My other wood burner!

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ArboristSite Guru
Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
Tygh Valley,OR.
I mentioned that I would post some pic's of the stove out in the shop, no one has said anything, but like you guys, I enjoy seeing what y'all have and do? I have learned tricks and just good info from this site and let's face it, were all chomping at the bit to get out there and cut wood! I can't help with that, but I know I love to see your pic's, so here goes...<BR>
I posted my home stove before, here it is<BR>
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So, this is the shop stove...<BR>
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I have a bathroom exhaust fan behind the metal wall and it shoots right in the back damper for TURBO heat!<BR>
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Of course, the pool table and I know, it's a mess. It's been cold and to much going on this year, already!<BR>
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Just another shot of the table and the neon lights...<BR>
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The sound system! We do have alot of fun out there and yes, those are albums, Vinyl. I still collect albums and we listen to them. I prefer the sound from vinyl.<BR>
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Looking back the other way, to the door out to the house. That's the tool room, where the beer fridge is and the laundry room is in there to the left. It's heated, of course, so we keep paints and oils, oh yea, two Stihl chain saws too!<BR>
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Panning left, the full picture...<BR>
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I have to reply to my own post, you can only post 8 pic's per thread!...<BR>
Be back<BR>
Take two...

OK, just more shots of the atmophere...<BR>
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I'll get rid of my chain saws when pig's FLY!<BR>
OOPS, when two, pig's fly!?<BR>
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OK, if anyone was wondering, I know I love to try and figure out peoples name's, but why I'm K7NUT. It's my FCC call sign for Ham radio. It was my wife's idea, a few years ago the FCC's allowed operators pick there call sign, if it wasn't taken already, so she picked N7NUT and told me K7NUT was available, it took me a week to do it because I had the same call sign for 18 years, but this was just to good! So, were known as the NUTS of Oregon and I found this plate in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago and had to add it to our collection!<BR>
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Just a few more plates, I didn't show them all. But, anyone remember Coors Extra Gold beer? Alot of people I talk to have never heard of it? I liked it...<BR>
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OK, there you go, just a little fun to break up the bored'm until we can cut! What do you do for fun around the house? Not that, keep it clean, were ALL bored, show us!<BR>
Nice pics of the shop, and your stuff. Neat info on your vanity call sign, I have my Technicians HAM License, own a YAESU VX-5 HT. I use it when the weather gets bad to listen to the local storm chasers and local authorities reporting to the St. Louis NOAA office.

Have you ever heard of Huebler pool cues? Paul Huebler was a local master woodworker living about 25 miles from me. Paul's grandfather was a cabinet maker in Linn Missouri, the same small town that Paul setup shop in 1974 to make some of the world's finest pool cues. Paul was the youngest of eight children, had an interest in billards but do to an automobile accident at a young age, could not play. He worked for A.E. Schmidt Company in St. Louis as a national sales representative, then returned home and started Huebler Industries.
Nice pictures

Im just guessin but I bet alot of brew gets consumed in that man cave :givebeer:. How do you like your Blaze King? What model is it?
Love the cave, no way there will ever be a car in there, but plenty of relaxing going on.

Godparents were in Cove, OR. Used to work their pool for a $2bill every day or real silver dollars.

We had kids too soon to set up funville for adults, so it'll have to wait for a while yet.

Love the cave by the way.
looks good man. i got air hockey and a pool table in my cellar. unfortunatly the pool table is now a regular table. the air hockey gets used on occasion still. i used to have a #####in stereo setup i think i had over a dozen speakers including 4 10" subs :)

whats keeping the pool tbale from being used is i moved it aside to get my splitter in the cellar. i need a shed real bad that way i can get the mowers, log splitter, sand blaster, god knows what evse outta there.
Nice pics of the shop, and your stuff. Neat info on your vanity call sign, I have my Technicians HAM License, own a YAESU VX-5 HT. I use it when the weather gets bad to listen to the local storm chasers and local authorities reporting to the St. Louis NOAA office.

Have you ever heard of Huebler pool cues? Paul Huebler was a local master woodworker living about 25 miles from me. Paul's grandfather was a cabinet maker in Linn Missouri, the same small town that Paul setup shop in 1974 to make some of the world's finest pool cues. Paul was the youngest of eight children, had an interest in billards but do to an automobile accident at a young age, could not play. He worked for A.E. Schmidt Company in St. Louis as a national sales representative, then returned home and started Huebler Industries.

No, I have not heard of Huebler cues, but then again, we just play pool, not worrying about the tools. Thats awesome you got your Tech. start to use it and get to know the locals and always take an HT or have a Mobile radio in the rig when you go cutting. I feel sorry for people who think there OK if they have a cell phone and they have no clue about RF or how it works!?:confused:
Keep working up, the tests are getting easier, so work your way up to Extra like me. I'm no genius, trust me, I just say the opening and went for it! I can't say enough, take a radio when you go cutting and you will be miles ahead of the others!:clap:
Im just guessin but I bet alot of brew gets consumed in that man cave :givebeer:. How do you like your Blaze King? What model is it?

No, we drink dont that much beer!?
Why do you ask?
We are known around these parts and have had quite a crowd in the shop drinking and playing pool. We have a couch and a Silver Streak RV for people to crash if, IF, yea right! If they drink to much. We love it.
Blaze King, where do I find the Model#?
I have no idea?
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:clap::clap: love your man room! What's the longest you've been exiled to it by the ol' lady?
Everyone refers to the shop as a "man cave", It's just the shop and, oh yea, we play pool out there!
As far as your question, I'll take the 5th.
If you ever want to get laid again, you'll understand, next question!?:confused:
How do you do mulitpul post's?
I click on quote, but I see others have many quotes in there reply, how do you do that?:confused:
Use the " button next to the Quote button on every post you want to quote and then on the last one use the Quote button. They will show up seperated in the reply box.
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WOW, I must say I forgot CW! I took that test in 1985 and havn't looked back. I got my license for phone, 2m to be exact. But since then, I moved up in ranks, to Extra and have discovered 80m's and love it!
Sorry, the upper DAH and lower DIT is throwing me off and can not read your message.:mad: