Repair leaks in tarps?

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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 9, 2005
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I have a bunch of leaky tarps due to neighbor's cats climbing all over them and making small holes.

Tent seam sealer will not cut it, I'm looking for something I can spray on the entire tarp.

Anyone know of any products which will work?
WD-40 helps them turn water.

Male urine around the pile helps deter cats. It marks it as yours.

I've heard coffee grounds will help deter them also. Fresh ones from the can not used grounds. The grounds stick to the fur and the cats despise the taste of it when 'grooming' themselves. So they avoid places that have a strong smell coffee.

I suppose heavy coffee drinkers might have the best luck at marking territory. :dunno:
new tarps from Harbor Freight are not that expensive , thanks for reminding me , I need to go get some today
I,m using a swimming pool cover someone threw out at the dump. It was still like new. Put that over the wood first then place your tarp over that . Green looks better in the yard than the blue pool cover. Attach round ball 8 oz fishing sinkers with tie straps to kee it from blowing off.
I got a bunch of steel siding from the demolition dump it covers the top of the wood better than a tarp. A tarp seems to hold in a lot of moisture, sometimes I think it drys the wood faster being left uncovered than covering with a tarp.
I bought one of those tarps (old billboard sign) sold in the link provided above by myzamboni. Very heavy duty, no cat is gonna damage them. The heck with those cheap store-bought tarps, those things never make it for more than 1 season.
ihave used bundle wraps off lumber buncks from a lumber yard they last a long time when they get torn up thow themthe ones i got where 10 by 14or longer and they where free
How to declaw the neighbors cats

The glue that you're gonna use to hold the patches in place will also hold the cats.............
try tear mender works on jeans its a fabric and leather repair adhesive i found it at tsc for repaing canvise tarps
try tear mender works on jeans its a fabric and leather repair adhesive i found it at tsc for repaing canvise tarps

I use that stuff to fix holes in my jeans. It is a latex base, however, so if you are trying to fix the hardware store plastic tarps, it may not work.

My wife can't stand me using it because I can patch jeans forever. :clap:
Duct tape will do for rips and tears for a year or so. Most tarps deteriorate in a couple of years due to UV...then they're worthless for waterproofness. We've learned the hard way replacing cheaper tarps. Google for HD boat tarps ( we use white ones ) that come in sizes up to 100' x 100'. Expensive, but the 40' x 40' tarps on the boat have l;asted for 3 years now with only wind and snow load tears because I didn't cushion the sensitive areas on the boat enough.
Then again, it's time for a real woodshed if you're heating with wood. Cheaper and easier to get firewood you use.