Prayers please

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You're a great dad still praying but let me tell you something that's one tough little man right there he is ten times stronger then me dealing with what he has gone through.
A good friends young son got 2nd and third degree burns about a year ago on his hands and parts of his face and now you can hardly tell. He has almost no emotional scarring, other than being more careful around fire. Young ones are tougher and heal way better than us old farts. It hurts us more to see them like that than they do it seems sometimes. Prayers and thoughts to him, you and your family. CJ
Praying for a speedy recovery and strength and comfort to the family. I watched as my 3 year old fell off his trike and his hand went into the fire. As a father you only wish that it could have been you in his place but we can only learn from the experience. So glad to see the recovery pics and the smiles you post. Today my son is 35 years old and has been a volunteer fireman-medic for the last seven years.
Friday morning update.
Waiting to go to the OR this morning to get all the dressings changed and staples removed. They will be putting casts on both his legs so he can't bend them, bending could tear the grafted skin loose.
If everything looks good and the grafts are taking well, we should be going home tomorrow.

Thanks again to everyone for the prayers and kind words. It means a lot.
Hope the worst is behind him and things continue on a quick recovery. I know it's been tough on you too. Hang in there.
Another update for you guys.
All your prayers are doing wonders for my little man. Thank you everyone. He came out of his procedure with flying colors. Surgeon said he couldn't be happier with the progress Wyatt has made. "Better than text book"
Looks like we are headed home tomorrow.

Right back to NERF wars
Glad to hear that your son is doing better! After an incident like that it is always good to see a smile on their face. Something about that smile lets you know everything will be ok, but he will stay in our prayers for a speedy recovery.

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Good to see the little man smiling, How were the Doctors who helped your son, they always seem to up their game when dealing with children I've noticed.