New Firewood Friend

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Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Might not be related to firewood... but than again it might be.

I broke a chain couple weeks ago and couldn't find half of it in the deep snow.
We've had a lot of melting this week so last night I decided maybe I could find it... went out for a look.
Didn't find the chain but I think I found a new friend...

She was wet, cold, filthy and hungry... no collar.
Never seen her around here before, appears to be a dump-off.
Brought her home to the wife... who, of course, fell in love.
I gave the little vagabond a bath, warmed her up and gave her and some supper...
Only took about half-an-hour for her to make herself right at home.
She can't be more than a few weeks old by my guess.

Never would have found her if I hadn't lost that chain while cutting firewood, so I guess this has everything to do with firewood... Right?

You still might want to ask around and also see if she is micro chipped.

The Used Dog does not wear a collar all the time. He is micro chipped and also sticks to me and home like glue.

Looks like a good dog. :clap:
Yeah, I'll check around, keep my ears open.
But there isn't anybody close enough to me that puppy could have navigated that far in deep snow.
The neighbor said he spotted her in the morning, laying in the ditch by the woods... looks like she spent at least one night out in the cold.
This area, down along the river, has always been a hot-spot for dump-offs.
Probably take her to the vet this weekend if nobody comes a-lookin'.

We haven't introduced her to my 110 lb weimaraner yet... should be interesting how he (and she) reacts.
Bet that pup runs your other dog ragged. Gotta love pups they have two speeds dead stop or full steam ahead.
Cool find! Just make sure you call the pound, maybe even your local police dept. and let it be known you found a dog.

Wouldnt want some little kid to be upset because their puppy ran off never to be found. I know when my dogs ran off two months ago we didnt sleep until they were found. Its just a horrible feeling

Petty puppy none to less.
Good looking Brittany pup! Looks young, maybe 3-4 Months?
Got her puppy teeth still?

I'm a sucker for strays as well, and never met a hostile and mean dog that was lost, can't say the same for my own kind.

When you take her to the Vet to have her looked over, have them run the wand before you go to paying for vaccinations. Like Patty said, most dogs from the pound are chipped, and most reputable breeders will chip thier dogs as well.

She dosn't look too skinny or stressed in the pic, so she hadn't been running for too awfull long, and somebody might be heartbroken and looking for her.
If not, it looks like you're gonna need a new chair, as she has clearly claimed the house that one came in.;)

Spoil her a bit for us.

Stay safe!
Real cute! Great that you rescued her.

We rescued a yellow Lab just before Christmas. It was like yours walking around cold in the snow, and wind. I think they know when you save them, and will return the kindness 10 fold. Ours has been a great addition to our family so far. I hope you are as lucky as us.

Take care!
I will up the ante 3 chains. LOL I had brits for many years. Last one was a 54 lbs male,( no fat just pure spring steel) that claimed my daughter as his when she was brought into this world. Nobody messed with her as they had to answer to him, including her 2 older brothers. Fond memories of 20 years ago.
good looking purebred Brittney. we have one (our second) and they are awesome dogs. they do have a habit of thinking about what you are telling them to do and they will ignore you for awhile.
Might not be related to firewood... but than again it might be.

I broke a chain couple weeks ago and couldn't find half of it in the deep snow.
We've had a lot of melting this week so last night I decided maybe I could find it... went out for a look.
Didn't find the chain but I think I found a new friend...

She was wet, cold, filthy and hungry... no collar.
Never seen her around here before, appears to be a dump-off.
Brought her home to the wife... who, of course, fell in love.
I gave the little vagabond a bath, warmed her up and gave her and some supper...
Only took about half-an-hour for her to make herself right at home.
She can't be more than a few weeks old by my guess.

Never would have found her if I hadn't lost that chain while cutting firewood, so I guess this has everything to do with firewood... Right?


Things happen for a reason....what a sweetie pie Brit...gotta a name yet?:msp_love:
You my friend have a kind heart. Who can resist those eyes. She is precious. We have 3 rescued labs and have never had second thoughts about keeping them all.
Good job.
I called the sheriffs department... (closest town is 5-miles away)
Nobody has reported a lost dog (puppy), but they took the description and my number. They told me not to hold my breath waiting for someone to call, they didn't believe a puppy could just wander so far into no-mans-land this time of year. They told me what I already knew... the area of the county I live in is the perfect place for dumping unwanted pets.

The wife and daughter named her Molly... fine with me, it's just a name.
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Well, if Molly has any sisters wandering around you just let me know - got a real nice wood stove here that needs a pup laying on a rug in front of it. What soulful eyes.... :)

Was going to suggest Chainy as a name but see you already have one.
Funny thing about brits, They can be very trying while trying to train. Seems like they just don't want to agree with you, but then they turn about 4 years old and somewhere a switch flips and the light bulb glows bright. Smart as all get out and super quick in the field - nose, eyes, and ears working at the same time, escape artists also. I had so many great times with mine, or was it the other way around? Man I miss those pups.