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I will never understand this drug test BS.
If an employee is able to function, and if they aren't you should be aware either way.

This is still the United States of America, and what somebody does in their FREE TIME is none of your business if it does not affect their job performance.

50000 people a year die in auto accidents
1/2 involve alcohol.

What part of being an employer makes you think it entitles you to enforcing medical procedures that may or may not be reliable on a potential employee?

Whats next? DNA testing to assess potential future illnesses in order to lower your health insurance rates?

This country has become a nation of people unable to mind their own G-D business.

I grew up in a day when NO ONE took drug tests.
Now kids at Blockbuster cant wear earrings and get fired if they get caught with THC in their bloodstream.

Tolerating drug tests is invasive and tyrannical.

Either you can do the job, or you can't.
I will never understand this drug test BS.
If an employee is able to function, and if they aren't you should be aware either way.

This is still the United States of America, and what somebody does in their FREE TIME is none of your business if it does not affect their job performance.

50000 people a year die in auto accidents
1/2 involve alcohol.

What part of being an employer makes you think it entitles you to enforcing medical procedures that may or may not be reliable on a potential employee?

Whats next? DNA testing to assess potential future illnesses in order to lower your health insurance rates?

This country has become a nation of people unable to mind their own G-D business.

I grew up in a day when NO ONE took drug tests.
Now kids at Blockbuster cant wear earrings and get fired if they get caught with THC in their bloodstream.

Tolerating drug tests is invasive and tyrannical.

Either you can do the job, or you can't.

My dad is 56 Years old, never drinks, and has never touched a drug above Aspirin in his life...He had to take a full blood test etc prior to starting a job last year. It's common procedure now to nip the bad ones in the bud FIRST, before they get hired.

After they get hired, you have insurance to worry about, liability, the possibility of them bringing drugs into your shop, etc. The liability of them using drugs and getting hurt on your property.

There are enough good clean people willing to work out there, Ill let the druggies and drunks go elsewhere.

Ive talked to my dad boss (customer of mine) and she told me that yo uwould be shocked how many people apply for nursing positions, yes NURSING positions, and fail the drug test. She said that out of 10 good people that pass the oral interview, and have good refs...about 2 will fail the drug test. These are RN's and Nurses assistants,

She said that she has had a couple in 20 years actually show up drunk, not drunk out their minds, but tipsy. If you drink before an interview, imagine what they will do AFTER they start working.:dizzy:

I agree, what someone does in their free time is none of my business, unless it is alcoholism, or drug use. At that point, I make it my G-D business. If they want to self destruct, thats fine, their meltdown wont be funded by me.

You grew up in a day when no one took drug test...and thats fine, I envy you and the time in which you grew up, I WISH drug tests were not even something I had to consider, but unfortunately....

But really, if you are not using drugs, you dont have anything to worry about...right?
But really, if you are not using drugs, you dont have anything to worry about...right?

It is that mentality that is most frightening.

Read that statement, then read the constitution.
Drug tests "are" unconstitutional and should be banned.

If you are not a terrorist or spy, then you have nothing to worry about..right?

Random house searches and wiretaps are the same thing.
RED-85-Z51;729658 I agree said:
This makes no sense, how can it possibly be "thier" "free" time if its your business? I was told that workers in an industry here in Canada were drug tested because of some new policy. Lots of long term employees failed, so many that they quit testing, probably just pot, which is pretty common, and despite years of propoganda, not that big of a deal. I have never been drug tested, I don't use, I don't drink, haven't for many years now, but its none of anyone elses G-d business.
My dad is 56 Years old, never drinks, and has never touched a drug above Aspirin in his life...He had to take a full blood test etc prior to starting a job last year. It's common procedure now to nip the bad ones in the bud FIRST,
It's tail gunner Joe McCarthyism in modern times or the Salem witch hunts reincarnated.

As to the test,I've never failed one yet because I don't do the stuff but I still feel it is an invasion of a persons rights.Further more the tests are not infallable,they do have flaws in them.

Nobody seems to protest because it's the "right " thing to do.As far as I'm concerned it falls under the constitutional rights of unlawfull search and seizure.
Having been involved in a family business for twenty years, we never had a drug test (auto repair business), but it was made known that if you come into work drunk, high, tripping, etc, we will be loading your tools into your truck, and you are not employed here anymore. We did not have this policy to start off with, but when one employee came in after smoking a joint, he proceeded to burn up a Chevy Nova with the torch. He did not watch the flame path. When it is your own business, and your insurance rates go up because someone else believes in better living through chemicals, your opinion usually changes.
It's tail gunner Joe McCarthyism in modern times or the Salem witch hunts reincarnated.

This is a bit harsh, but I agree that to some extent it is a bit invasive.

But the problem isn't the tests as much as what is driving them. LIABILITY!! Everyone in business has to be concerned about being sued. Lack of a drug policy in itself would increase your exposure to one of these stupid suits.

We got sued because some schmuck slipped and fell at a local bakery. My partner was there at the time having breakfast, and his plow truck was parked outside. (personally owned, not one of the company trucks). Somebody said he was the guy doing the lot, (he wasn't), so they sued our company along with the bakery. Of course it got thrown out, but once your dragged in, you have to play. Thank God our insurance company defended us and it didn't cost us anything.
I've thought a lot about drug testing and my conclusion is this: when there is great risk to be had to others working on a site, I don't want my coworkers high or out of it because they were high several hours before and are still a bit out of it. When I walk next to a 600 lb steam line (you ever seen or heard one of those suckers burst?) or a truck that is fully loaded with concentrated sulfuric acid, or near a hydrogen-fed reactor that's operating at 6,000 psi, I want to know that humans in the best physical and mental shape possible welded, drove, engineered, and/or assembled these things. Until someone can determine in real time whether or not someone is flying while at work, then I can live with lifestyle deterrents that these drug policies enable. If I or someone else doesn't like it, I or they have every right to quit the man and go find another job (not all jobs test for drug usage).

I haven't thought much about how drug testing relates to saw shops, but I could imagine there may be some safety considerations. My point is that there are places that I feel that they are a good thing, despite what I may or may not think about "witch hunts" and what not.
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Now don't take what I said the wrong way.I don't agree with any usage of drugs,alcohol or any thing that deters the judgement related to the work place,safety being the main concern.I fully understand the liability issue.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out if a person is juiced up or wacked on something .In the old days I've sent a few of them down the road,counting pole insulators after a warning of showing up smelling like a brewery or eyes that looked like bb's.One warning,payed off and down the road the next.

As a general foreman at the time,my A$$ was on the line with what went on at the work place.What went on after working hours however was not as long as the residue didn't spill over .

Now,you can call me a 60 year old hippy masquarading in redneck clothing but I still believe in basic human rights .What doesn't affect anybodies safety is none of mine or anybody elses business.
okay, so If you are an employer, and someone takes a drug test, and fails miserably, you would still hire them?

Id rather find out now, and not hire them, rather than find out a month after hiring.

Again, if you arent breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about...just pizz in the cup and be doen with it.

I would assume that all who are opposed to drug testing are also opposed to cops administering a Breathalyzer test? You dont HAVE to take the beath test, but you will be taking a ride downtown where you WILL be forced ot take a breath test. Or you can take it, and deal with the consequineces NOW, rather than later..

No SOBER person has ever objected to taking a voluntary breath test...:)
okay, so If you are an employer, and someone takes a drug test, and fails miserably, you would still hire them?

Id rather find out now, and not hire them, rather than find out a month after hiring.

Again, if you arent breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about...just pizz in the cup and be doen with it.

I would assume that all who are opposed to drug testing are also opposed to cops administering a Breathalyzer test? You dont HAVE to take the beath test, but you will be taking a ride downtown where you WILL be forced ot take a breath test. Or you can take it, and deal with the consequineces NOW, rather than later..

No SOBER person has ever objected to taking a voluntary breath test...:)

Like I said, that mentality is what is really scary.......

With drug tests, there is no "failing miserably". A trace amount can fail you
and if you "fail", even though it was from a genuine prescription, you must
go to great lengths to "prove' your innocence.
My forefathers fought to protect me[us] from tyranny, and for me to enjoy freedom, and I do not wish to give it away to any silly buthead that is
convinced his way of living is better than mine, and I am a criminal, and I
am going to hades. {Some call it a Kaiser blade...mmmm...............}

But when some Reaganite dufus wishes my kid to take a piss test,
just to go to grade school, I get a little testy. Whether this ahole is telling me to buckle-up, not smoke, drink, or jerk-off, I really do not care.
I do care that some Reaganite dufus feels he has the right to legislate anything to anyone, as that is just pure wrong.
The law would come against you if you asked questions about race, religon
etc., but you must provide bodily fluids to prove that you are compliant with
the "accepted norm"?
That is not acceptable.
Just as if you screened applicants whether they worshipped "Allah" or not.

It is funny about the "buckle-up" crap in our state, it was they same year
the reppealed the motorcycle helmet laws.

Now that is some logic.

They also cracked down on passengers in the bed of trucks.

This is a topic that is quite volatile, as our rights are something many people have died for.

In a "perfect" world, we would not be allowed to smoke, drink, have
extra-marital relations, enjoy a good "innocent" table dance, pick our nose
while driving over railroad tracks, put extra salt on our fried chicken,
only enjoy soy products, and do only whatever the current nazi controlling
group would allow.
Only bear 1 child, no ????ography, not stay up late on a weeknight, do not
mind that camera in the house.
If you are not guilty, then you have nothing to worry about!!! Right????!!!

That kind of bu ll **** is what is the most frightening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I said, that mentality is what is really scary.......

With drug tests, there is no "failing miserably". A trace amount can fail you
and if you "fail", even though it was from a genuine prescription, you must
go to great lengths to "prove' your innocence.
My forefathers fought to protect me[us] from tyranny, and for me to enjoy freedom, and I do not wish to give it away to any silly buthead that is
convinced his way of living is better than mine, and I am a criminal, and I
am going to hades. {Some call it a Kaiser blade...mmmm...............}

But when some Reaganite dufus wishes my kid to take a piss test,
just to go to grade school, I get a little testy. Whether this ahole is telling me to buckle-up, not smoke, drink, or jerk-off, I really do not care.
I do care that some Reaganite dufus feels he has the right to legislate anything to anyone, as that is just pure wrong.
The law would come against you if you asked questions about race, religon
etc., but you must provide bodily fluids to prove that you are compliant with
the "accepted norm"?
That is not acceptable.
Just as if you screened applicants whether they worshipped "Allah" or not.

It is funny about the "buckle-up" crap in our state, it was they same year
the reppealed the motorcycle helmet laws.

Now that is some logic.

They also cracked down on passengers in the bed of trucks.

This is a topic that is quite volatile, as our rights are something many people have died for.

In a "perfect" world, we would not be allowed to smoke, drink, have
extra-marital relations, enjoy a good "innocent" table dance, pick our nose
while driving over railroad tracks, put extra salt on our fried chicken,
only enjoy soy products, and do only whatever the current nazi controlling
group would allow.
Only bear 1 child, no ????ography, not stay up late on a weeknight, do not
mind that camera in the house.
If you are not guilty, then you have nothing to worry about!!! Right????!!!

That kind of bu ll **** is what is the most frightening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

X2, Don't lose what made the U.S. great, the right to be free.
You have the right to refuse the drug test. And I have the right to refuse you service. You have the right to refuse a Breathalyzer, and the state has the right to revoke your driving privileges. How is that for freedoms?
You have the right to refuse the drug test. And I have the right to refuse you service. You have the right to refuse a Breathalyzer, and the state has the right to revoke your driving privileges. How is that for freedoms?

Priviledge...exactly. You are ALLOWED by the state to drive on the roadways. You are given a group of rules to abide by to maintain the priviledge of driving.

Break the rules, lose you priviledge, Simple as that.

Drugs are AGAINST THE LAW, Being a Buddist isnt.

DUI on your way to work is AGAINST THE LAW, being black isnt.

You cant compare things that are legal with things that arent.
Please dont confuse our American Freedoms, with "other freedoms"

Go to a Comminist nation, I am sure you will learn to love your "restrictive" American Freedoms, which are the ones Our Soldiers die, and have died to protect.

If We dont have Laws to protect our people from themselves, we would be living in a State of Chaos.

Legalize Weed, sure
Lower the drinking age to 12, Sure
Lower the legal age of consent to 14, Sure
Anyone can drive, insurance isnt required, and there are no laws...sure

You all may want to live in such a society...but I think that doing so would be a slap in the face to those who fought and died to protect our constitutional Freedoms as Americans.

I disagree with your characterization of president Reagan.

If Red doesn't like pot heads--- I doubt pot heads like working for him. Maybe they will appreciate the heads up.

If you can't take a month off to get a job then I don't believe you are not addicted.


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