Picks of a homeowner romoving his own tree

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What Would It Cost?


What would it cost to have a tree that big taken down by a professional arborist?

Maybe he just wanted to see what the neighbors had in their backyards from his birds eye view... :)


He lives in the neighor hood. He knows that we own a tree service. I didn't want to stand there and watch and make him feels really stupid. I figured he better consentrate on what he was doing.

What would it cost to have a tree that big taken down by a professional arborist?

Maybe he just wanted to see what the neighbors had in their backyards from his birds eye view... :)


We could of came in and just got it on the ground for around 350. There wasn't alot under it. You could of got to it with a bucket truck.

What would it cost to have a tree that big taken down by a professional arborist?

Maybe he just wanted to see what the neighbors had in their backyards from his birds eye view... :)


It would around 350 just to come in and get it on the ground. There isn't alot under it and you could get to it with a bucket truck.
It would around 350 just to come in and get it on the ground. There isn't alot under it and you could get to it with a bucket truck.

I live here in California and have an Oak tree up at my cabin that is easly 60' high. I need to get it trimmed to have mistletoe removed before it kills the tree. The tree is easly 100yrs old. Do professional trimmers base their prices for trimming on the height of the tree, or by what needs to be done to the tree? I will be contacting someone up in my area to do the work. Is there anything else I should be asking when I get a quote? Any infor you can offer is appreciated.

BTW I have a Westbend WARDS 820 with a 32" bar that I have rebuilt and use for cutting oak and madrone firewood. Bigger carb/manifold, elec. ignition and carbon reed valves. I've been working with Art Martin having him teach me how he sharpens chains. The guy is good...

I live here in California and have an Oak tree up at my cabin that is easly 60' high. I need to get it trimmed to have mistletoe removed before it kills the tree. The tree is easly 100yrs old. Do professional trimmers base their prices for trimming on the height of the tree, or by what needs to be done to the tree? I will be contacting someone up in my area to do the work. Is there anything else I should be asking when I get a quote? Any infor you can offer is appreciated.

BTW I have a Westbend WARDS 820 with a 32" bar that I have rebuilt and use for cutting oak and madrone firewood. Bigger carb/manifold, elec. ignition and carbon reed valves. I've been working with Art Martin having him teach me how he sharpens chains. The guy is good...


It kinda depends on alot of things. If the tree is out in the open. Nothing under it and main thing is if you can do it with a truck or have to climb it. How close to the house it is any powerlines by it. Lots of dif thing play into the price.
I'm no expert but... gotta say, this guy looks to be more than twice my age and looks like he is doing ok, by himself. Seems to know what the score is. Must have lots of free time, so might as well use it up and save some money. I say good for him.
I'm no expert but... gotta say, this guy looks to be more than twice my age and looks like he is doing ok, by himself. Seems to know what the score is. Must have lots of free time, so might as well use it up and save some money. I say good for him.

I would say there is easier ways to save money. Not worth getting hurt of killed over.
From my untrained eye, it looks like he is doing okay. No big mess, wood being stacked, and the wires look to be in the same place as the first pics. Thanks for the update.
From my untrained eye, it looks like he is doing okay. No big mess, wood being stacked, and the wires look to be in the same place as the first pics. Thanks for the update.

The power line are acually pretty fare away. They are acually on this side of the street. Just the angle makes them look closer.
Holy Cow

That is one nutty erector set he's got going there !!! Well i really can't tell the angles from the pics. Is that erector set attached all the way up the tree. Will he be able to block it down from the scaff? Guess my point is he starts blocking above his head he could have problems. Trost maybe you should give him a super cheap price or just be a neighbor and pull that thing over for him. Put it on the ground let him do the rest. Looks like there is room towards the road. One pie cut one rope, DONE. If there's room that thing could be on the ground in 15 mins. Save the guy a ton of time too. All n all looks like he did a good job, ( He's still alive ) and that sure is a nice saddle for a DIYer........... I just LOVE that erector set though !!!!!!!!! Oh and trost not trying to tell you what to do of course, it's just a thought.
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Man falls to his death from scaffolding while trimming trees

The TV news said that a branch he was cutting fell on him, knocking him from the scaffolding to the ground where he landed head first and died instantly.

The reporter called the people on the scene a "tree trimming crew", but I get the feeling that they were just some guys with scaffolding and a saw.

This is in Kansas i believe, but good lord i hope this isn't the same guy
Hey this guy knows something. He is wearing a saddle. Those chains are attatched to the tree in all the right areas for bracing against storms. Look at the two cut to branches directly behind him in the last pic. He cut under the branch and then from above. He knows something.

Yes he does (Know something)............. I'm just scratching my head wondering what it is? :confused:

Maybe he borrowed the saddle from a friend :hmm3grin2orange:

The saddle looks NEW though!
Hey...how bout an update? Did Bob The Builder get it figured out? Actually guessing he's a painter with internet access. I mean...you don't have to know what you're doing to see other people that DO know in action. (AS is a GREAT case-in-point scenario....) He's never done a tree this size before, but he's done some homework (books, internet, videos) and has what he thinks is a good set-up at his disposal. The sickecning part is that he has never had a tree service bid the job...he's just guessing that it'll be thousands instead of actually checking into it.

So...hey DIY guy. You go with yer bad self. I sincerely hope that you are well read and and have your lucky hat on REAL tight for this one. Just think....for $1200 you could have sat on the front porch drinking beer while those idiot tree service guys loaded all that firewood into a truck...
Hes got it down to a 12 ft stub. It took him awhile before he started cutting the bigger logs off. I think he must of had to think about it for a few weeks.. It wouldn't suprise me if he tries digging the stump out by hand. I will get some updated pics

Have any of you heard that jingle in the "Ricola" cough drop ad? I like to replace recola with "retarded" , because if that guy did that for 350 bucks, he is a short a few cards of a full deck.:jester:
hate to bring this back up but gonna, in pic 1886 this poor fella aint even using a chainsaw. Hes got a freaking reciprocating saw hanging from his saddle, if you look close you can see his cord. Man this guy is cracking me up