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Originally posted by BigJohn
Good thing it takes more code than that to embed a (1.2 megabyte) video clip in a web page...  I'm still waiting for it to arrive so can't comment on it at this time (just now at 64% delivered, started 5 minutes ago).

Originally posted by glens
Good thing it takes more code than that to embed a (1.2 megabyte) video clip in a web page...  I'm still waiting for it to arrive so can't comment on it at this time (just now at 64% delivered, started 5 minutes ago).

It took two views before I could understand that comment and provide 1 post. Should I post twice to compensate?
Originally posted by BigJohn
Did I do something wrong? Is there a better way?

Yes there is John. You have to, along with all the rest of us AS members, change our ways of doing things to make Glen happy. If he would dump the AOL dial up and Windows 3.1 we could all get along much better. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tim Gardner
Yes there is John. You have to, along with all the rest of us AS members, change our ways of doing things to make Glen happy. If he would dump the AOL dial up and Windows 3.1 we could all get along much better. :rolleyes:
Sheesh. He would never use AOL or Windows 3.1. You're being out of line.

You can upload/attach video, but you can't make it play on screen using the [ img ] tags. It's much more involving, and Glen was just saying he's glad you didn't because it would take an awfully long time for Glen and all the other people on dial-up to load. Glen is right about broadband users only being half of the Internet users.
im gonna get broadband soon, certainly wont be using it to download videos though
at least not of trees;)
Originally posted by Nickrosis
Sheesh. He would never use AOL or Windows 3.1. You're being out of line.

Glen cries in every single thread about the size of attachments as though he does use them. I am not the only member that does not appreciate the way he insists that everyone else change to fit him. He claims he has great equipment and operating system yet he connects them to the rest of the world via dial up. If he cannot gain access to cable or DSL then maybe he needs to move out of Hicksville where they do have them and stop complaining. It is NOT my fault that Glen has a substandard connection.
Who do you think you are telling people you don't even know to take responsibility for the situations they have created for themselves. Don't you know that most Americans are finger pointing blame dodgers. Attitudes like your's will never get John Kerry elected! We need to find fault in others and give more to those that don't want to work. Glen doesn't want to pay for or relocate to get a broadband connection. We should all cease to utilize our broadband abilities and benefits until the rest of the world is up to speed. This is the great socialist way!

Remember to work hard, millions on welfare depend on you.

The dialup users need to accept that they are inferior on the net and for this reason will always be lower on the foodchain.

On Glens logic I shouldn't use the net to post anything, my Aunt can't access the net. I should post my info in a periodical or other advertising medium.

Why should I pretend I'm on dialup to make YOU happy?
Came through fine for me, AOl and windows Me with 56k dial up, took about 90 seconds to load, nice tree John, did you ascend to that point or walk out there from main?

come on ladies quit with the bickering....

im on 56k dial up one day will move up to 256 broadband.....soon.

its taken me 3 mins so far, i'll begin the download and read the post while it loads then watch it

I ascended into the tree working the top and sides as I did that limb. I came down and worked my way out cleaning as I made my way to the tips. I am not lanyard in or tied in directly above. If I was to fall my line wouldn't have done much. At an earlier station in the tree I did snap a small limb out but I did have my line up over a large sucker that caught me rather than slamming me into the tree. I will post my feet video next stay tuned it will be on in a minute.
Originally posted by BigJohn
Here it is no applause just send money.

I HAVE TO DO the move the hitch with the feet. I'm goint to start practicing.

BTW: to short, want to see more moves.


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