My 23 Reasons...

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Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
... for burning about 5 cords of firewood per year. Here's my reply (I wrote all of this):

1) I have access to a "free" supply of felled tree chunks less than three miles away.
2) I need the exercise. (cut, split, load, unload, stack, and burn)
3) My cast iron stove is very efficient--nearly 80%.
4) I save $500 to $600 annually on my heating bill.
5) The whole house is warmer because the stove warms the floor too.
6) I can cook a juicy steak in the winter using a grill that I made for the stove.
7) Radiant heat is a pleasant change from forced air.
8) Occasionally viewing the fire is soothing and romantic.
9) A walkout basement makes it easier to bring in the wood.
10) The stacked wood supplies shelter from the snow.
11) I am using a fuel that is being thrown into useless bonfires at construction sites.
12) Operating and maintaining several chainsaws is an interesting hobby.
13) I enjoy helping my neighbors prune their trees and clear out ones that have died.
14) My workshop scraps make good kindling.
15) Ashes from the stove make ice on the driveway and sidewalks less slippery.
16) During a power failure, the wood stove still works.
17) I own a pickup truck, begging to be filled with firewood.
18) My dog often falls asleep close to the stove, totally relaxed.
19) Sometimes I fry breakfast on the cooktop using a cast iron skillet.
20) I split the wood with a friend, and it's work that we turn into fun.
21) The gas furnace doesn't run as much and thus will last longer.
22) Wood is a replenishable fuel.
23) The energy savings (income in kind) is not taxed by Uncle Sam.

So, there you have it. Did I leave anything out? Please advise and add to the list as you see fit.
My only furnace that has seen any work for 23 years is my wood furnace. The other one is soon going to be taken out, not very efficent.

My house is warm, problem is guest who do not have wood heat do not want to leave.

Renewable resorse in my woods and the deer and other critters like it.

:D. Al
I love cutting down an inferior tree.
I'd like to teach my son to be at least somewhat self sufficient.
I hate to add the 24th. It appears that my pin oak tree that I planted with LOML 30 years ago died suddenly. It had a full crown in December, 2017. Now it has no leaves at all. At least 47 feet tall, it's now as naked as a jay bird. Something destroyed it in about three months. Hosta plants that surround the tree are doing very well, but the tree has no leaves anywhere.
Pin Oak Tree4.JPG
So, I guess I have to add the 24th reason -- burning your own trees to heat your house whenever they die, even if it makes you want to cry. Bummer! :(
I hate to add the 24th. It appears that my pin oak tree that I planted with LOML 30 years ago died suddenly. It had a full crown in December, 2017. Now it has no leaves at all. At least 47 feet tall, it's now as naked as a jay bird. Something destroyed it in about three months. Hosta plants that surround the tree are doing very well, but the tree has no leaves anywhere.
View attachment 654033
So, I guess I have to add the 24th reason -- burning your own trees to heat your house whenever they die, even if it makes you want to cry. Bummer! :(
Oak wilt in your area? It's tearing up red oaks around here, at least white oaks have a fighting chance.
A day of processing fire wood sure beats a day @ work!!!!
Not when work is processing wood. We just get it done.

Once in a while have to ask my Mom if she dropped me as a baby, why else would I put in 80hr weeks for baloney sandwiches and Walmart brand soda pay! Haha
25. Running the stove sucks air from the house that is replenished by drier fresh air from outside, so the house is drier and i get no condensation on Windows etc and the air quality is better.
25. Running the stove sucks air from the house that is replenished by drier fresh air from outside, so the house is drier and i get no condensation on Windows etc and the air quality is better.

Have to use a humidifier here, gets to were it's way too dry. Rough on the skin, furniture, wood flooring, etc.
Oak wilt in your area? It's tearing up red oaks around here, at least white oaks have a fighting chance.
However, I have never heard of oak wilt knocking out a mature oak tree in less than four months. This pin oak tree had a full crown in December, 2017. Now it looks like this, totally leafless, and it did so in late April. The buds are hard as nails with no sign of life. Nobody has really figured it out, and that includes me.

The 15 hosta plants growing around it are all in great shape, so that rules out herbicide sabotage:
Pin Oak Tree3.JPG
These plants are thriving and now twice this size.