Looking for a reasonable price for tree work(Central Maryland)

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Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
Did I ever tell you how much I appreciate the way you stay on topic. Warms my heart, it does.

I am on topic, the topic is diverse( like you need to be) the topic is tree work. Doubt me? Can't understand? Look I like ya, I want to see you shine, you picked a hard ball to toss and are tossing it. Just listen, don't desparage.
This happen when The Dan was a novice and has deep emotion for any poor bastard that might get caught in the same situation as I was with Scott. I don't think he gave a crap about anything but himself and when I jabbed myself in the eye and had to go to the hospital he seemed rather put out.
The guy thought he was king ####, I want to say he's not. To his face, again.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 24, 2008
This happen when The Dan was a novice and has deep emotion for any poor bastard that might get caught in the same situation as I was with Scott. I don't think he gave a crap about anything but himself and when I jabbed myself in the eye and had to go to the hospital he seemed rather put out.
The guy thought he was king ####, I want to say he's not. To his face, again.

Reminds me of my first boss in this game. Quite the knowitall jackazz, he was. Took 6 mos of that crap before I found a real tree service to work for. The fatty didn't even know what a climbing line was. Whenever I run into him now, he's still trying to give me "business" advice. If I would only smarten up and listen to him I could be bankrupt 6 times over and have half the equipment I do today!


Addicted to ArboristSite
Nov 24, 2007
West Central Wisconsin
That picture was awesome, I want to put that in my make believe portfolio. See here homeowner, this all the nice work I have done in the past, and here is you if you don't hire me, it should work.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 8, 2005
gdb-You go ahead on 'er buddy. Then we can say "told ya so" in that other forum here, its called "Arboricultural injuries and fatalities"


ArboristSite Operative
May 24, 2005
ddh, yeah, I know how much stuff costs,I also know that one customer shouldn't need to "underwrite" a large percentage of those equipment costs on just one little job. It's not like new gear is bought for each job and then retired,it all lasts quite a while and is capable of serving on many many jobs! The only way I'm gonna pay someone $300-$400 an hour is if they're a doctor that's saving my life or a lawyer that's keepin my as:censored: s outa jail ! Sorry if you're offended, if it comes to it, I'll rent a manlift and do it myself ! (a lot cheaper) I was interested in giving a working man a chance to earn more than he likely receives for his time, working for a company. The tree services around here all seem to have guys from W.Virginia working
for peanuts while they rake in big bucks. All anyone has to do is say yes or no,right?:) gdb

This is the type of customer I walk away from after giving a price and leave them standing in the yard by themself.... I agree this post should not be allowed and that he needs a good :buttkick: .
Climbing Cutter

Climbing Cutter

ArboristSite Operative
Aug 21, 2008
United States


ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 5, 2008
Maryland USA
There seems to be a misconception about what I am asking for here. I would however, ask that vicious attacks and name calling be reserved for people you actually know and that truly deserve it. I'm not trying to enlist someone to cut the estimates in half, just get it down some! To the W.V. guy, I have no doubt that you make more than I do, I also know that a lot of W.V. people are hurting for work and take less pay than they're worth! I don't have a lot of money,if I did, I'd gladly pay companyX whatever high price they demanded. If I did go the manlift route, I'd take my sweet time,use a small saw to cut pieces weighing no more than 10-15lbs. and let em fall where they may. Just because I can't/won't pay for one of your kid's semesters in college, there are still plenty who can/will. I've had numerous responses by PM from some that are interested,so apparently,not everyone has been outraged by my inquiry. The offer of food,drinks and beer was/is just a courtesy and southern hospitality,not to be calculated into the job's price. Is all this sensitivity really needed,I said it before, I'm sorry for any offense but LIGHTEN UP !!:)


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 11, 2007
Fenwick Island, DE
Since when did this site become the "Hey I need" site for the homeowner?

Last time I checked there was a homeowner forum, and the title of this site is ARBORIST site.

Sorry, just gettin into the spirit!

Hope no one here stoops below what their worth to help out a cheapskate.

My Two Cents.....


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
That picture was awesome, I want to put that in my make believe portfolio. See here homeowner, this all the nice work I have done in the past, and here is you if you don't hire me, it should work.

That would be none other than Mike ( no more last names, surprised i am still here) outta Parkesburg. He puts that pic in his propoganda. He says' This is not us". Thing is, on my first day out with his crew he says" Head down and pick up the forty footer".
He was one of those who knew everything ( well educated) but could really not perform... at all, ALWAYS looking to put anybody down and him up.
The Dan did a stint for kicks, made some friends, made the doubters stand back, smacked down some sticks and rolled one day at noon to go work at Haodleys outfit. I met Hoadley at a Wawa parking lot, He said," I'm John we do some hairy ****". I said " I am The Dan, lets go."


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 8, 2005
chocorua area
There seems to be a misconception about what I am asking for here. I would however, ask that vicious attacks and name calling be reserved for people you actually know and that truly deserve it. I'm not trying to enlist someone to cut the estimates in half, just get it down some! To the W.V. guy, I have no doubt that you make more than I do, I also know that a lot of W.V. people are hurting for work and take less pay than they're worth! I don't have a lot of money,if I did, I'd gladly pay companyX whatever high price they demanded. If I did go the manlift route, I'd take my sweet time,use a small saw to cut pieces weighing no more than 10-15lbs. and let em fall where they may. Just because I can't/won't pay for one of your kid's semesters in college, there are still plenty who can/will. I've had numerous responses by PM from some that are interested,so apparently,not everyone has been outraged by my inquiry. The offer of food,drinks and beer was/is just a courtesy and southern hospitality,not to be calculated into the job's price. Is all this sensitivity really needed,I said it before, I'm sorry for any offense but LIGHTEN UP !!:)

Your doing fine GDB...don't let these guys get under your skin.

I get a lot of my needs met by doing just what you're doing here. More often then not the skills needed to do blue collar work rest in the hands of guys that make $20 or $30 bucks an hour and not in the hands of the guys that want to charge $200 or $300 an hour. If you have decent insurance and an umbrella policy you have no fiscal concerns.

You're going to get thrashed pretty good on this site and you'll accumulate a few "red dots" but you'll probably get someone who will be more than happy to get 2 or three times their normal rate to do what they do every M-F.

Buy them a good brew...they're worth it.
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