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Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
I didn't realize plowing snow was so exciting!

Thanks for sharing.:cheers:

Well, within 75 yards I am in 4th gear and in low loc... by 100 yards I am going back into 3rd trying to keep the r's up. This is in the red dump... its turbo charged. A few could happen so I try to stick it and hold my line but if I hit the oak it slows me down, sends me off track and cause me to stop... well stop going foreword that is. If that happens I drop the plow and put it in Nuetral ( stick) and down I go backwards. If I keep off the brake I can steer enough to keep it in the cleared path on thre drive but if I keep off the brake I go really fast, backwards, for 100 yards til I hit teh stuff I piled up at the bottom.
I was back there with the pickup and when I was slidding down backwards I went off and had to side winch it out of thre ditches on both sides. Boulders over there too. I used the comealong anchored to a tree lateral to the truck, cranked it tight then spun the tires to make it slip up back on the road.


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
Looks like fun, how long is Peabodies driveway? I thought you plowed with your F-150? Was it having a rest? About time you guys got some of that white stuff down there, we are tired of having it all! :cheers: Wheres Plas? Is he still buried under it all with his smart car?

I think its close to 400 yards. I used both trucks. Smart car, that's funny:greenchainsaw: I think his snowblower ate him


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
Great photos thing though - real men plow roads with an open cab skid steer instead of the toasty warm and dry cab of a truck. Plowing in the skid steer I like to see how long I can go before I loose feeling in the majority of my limbs and digits.

I think I am going to have to add a heater to "tiny" before next season.

One of the most exciting things about snow plowing is the $$$.

Have you considered a set of chains for your rear wheels? That will make the plow work a lot less exciting, but will pay for itself in one missed accident. I bought mine from

Yes, I am going to get a set of military wheels and chain for next year just for plowing.


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
lol...I always thought it was the equivalent to getting wisdom teeth pulled, the novelty wears off quick in my book.:)

That is the truth. One time, after putting this ladies front yard in her back yard with the dump truck, she calls me all hollering about it and ask me if I was drunk. I said, " Yes" The girls at the daycare love that story.
On this storm I had this one guy crying about the gravel on his lawn... well; What can I say? What was I supposed to do? Gravel? On the lawn? :dizzy:


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
lol...I always thought it was the equivalent to getting wisdom teeth pulled, the novelty wears off quick in my book.:)

No way! I had them yanked; slapped down a few hundred cash and the guy knocks me out and does all 4. The stuff from the operation made me feel lovely not to mention the prescription afterwards, no the teeth are easy, plowing is murder.
It was a good bit to get the F150 up to par. I put a flex-plate in it in the fall and did a bunch of general rudimentry repairs in the fall. the first snow the trans starts not shifting so it was in the shop getting the thing fixed under Jaspar warranty. They had to do all sorts of test and checks before they would put another trans in it. But they did and it shifts like crap too.
So I get it back to put the air bags in the front coils, grease the hubs, front axle seal ( I had to pull the front pinion for that) and more general rudimentry shots with a can of red grease. Got to keep those moving parts moving. Tailgate latch, shifter ( the 4x4 lever feels great now!)
That was before pushing any snow.
Peabody tells me stories of big loaders and tow trucks getting stuck up back there. I am going to be a hard bastard billing him. There is just no getting around the truth. Those people back there who live off of that gravel road know the value of a clear driveway. They are real good about clearing the gravel road, Blackshorse Rd.
The one guy who walked up to me when I was driving the dump truck came off as a kunt compalining about the gravel in his yard but most of the people know the deal and are happy as hell to see me roar up. Sure I was putting snow over by his place, I kept his mailbox clear as well as the road when I was done. They come down that gravel raod with one of those big road levelers that sends gravel up too... I didn't even break his fencey.. when I knocked on the guys door to tell him he could really kiss my ass that's what I told him. I asked my one client about him cause he was his neighbor adn told him what happened and that I was all pissed off. So he tells me the guys name and asks if I want a beer and I head off and knocked on the prick's door. He opens it , I say, " Hi, Dan is it? Well I don't really care to much about some gravel on your grass out there by the gravel road but I am a little irritated you bothering about it ( he was really bothering about it- here I am trying to keep my foot on the clutch and this guy is out the window making me promise to " do my best" with the gravel). "
So he starts yabbering something but I stuck my fingers in my ears and started to walk back to my truck saying how lucky he was to still have his mailbox cause I just crushed teh guys down the street. I started hollering about how all this snow is crippleing the region, people are in trouble cause of it and he crying about some dam gravel on his grass out by the dam gravel road.
The one other guy I plow up there is one of my old neighbors from here who just moved up there.
I am charging by the hour, rates start at 50 to 85. Peabody is 85 plus salt. I was up ther 4 hours winching the F150 out one night. I kept getting stuck but that guy hired me to clear it out so I did.

I see some Track Cats back there and some of the people have tractors and such. I tried to drive a Track Cat up a ssnowy hill and went sideways. I imagine I came down backwards in the dump truck pushing 25 miles an hour. I just tell myself to stay off the brakes and be sparing with the rudder.
I also back up the hill too. Just jam it up there. I don't make it past the top like that , it helps to clear the hill so I have some speed left once I crest and start into the deep stuff above. I go until I can't anymore while staying on the pavement. I still have the plow up but there is a mound in front, I am sitting on snow and sstill going up so I am not going anywhere. I dig and salt the area right behind the truck at this point then I had a solid take off point to start slamming from and I can get back it and be safe.
I don't salt the hill on the way in unless I am stuck on it. Once I am all the way in I clear the turn around and push the long drive to the bottom. Peabody tells me there where guys who tried to plow up the hill. No way on the steep part but if its not deep I can low loc up with the plow down but it don't make much sense and its harder on teh pavement.
All in all we had a record snowfall, least that is what Peabody says. Over 3 feet easy not counting drifts. What a #####!
Last edited:


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
I guess some would think its not construed as a good business practice to knock a guy's door who is neighbor of one of your clients and tell him off for getting in your face BUT not me.
I mean I did think about it before I did it. I thought about any negative repercussions that could fall on my business, the guy could have called the cops ( but I wasn't doing anything illegal). I just had to let the guy know my feeling on the subject. If anyone doesn't know the feeling of walking away from someone and hollering " I can't hear a dam word you are saying.Can't you see I have my fingers in my ears?" then I think you don't know what you are missing.
Feb 19, 2006
Western upper peninsula
No way! I had them yanked; slapped down a few hundred cash and the guy knocks me out and does all 4. The stuff from the operation made me feel lovely not to mention the prescription afterwards, no the teeth are easy, plowing is murder.
It was a good bit to get the F150 up to par. I put a flex-plate in it in the fall and did a bunch of general rudimentry repairs in the fall. the first snow the trans starts not shifting so it was in the shop getting the thing fixed under Jaspar warranty. They had to do all sorts of test and checks before they would put another trans in it. But they did and it shifts like crap too.
So I get it back to put the air bags in the front coils, grease the hubs, front axle seal ( I had to pull the front pinion for that) and more general rudimentry shots with a can of red grease. Got to keep those moving parts moving. Tailgate latch, shifter ( the 4x4 lever feels great now!)
That was before pushing any snow.
Peabody tells me stories of big loaders and tow trucks getting stuck up back there. I am going to be a hard bastard billing him. There is just no getting around the truth. Those people back there who live off of that gravel road know the value of a clear driveway. They are real good about clearing the gravel road, Blackshorse Rd.
The one guy who walked up to me when I was driving the dump truck came off as a kunt compalining about the gravel in his yard but most of the people know the deal and are happy as hell to see me roar up.
The one other guy I plow up there is one of my old neighbors from here who just moved up there.
I am charging by the hour, rates start at 50 to 85. Peabody is 85 plus salt. I was up ther 4 hours winching the F150 out one night. I kept getting stuck but that guy hired me to clear it out so I did.

I see some Track Cats back there and some of the people have tractors and such. I tried to drive a Track Cat up a ssnowy hill and went sideways. I imagine I came down backwards in the dump truck pushing 25 miles an hour. I just tell myself to stay off the brakes and be sparing with the rudder.
I also back up the hill too. Just jam it up there. I don't make it past the top like that , it helps to clear the hill so I have some speed left once I crest and start into the deep stuff above. I go until I can't anymore while staying on the pavement. I still have the plow up but there is a mound in front, I am sitting on snow and sstill going up so I am not going anywhere. I dig and salt the area right behind the truck at this point then I had a solid take off point to start slamming from and I can get back it and be safe.
I don't salt the hill on the way in unless I am stuck on it. Once I am all the way in I clear the turn around and push the long drive to the bottom. Peabody tells me there where guys who tried to plow up the hill. No way on the steep part but if its not deep I can low loc up with the plow down but it don't make much sense and its harder on teh pavement.
All in all we had a record snowfall, least that is what Peabody says. Over 3 feet easy not counting drifts. What a #####!

Ok maybe yer right, perhaps i should have said getting yer teeth kick out and a good step on top of the head with yer jaw on the curb. where I live I get an average of about 50 inches of snow a month through the winter. I would rather get kicked in the face once a month then plow snow. its usually the toothless people that plow snow here anyway and now i know why. here its a realy hard racket. stay safe:cheers:
Feb 19, 2006
Western upper peninsula
That is the truth. One time, after putting this ladies front yard in her back yard with the dump truck, she calls me all hollering about it and ask me if I was drunk. I said, " Yes" The girls at the daycare love that story.
On this storm I had this one guy crying about the gravel on his lawn... well; What can I say? What was I supposed to do? Gravel? On the lawn? :dizzy:

lol I have a county snowplow do my drive way, wanna talk about moving lawn, I have a ####en permanent burm at the end of where the plow stops, it just gets bigger every year. some day i will make a killing on selling top soil!


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Feb 2, 2008
Long Island n y


Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
Ok maybe yer right, perhaps i should have said getting yer teeth kick out and a good step on top of the head with yer jaw on the curb. where I live I get an average of about 50 inches of snow a month through the winter. I would rather get kicked in the face once a month then plow snow. its usually the toothless people that plow snow here anyway and now i know why. here its a realy hard racket. stay safe:cheers:

There are many different type of outfits running plows around here ranging from having teeth and nice new trucks to not.
Mainly my plow customers are my good clients with the trees. I really just stick to them and I seem to be making thr right money I suppose. Sure a few tree guys also run plows of course.