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Thats pretty interesting listening to the FS spin it like they really went in and cleaned things up. First of all the Payette is the biggest joke in forest management. They don't tell you that they are one of a group of forests that are EXPERIMENTING with "Let burn" management. There is a more politicaly correct name for it, of course, but lets call a spade a spade. They have a vast selection of "oligists" that all know whats best for the forest, the conclusion is lock it up and let nature take its course. To bad the fuel loading is completely unatural. Its a terrible, terrible waste to see the all the land they have let burn up but the real slap in the face is to not salvage what was left over. All that remains from that fire is a completely unusable forest. The root structures are gone and its absolutely a Jack-straw mess.

I should go take pictures of another fire that wasn't far from that one. Its pretty interesting, you can actually see the property lines between the FS, State, and Private. The private went in and harvested everything that would make saw logs, the State did the same (although not to the same extint); both went in and replanted. Then there is the FS, the didn't harvest a F*ing thing.

Our little communities have gone from being funded by industry, to being funded by recreation. Largely in thanks to the FS. Now they're trying to cut off the reacreation, but thats another story.

I'll have to tell Randy I saw him on TV :popcorn: hahaha

Thanks for the post