My Excellent Evening
Absolutely nothin' today. It was cold and windy outside and I holed up in the house all day... nothin'!
Walked out to the mail box 'round 1:00, friggin' cold... back to the house.
Logged into AS at last 20 times today... ashes, flippy caps, nothin' to get me excited.
Started happy hour 'bout 3:00... it ain't over yet.
Where the hell is Woodcutter TV when ya' need some entertainment?
C'mon, one a y'all need to get something going...
Carry on with the bellybutton/tell-all trend. This is AS Facebook. We need to know.
From Horseshoe Cove: After an evening for cocktails and discussion on the Maine Repub caucus we drove home 3.1 miles around the cove to home. It was 1123 h.
Loaded both stoves for the night, light snowfall, NW wind gusting to ~ 25 MPH, temp dropping to the singles and zero. Let stoves get up to temperature to coal then dropped the primary air down for the night. Went to bed after flossing and brushing with the Braun (Colgate toothpaste-need to know ). Cracked window open, closed door.
Got up @ 0610 h, sunny, -2 F, wind picked up gusts to 29 MPH, dry drifting snow. Took water pot off stove ( Oslo ) to gas range for morning coffee. Turned on gas.
Loaded both stoves ( cat and non-cat since you asked ) and emptied ash pans onto lawns (sic --that means that they are not really "lawns", one a septic field ) WITH the wind since there were live coals embedded in the ashes. ( N.B. do not throw ashes into the wind ). Returned to house with empty ash pans, inserted said pans back into the stoves, and shut both ash doors. Poured boiling water into metal carafe to heat it, then turned on the coffee maker with said carafe under the filter. Time for morning absolutions communing with Mr. Toto reading yesterday's WSJ. Filled Garden Way cart with wood from the woodshed, then filled both wood racks beside the stoves. Swept debris as per orders from SWMBO. She now arises........................................................................................................................................
And so on, and so on, and so on...........................................................................................:eek2:
P.S I love my flippy caps, danka Herr Stihl. Better than silicone implants.