I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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Is this a deal?

Is this a deal?
Chainsaw STIHL MS 660 - $850 (Elm Grove)

Date: 2010-10-13, 12:21PM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Chainsaw - 36" bar
STIHL Magnum MS 660
91.6 cc
ONLY used 5 times
Extra 36" bar included in price
Would cost over $1200 here to buy new for same package. Assuming they didn't run straight gas through it, I would say it is a decent deal.

Is this a deal?
Chainsaw STIHL MS 660 - $850 (Elm Grove)

Date: 2010-10-13, 12:21PM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Chainsaw - 36" bar
STIHL Magnum MS 660
91.6 cc
ONLY used 5 times
Extra 36" bar included in price
Is this a deal?
Chainsaw STIHL MS 660 - $850 (Elm Grove)

Date: 2010-10-13, 12:21PM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Chainsaw - 36" bar
STIHL Magnum MS 660
91.6 cc
ONLY used 5 times
Extra 36" bar included in price

From the pics, it looks to be decent cosmetically.
If everything checks out, the price seems reasonable to me.
Indian Chainsaw- NJ

Imagine being "diapered" with a chainsaw- OUCH!!!



John H,
Just for kicks I responded to her previous ad when she was located in Furlow, about eleven miles due south of Cabot where she currently, apparently be stayin'.

Thu, September 23, 2010 11:35:12 PMRE: Wood Cutter Needed - $1 (Furlow)


I am unsure of what kind of wood splitter it is, but its one that u can put a whole section of wood in it and it splits it with no problems. I know it is one of the best for my stepfather bought it b4 he passed away and he only bought the best stuff n anything. The chainsaw is a stihl industrial and we have all types of wood out here. we live on 170 acres. It's just that since my stepfather passed and my brother moved to fayetteville and his wife had twin boys 2 weeks ago so he isnt able to leave even for a weekend to help us. Every guy I know who says they are going to do it still hasnt got a thing done except a whole lot of fishing on our property. There is my 85yr old grandma, my 61year old mother and me, and I can help you but if I help I get paid to out of what we make if I do help out. Otherwise you get half the wood cut and split and at 65+ a rick, u could make u sum money this year pretty quick. We already have quite a few trees that were taken down by storms this year and that are cured enuf to sell right away. There is pine, oak, pinoak, and well, I live right on wattansaw creek on 250 acres, so there has got to be a tree u like somewhere. Lol. If u decide u r interested
Im going to email her and tell her I will do the job!
At $10 an hour, that will cover gas....and maybe bar oil.....

I will loan a saw to make this a charity event, then we can write it off on our taxes. LOL!

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