothin'!
Walked out to the mail box 'round 1:00, friggin' cold... back to the house.
Logged into AS at last 20 times today... ashes, flippy caps, nothin' to get me excited.
Started happy hour 'bout 3:00... it ain't over yet.

Where the hell is Woodcutter TV when ya' need some entertainment?
C'mon, one a y'all need to get something going...


Carry on with the bellybutton/tell-all trend. This is AS Facebook. We need to know.

From Horseshoe Cove: After an evening for cocktails and discussion on the Maine Repub caucus we drove home 3.1 miles around the cove to home. It was 1123 h.
Loaded both stoves for the night, light snowfall, NW wind gusting to ~ 25 MPH, temp dropping to the singles and zero. Let stoves get up to temperature to coal then dropped the primary air down for the night. Went to bed after flossing and brushing with the Braun (Colgate toothpaste-need to know ). Cracked window open, closed door.

Got up @ 0610 h, sunny, -2 F, wind picked up gusts to 29 MPH, dry drifting snow. Took water pot off stove ( Oslo ) to gas range for morning coffee. Turned on gas.
Loaded both stoves ( cat and non-cat since you asked ) and emptied ash pans onto lawns (sic --that means that they are not really "lawns", one a septic field ) WITH the wind since there were live coals embedded in the ashes. ( N.B. do not throw ashes into the wind ). Returned to house with empty ash pans, inserted said pans back into the stoves, and shut both ash doors. Poured boiling water into metal carafe to heat it, then turned on the coffee maker with said carafe under the filter. Time for morning absolutions communing with Mr. Toto reading yesterday's WSJ. Filled Garden Way cart with wood from the woodshed, then filled both wood racks beside the stoves. Swept debris as per orders from SWMBO. She now arises........................................................................................................................................

And so on, and so on, and so on...........................................................................................:eek2:


P.S I love my flippy caps, danka Herr Stihl. Better than silicone implants.
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Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 14, 2002
North of Goderich, Ontario, Canada
Went to a snowmobile auction yesterday, bought a sledge hammer, roll of electrical wire, 3 wood chisels and a hot dog. Had no intention of buying a sled, already have 2 running ones sitting here and 5 clunkers ( I haven't driven a sled in 6 or more years) Got home around 5 and sat on my azz on the puter and glancing at tv, Walking dead marathon.
Today is nasty out again but I have to go do some plumbing at my neices so I'll have to get out there soon. Watching Whitney on Juiced, man what a waste, she sure was a looker in her day. A year younger than me and gone already, glad I quit the drugs when I did, my memory is shot but at least I can still run a Stihl.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Nov 14, 2011
I did a first yesterday. Cutting down about 30 oak trees to make my backyard larger. Had a 17yo kid lined up to help me but he fell through. I had already cut all the trees I could drop by myself so the rest need a heavy duty rope and my pickup to fall them where I need to. Since the kid fell through I managed to do a few of them myself.
Routine went like this: use 30' extension ladder and put rope on tree. Hook rope up to truck and pull fairly tight. Put truck in park. Make my wedge and begin cut on back. Go back to truck to put a little more tension on the rope. Put truck in park. Go back to tree and proceed with my back cut. Drop tree to ground and repeat 4 more times. These trees are about 60-70 feet tall and the once I cut yesterday were about 14-18" in diameter. Wife said they shook the house when they dropped. Would have liked to do more but I didn't feel comfortable doing the heavy leaners by myself. Oh and rope is 140 feet long so no risk of dropping a tree on my truck.
Feb 6, 2007
Man, most of youse guys are woosies. Yes, woosies. I have been skiing many times with the snot freezing, getting back to the car and having to warm IT up while I am having to scrape the windows, with sweat cooling and starting to freeze. That would be in the -0 temps. Ever spilled water down your coat in single digit temps and have to ski a few more miles to get back? Uphill, of course. Both ways.

Of course, now I live in a milder climate, usually. But don't move here. I pulled a tick out of The Used Dog yesterday, there is enough snow in the mountains (not hills) that the threat of flooding is in the back of our minds, we could have an earthquake, I need to scrub the moss off the vehicles and shop building, and we fight the mildew problem constantly.
PA. Woodsman

PA. Woodsman

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
May 1, 2006
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Absolutely nothin' today. It was cold and windy outside and I holed up in the house all day... nothin'!

Pretty much my same plans here for today. Went to early church so I can come home and enjoy the stove and relax and ENJOY the results of the hard work that we do to feed the fires. Finally have a very cold Winter's Day here after months of mostly Fall-like weather so the old man's gonna feed the fire, fill his face with food, take a nice (hopefully uninterupted) nap, watch the idiot box, play on the computer and basically enjoy the day I hope!

Gave up the moonshine many years ago, so my "happy hour" will be doing what I just described up there earlier in the post! :laugh:

Sometimes ya gotta do nothin' once in awhile-maybe even twice in awhile....

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