It's 2016 to hell with porting...

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My ideaers trademarked sir ... be lucky to get a nickel outta these mamalukes ... 70% of nada =nada ... that's ok I'm getting hits from all over the country and when I finish the dyno and website I'm gonna flush these turds right quick ... be afraid ... be very afraid

How ya know that idea wasn't "trademarked"?

That pic is over 2 yes old, on one of the saws you are marketing your "kit" on. How we know you'd didn't just steal my idear?

Dosent matter, they already all over the country. Shoot, sent some to Australia, and New Zealand yesterday.

Best of luck with your peddling
Hey jack wagon ... go LOOK at the videos on my utube site esp the 362c -equipped with the Fabz-performance kit ... then show me YOUR video ... I await your response ... Snelling had no probs showing HIS vids ... maybe u have something maybe u don't ... until I see the video I dub thee "sir fart in the wind " adios amigos !!!

Last time I looked I wasn't the one shootin' my mouth off about how special my stuff is or if I 'have something' or not.
I don't bother much watching saw vids from non reputable types, too easy to make 'em show whatever you want them to.
That goes double for dyno's...
This pleases me. Sometimes alpina makes me feel like a loaner...with no friends and a skinny wiener. Then I think alpina is cool just not common and the one with no friends and the skinny wiener is Fabz.
Those 600i will run with all the modern 60cc saws I've ran and it's light too but it eats coils I've got three im trying to find an alternative too there's a nice alpina Castor on ebay for sale.
This pleases me. Sometimes alpina makes me feel like a loaner...with no friends and a skinny wiener. Then I think alpina is cool just not common and the one with no friends and the skinny wiener is Fabz.
Put up some pics of your 55 i don't have one yet i buy all the alpinas around here i see my buddy calls them als penis because you can't find parts lol
Ok, I'll play.

My version of 'doesn't prove **** cuz this is the intrawebs'...

View attachment 554154

...and that's likely with the comp release stuck open...

Bill I would post a vid if you running your dyno, but I don't want to give away your proprietary information....

Oh wait, they are already on YouTube!!!
Really ? ... why don't u read the terms of your own site there fruitcake ... I bow to NO man and your "warning" ain't worth caca to me .... I really don't WANT to be on your site anyhow so kindly go suck on the exhaust of a running kx500 !!!
I personally think you should stop running your mouth so hard just put up or shut a@@hole .Surely someone as intelligent as you think you are must be aware of how stupid you really look .Do you really believe anyone is buying your crap.
I personally think you should stop running your mouth so hard just put up or shut a@@hole .Surely someone as intelligent as you think you are must be aware of how stupid you really look .Do you really believe anyone is buying your crap.
Calm down todd i know you're austrailian.
The 362c is unimpressive ? Chain has a hook ? Look pal ; you are a small child among men here ... if u want to truck-talk I'm there but when u belittle another's work based on your "professional opinion" it gets old real quick ... you are definitely a "professional"..... a professional ******* !!!

Hey jack wagon ... go LOOK at the videos on my utube site esp the 362c -equipped with the Fabz-performance kit ... then show me YOUR video ... I await your response ... Snelling had no probs showing HIS vids ... maybe u have something maybe u don't ... until I see the video I dub thee "sir fart in the wind " adios amigos !!!

You asked for opinions many times on your beloved 362. I would not have commented on it otherwise. You run a 60cc saw in 8" wood and expect us to be impressed. At least Brad shows what the saw can do in appropriate wood for the saw.

You want a video. Here is a husky 262 I did.

This was before I started running square ground chain so I should get some more gains, no?

We can't really compare videos anyways cuz we aren't running the same chain in the same wood, as you said yourself. So what do your videos prove. Nothing!
At least run your saw in appropriate wood to show its capabilities.

I was not belittling your work, I would need to run said saw for an honest appraisal. I'm just not impressed by 362's compared to other 60cc offerings. I would ask you to come to my gtg, so we could compare things, but I had another know it all show up at one and he ruined the experience for many fine members that attended. So you are officially uninvited.

And yes, I probably am those things you called me.

If I were you, I would take a step back, read these forums for a while and get a sense of what we do here. Most of us respect each other, and treat each other that way, albeit poking a little fun now and then. But a new member comes in flapping his wings saying longtime trusted members are idiots, and he's going to feel ganged up on. Such is life.