Sad day in Maine...

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You just need to learn how to sharpen a chain properly. I'm sure there are a few fellas here who'd be willing to teach you. :potstir: :msp_razz: :popcorn:
Here is a big ole' beast in my front yard.........

Not many like this one around, great firewood, have fun splitting this one!!!!!

View attachment 244645


Definitely a highly valuable hedge apple tree.
Leaning away from the house I hope... It's a biggun... Trimming on those is a never ending job too... They just keep sprouting shoots out of the trunk and main branches... But they're tough and can take it...:rock:
Yeah, it's leaning pretty much away, but that wood is dense and hard. If it produced apples, it would have been cut down a long long time ago.

The house was built in the 1830's, we have an old sketch of the house, it doesn't show the tree.
A huge silver maple on the banks of the androscoggin river, 26'4" around, was found toppled the other day. The tree, estimated to be 390 years old, had its roots compromised by recent flooding. Based on circumference alone it was the biggest maple in the U.S. When factoring heighth and branch spread into the equation a tree in Pulaski Kansas takes the honor.
I don't know how to do links but the article is in today's Bangor Daily News. Amazing... to me. Russ

Im thinking Pulaski, Kentucky. BFT - big ####ing tree