Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Mainewoods, I've been gonna make one for ages but never got around to. I'm amazed how good it works and how quickly you can pull wood out. So much easier than the log yanking the back of the Steiner around this way the arch takes the punishment. I'm thinking I'm gonna build a few more but gonna skip the winch setup. It was handy but to time consuming for most of the logs. The woods are hilly enough that I can just put chain on a log, drag it to a hill then shorten the chain to suspend it and then hike for the landing, park over a small hill and unhook chain. Push log up with blade and head for the next one.
I got a small trailer load from my grandparent's place this weekend, I would be in a great position if I lived closer to them. It was all small stuff, fallen trees and big limbs that he had skidded up to a corner of his field.

They have more dead standing than I could cut in a year, but they are just shy of 300 miles away. I'm talking with my dad, probably going to haul his compact 4x4 over there, cut log lengths, and haul log length loads home...just got to feel out how much I could take at any one time. A single layer of decent logs on an 18ft trailer would probably be pushing my limites (10k pounds).
Pulled up to the scrounging area this am & look what some dumbass threw away. That's right, red oak splits already a month or so seasoned. Some people are just ****ing rediculous. It's mine now! View attachment 349034
They guy must have been moving and needed the wood out of his place. No reason why anyone would throw away split wood otherwise. But it's got a better home now ;)
I've been making a list of drive-up scrounge wood near my hunting cabin and so far I've conservatively estimated about 12 cords on the ground and another 5 standing dying/dead. What I don't cut for this year's supply (only need about 3 cords), I will plan to haul home a load each trip during hunting season so I won't have to invest any $ in transportation costs.
Yesterday, I did a little firewood scrounging myself, and cut down a VERY nice white pine that made a 28" by 16.5' saw log, along with two other firewood logs. One is oak, the other is the top to the big pine. The tree's had been damaged by high winds.

Sure glad I can pull doubles! It allows me to get all my scrounged wood in one trip!


and here's the load of oak and pine firewood I cut from the same site,


Looks like i'll be splitting firewood soon!

They guy must have been moving and needed the wood out of his place. No reason why anyone would throw away split wood otherwise. But it's got a better home now ;)

Maybe, but the same thing happens many times every year. I sharpen my chain, gas up the MS390, head to the scrounge spot, and somebody did all the work for me and threw away split wood.
I made myself a promise a few years ago when I found out how easy it is to find free wood. Ya, it take a lot of work, but it sure is fun I think. The promise was that I will never buy firewood. Here is a few pics of what I got from one property in one day. And a pic of my 2003 Chevy trailblazer loaded with logs. Not even crouching.IMG_20140504_195045_736.jpgIMG_20140504_195101_269.jpg IMG_20140504_195743_568.jpg
Cleared a road to the back end of my woodlot and found a nice clearing where the neighbor had his land logged 4 years ago. For some reason the loggers dropped a bunch of oak trees and left them. I counted 22 down with the tops intact. Being the good neighbor, I asked if he wanted them or not. He didn't want them, so the old Dodge skiddah is about to get a good workout. Couldn't pass up 4 year down, oak. They most likely would have laid there and rotted, as my neighbor had no idea they had been left there. He is elderly, they are half way up on the mountain, and he hasn't been up there in years. Another example that it pays to ask, instead of assuming the answer will be no and not trying.
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