It's 2016 to hell with porting...

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You asked for opinions many times on your beloved 362. I would not have commented on it otherwise. You run a 60cc saw in 8" wood and expect us to be impressed. At least Brad shows what the saw can do in appropriate wood for the saw.

You want a video. Here is a husky 262 I did.

This was before I started running square ground chain so I should get some more gains, no?

We can't really compare videos anyways cuz we aren't running the same chain in the same wood, as you said yourself. So what do your videos prove. Nothing!
At least run your saw in appropriate wood to show its capabilities.

I was not belittling your work, I would need to run said saw for an honest appraisal. I'm just not impressed by 362's compared to other 60cc offerings. I would ask you to come to my gtg, so we could compare things, but I had another know it all show up at one and he ruined the experience for many fine members that attended. So you are officially uninvited.

And yes, I probably am those things you called me.

If I were you, I would take a step back, read these forums for a while and get a sense of what we do here. Most of us respect each other, and treat each other that way, albeit poking a little fun now and then. But a new member comes in flapping his wings saying longtime trusted members are idiots, and he's going to feel ganged up on. Such is life.

Nice 262 my 257s a dog compared to those.
the SHAPE of the outlet (which U can't see from the video ) combined with the height;width and LENGTH of the deflector allowed me to "tune" the output
Utter tosh. Define "Tuning"?

Tuning 2-stroke exhausts (and pulse tuning intakes and exhausts on all kinds of engines) is science that's been worked out for many decades. It is not possible to achieve any kind of resonance tuning in a can muffler of these volumes/lengths, all you can do to increase power is reduce restriction. There isn't any magic in the shapes, angles or locations of outlets at all, at least beyond practical considerations of not melting the case or burning things.
It proves 2sec cut times or under in 9" sugar maple with the 362cm Fabz equipped performance kit ... I will outcut your saw in the same wood 2 to 1 with my "unimpressive saw and hooked chain" ... wanna put your $$$ where your mouth is ? I just LOVE cutting heads boy !

It proves 2sec cut times or under in 9" sugar maple with the 362cm Fabz equipped performance kit ... I will outcut your saw in the same wood 2 to 1 with my "unimpressive saw and hooked chain" ... wanna put your $$$ where your mouth is ? I just LOVE cutting heads boy !
So, tell us about your engine blue printing option?