Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Feb 27, 2002
se washington
Got the release from the Doc today. 1 hour ride to and 1 back to spend all of 3 minutes with him to say "no restrictions". I was going gto go cutting afterwards but got the notice that the sprocket for the 210 saw was in so a 40 mile roundtrip to get that installed and do a bit of shopping. Back to cutting tomorrow!!

Fire took off this afternoon and the stack thermometer was in the red, stayed there for 3 hours before it went out. First wheen I got up from a nap and found the fire out - clean firebox. 76 in the house. I'll probably light it off before I go to bed at 2am. First time since since lasst Nov that I haven't had a fire going.
farmer steve

farmer steve

outstanding in my field, 5150
. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 8, 2013
Stihl, PA
It's gray sky, 3" of snow, and 57% humidity here, more chill than we're used to. Been inside almost all day. Able to indulge nostalgia.

Went digging today in my photo drawer for some bicycle stuff (we're having that discussion elsewhere on the site) and came across documentation of one of my finest endeavors. This ewe lost her lamb(s) and the calf had no mother (I bought him at auction). The arrangement in view did not come easy. The calf was plenty willing, the ewe not so much. A few wrestling matches later I made sure he could feed. But she weaned that devil over time.View attachment 901251
Unless someone has raised sheep they wouldn't really understand that pic CB. Pretty cool ya got the old girl to let it nurse.


Compulsive scrounger
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 14, 2016
Vic, Australia
Another bonfire pole scrounge this arvo. It is a nice spot to spend a bit of quality time after work.

15th Apr 3.jpg

Mother Nature gave me a nice show on the way out. I took one shot of the danger ranger and one of the silver lining. If my phone wasn't 9 years old, it might have managed both at once, thus cutting my picture posting time by 33%.

15th Apr 1.jpg

15th Apr 2.jpg

Oz Lumberjack

Oz Lumberjack

ArboristSite Member
Jun 18, 2018
@cowboy253 I got up to your part of the country last week. You certainly have some beautiful scenery. Went to Beechworth and Bright.


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Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 2, 2009
I’ve contemplated about what is the bare minimum saws one needs? How long does a saw last in your stable? I have 6 and want to thin a bit

I think so long as you have a well functioning, dependable saw, and fires on the first few pulls, it doesn’t matter who’s name is on the side. Just thinking out loud.
I’d say bare minimum is 70, that’s what I have now. How long do they last, I measure that in decades. The 68 Homelite XL 12 I posted video of a couple weeks ago, has me convinced it’s time to get rid of my MS 290. It’s hard to keep that many saws running. I’m lucky if I can keep 10 running at a time.


Living Life to the Full
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 5, 2014
Yes, you post new links. The problem is thery are all the same "It's a conspiracy!!"
So everything I say is a conspiracy, but if I'm right, that makes everything everyone else has said that's pro the experimental jabs wrong lol.

It amazes me how quickly a bunch of folks I've really looked up to will give up so many of their rights for the promise of freedom that we already have.
Many so they just might survive this horrendous virus that's killing so many people, all the excess deaths. Meanwhile the MSM is only reporting how many have gotten the jabs and cases, not hearing anything about the deaths anymore, wonder why, I guess the jabs fixed it :laugh:.
LOL. Oh man, great reply lol. Gold star
So much for staying off that topic ;).
I've got the woodshed over half full now for 22/23 season, I've heard rumor we will be having winter then:laughing:.
Funny, J&J just shut down their vaccine, well the CDC did, so safe and effective :rare2:.
Oct 19, 2009
It amazes me how quickly a bunch of folks I've really looked up to will give up so many of their rights for the promise of freedom that we already have.
The only liberties that any of us have lost is the ability to visit our favorite AS thread and be able to talk openly about everyday life without having conspiracy theory garbage shoved in our faces on a daily basis, ad nauseam.
Meanwhile the MSM is only reporting how many have gotten the jabs and cases, not hearing anything about the deaths anymore, wonder why
We both know that the switch in coverage has everything to do with shedding positive light on the new president and nothing to do with the virus itself. But I guess that doesn’t fit YOUR narrative.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 2, 2009
It’s all need and want. When Steve passed through a few years back, I got down to 12. How long has that been Steve? I got back up to about 90, then gave a bunch more away. I found an old dealer that had a garage full of big saws and bought 19 from him, $10-$20 each. Several were good runners, all were over 70 CC’s but one, five were over 100 CC’s. My major source of entertainment is auctions. I found a running Poulin Super 68 with a 31” bar on it for $40. Hardest part was finding a loop of 1/2“ chain. Farm auctions are good places to find saws. Terrible places to find axes. The axes are usually beat to death from being used as a wedge, or a sledge to drive a wedge. I bought a Super EZ the only thing wrong was so much Honey Suckle wrapped around the clutch it was locked up, and a Super XLAO that the fuel tank bolts had backed out and locked up the flywheel. 2 bucks each. I don’t have a pile of parts saws, and I don’t call a handle or cylinder a saw. All of my saws are complete, maybe less bars.

When it really comes down to it, my kids hit the nail on the head. They said, “Dad, you sent us to school so we can make enough money to BUY our firewood, not have to MAKE our own”.

So, if you are not in a related business, you don’t need any saws, you just want one.

I use my buddy’s quote, “ I’m not greedy, I just want one of each.”
Oct 19, 2009
It’s all need and want. When Steve passed through a few years back, I got down to 12. How long has that been Steve? I got back up to about 90, then gave a bunch more away. I found an old dealer that had a garage full of big saws and bought 19 from him, $10-$20 each. Several were good runners, all were over 70 CC’s but one, five were over 100 CC’s. My major source of entertainment is auctions. I found a running Poulin Super 68 with a 31” bar on it for $40. Hardest part was finding a loop of 1/2“ chain. Farm auctions are good places to find saws. Terrible places to find axes. The axes are usually beat to death from being used as a wedge, or a sledge to drive a wedge. I bought a Super EZ the only thing wrong was so much Honey Suckle wrapped around the clutch it was locked up, and a Super XLAO that the fuel tank bolts had backed out and locked up the flywheel. 2 bucks each. I don’t have a pile of parts saws, and I don’t call a handle or cylinder a saw. All of my saws are complete, maybe less bars.

When it really comes down to it, my kids hit the nail on the head. They said, “Dad, you sent us to school so we can make enough money to BUY our firewood, not have to MAKE our own”.

So, if you are not in a related business, you don’t need any saws, you just want one.

I use my buddy’s quote, “ I’m not greedy, I just want one of each.”
Joe I would have been at your house the Saturday after Presidents’ Day, 2018. So over 3 years now.

Those Super XL’s provided life to many of their brethren and I learned a lot about that family of saws working on them.

I’m still regretting selling that 1050 when I was down with Lymes. Hopefully another will come along eventually. In the mean time I get my Homelite fix running my 925.

I was down to about 4 saws before you gave me those 10 or so. Was up to well over 100 before I jettisoned the load this spring.

Still owe you and Clarence a beer at some point. I may have to do a road trip at some point and hit up my saw buddies out East.
Oct 19, 2009
I’m definitely CAD positive and will buy nearly any running saw I come across if the price is right so it could be sold for a profit if needed down the road (I do not do this to make money). OTOH I only pay top dollar for a minty saw (like my couple of 2 series) that I’m planning on keeping in my stable for the long haul.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 2, 2009
Anyone else having trouble loading posts, especially with pics? I’ll hit post and the green bar will start moving across the top of the screen like it’s thinking. Come back half hour later, the bar is gone, and the post still didn’t load. Hit post again and the bar starts again, then double posts? Only doing this on AS.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 2, 2009
Anyone else having trouble loading posts, especially with pics? I’ll hit post and the green bar will start moving across the top of the screen like it’s thinking. Come back half hour later, the bar is gone, and the post still didn’t load. Hit post again and the bar starts again, then double posts? Only doing this on AS.
Oct 19, 2009
Anyone else having trouble loading posts, especially with pics? I’ll hit post and the green bar will start moving across the top of the screen like it’s thinking. Come back half hour later, the bar is gone, and the post still didn’t load. Hit post again and the bar starts again, then double posts? Only doing this on AS.
The site gets slow as molasses every morning at 7:10am central and is all herky jerky for about an hour. Not sure why but always 7:10 on the nose.

I usually drink my morning coffee from about 6:55 to 7:15 each morning and am perusing posts when it locks up.


Living Life to the Full
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 5, 2014
The site gets slow as molasses every morning at 7:10am central and is all herky jerky for about an hour. Not sure why but always 7:10 on the nose.
Fine now, but wouldn't load about 10 minutes ago.
Its been bad for a while now for me at random times throughout the day, click on another site and it goes right thru.
The only liberties that any of us have lost is the ability to visit our favorite AS thread and be able to talk openly about everyday life without having conspiracy theory garbage shoved in our faces on a daily basis, ad nauseam.

We both know that the switch in coverage has everything to do with shedding positive light on the new president and nothing to do with the virus itself. But I guess that doesn’t fit YOUR narrative.
You can talk about it as much as you like, as can I.
I'm still waiting for an answer as to what specifically is a conspiracy theory, I've posted plenty of links from the CDC and use their own numbers.
Regardless of which "germ theory" you use we are in contact with viruses most the day or all day, its part of life here. The most important thing we can do is to boost our immune system and thats what I support, not sure how that's a conspiracy.
The only conspiracy posts I recall came from others(see above post) including you in regards to tracking and your face not swelling up(which has actually happened and I feel its rude to joke about that). The tracking device is currently your phone, but the industry has been working on chips since prior to 2010 at MIT, here in Michigan they had legislation that would have stopped employers from requiring people to be chipped. There were chipping parties up in your great state at a particular employer where people where getting chipped, they really liked how easy it was to get "food" out of the vending machines lol. But I don't think I brought that up or posted a link, but I can if you'd like, or you can call that a conspiracy theory too.

I don't doubt that has some effect on the coverage, but the fact that we have more cases now than in the spring of 2020, but substantially less deaths is not being reported and the fact that there are less deaths should fit into the narrative your speaking of quite well. What will take place is that even though the deaths were already falling off prior to the experimental drugs, the narrative you will see is that the drugs eradicated the disease. Its my belief, and many others that the effects of such experimental drugs will have a more damaging and longer lasting detrimental impacts(much like the lockdowns) than the disease its self. I guess that's a theory, and your entitled to your theory that says the jabs are safe and effective.
I don't see a problem with you having a theory.


Chainsaw Enthusiast
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 25, 2006

(1) if you stay off sites like this.

(1) limbing, (1) bucking, (1) felling saw, plus (1) chainsaw-on-a-stick (pole saw), if you want ‘the set’.

Spare saw(s) ‘for parts’, if you have older stuff.

One or two that were ‘just great deals you could not pass up’.

Then the corded electrics. And the battery saws. Etc.

Anything else is just showing off.
