Looking for 12"-18" of snow

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Looks like we dodged that proverbial bullet...maybe 3" at the most.:clap:
Now what is the flooding going to do...:msp_scared:
its stoped here now. blowing snow will continue till tomorrow piling up good. snow level as of 11 am is 10" looking to see 4' drifts an its going to make plowing like hell... stll better the the danged rain!
Didn't want to do it, Wasn't going to do it, but I ended up having to blow the driveway out one more time. Drifts were about 3 feet tall. Right next to the drift, it was bare, but glare ice underneath. It's still blowing and snowing so will have to do it all over again, I would imagine. Got to love these last throws of winter!
These snows only serve to Pi$$ a guy off, and I have to tell ya, it works! :msp_mad:
About 4" on the ground when I got home at 1am, maybe another 1 1/2" since then. Had near whiteout conditions on my way home, 45 mile trip took 2 hours.

Good day for a snow day if ya got a long drive in the morning.

Wet heavy crap too, sticking to everything in sight. With this wind, I got a feeling MNRipper and the others will be right about trees down.

Aint no way I'm plowin this. If the car can't get outta the driveway, I'll take the truck. If the truck can't get out, I ain't going. I made it through winter without putting half my gravel in the lawn and I ain't gonna start now!

Lots of that :angry: white stuff here as well lately, and still going on......:angry: again!

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