Municipal stump grinding specs?

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same here. the only details I get from municipal is an email telling me where the stump(s) are at and to go do it and here is your purchase order number. They will state they want the stumps removed either for a new sidewalk or replanting. If it doesn't state the reason it is for aesthetic purposes. If its for new concrete or replanting we use our own judgement. Aesthetic, just low enough for grass. The county doesn't know as much we do about stump grinding so they leave it up to our judgement and we haven't encountered any problems. All they know is they want it gone.

And this is a good system if all contractors were ethical. I get frustrated when the contractor gets paid to do a stump grinding replant, goes down 5" and fills the whole with grinding and a layer of dirt. When the planting contractor comes to put the tree in the hole it can't be done because the stump is still there although 5" lower. Now the city has to come back to regrind the hole that the contractor was paid for, or worse the contractor comes back and gets paid again to to the job. Not trying to blast contractors, I am one myself, but I believe they/we should be getting paid to do the job that was contracted for. Stump removal has some gray area that I suggested to my management should have some better specs in place to avoid a double payment. I have no problem with a contractor grinding down 5" and calling it a stump removal, that in my opinion would be a skim, just don't expect to get paid for a replant and I think there should be specs showing the difference.

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