planter bed help

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Guy, I have no problem with saving stuff, heck it only gets to looking good after it grows out and fills in, but you know how it is, "If I cut that thing out, will you chip it for me too?"
answer, sure.
treeseer said:
How about Sunday the 31st. I'll need a break from the m.i.l. then. Do you have access to a trailer?

I'll trade you a willow oak for it. :)

Do you mean Oct 1st? I think that date is clear. I have a Nissan pickup. Will that work?

Also I have some boxwoods that are coming out too. Want them?
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Well, the pyracantha is out! It had girdled roots pretty bad, which was causing problems with it.

Here are some pics of the planter bed. New sugegstions? I am thinking a brick path through the bed to the front door. Some on another site suggested expanding the planter bed and putting in a pondless waterfall and some landscape lighting.

Here are some pics of the girdled roots. If anyone wants the large resolution pics PM me with email address.
"Here are some pics of the planter bed. New sugegstions? I am thinking a brick path through the bed to the front door. Some on another site suggested expanding the planter bed and putting in a pondless waterfall and some landscape lighting."

Good thoughts. I'd move the crepemyrtle to the back right corner of the back yard, to continue that row. To cover the wall, look at espaliering pear or other fruit trees.

Pleasure working with you, and meeting your cool posse.:cheers:
treeseer said:
"Here are some pics of the planter bed. New sugegstions? I am thinking a brick path through the bed to the front door. Some on another site suggested expanding the planter bed and putting in a pondless waterfall and some landscape lighting."

Good thoughts. I'd move the crepemyrtle to the back right corner of the back yard, to continue that row. To cover the wall, look at espaliering pear or other fruit trees.

Pleasure working with you, and meeting your cool posse.:cheers:

Good working with you as well! I am definitely going to move that crepe myrtle in front, probably the yucca too. The crepe will look out of place with the new plantings. Plus it would be good to let it be a tree, instead of a bush. Did you mean to put it back by that green power box? Later, Roger.
Just got the planter bed finished yesterday. Well, not entirely finished but closer. It looks a little sparse, but I will fill in with some other plantings at a later date. I will definitely be putting a Japanese maple in front of the hose reel. And I need to trim back the crepe myrtle bush a bit.