So everybody who climbs in a leg strap saddle spends their whole day getting their balls crushed and are too stupid to realize if they switched to a bosun seat saddle, that all of a sudden life would be great?
Yea, that's basically it, only without the sarcastic edge.
Probably not 'everybody', and you don't spend all day getting your balls crushed; just annoying moments. Maybe after a few good footlocks you have to stop and pull a strap down out of your crotch. If you have to do this ONCE, you will eventually have to have done this thousands of times.
And most often it is not a ball-crusher, but rather an uncomfortable pressure, or a pinch. See, with leg strap saddles, most all of the support comes from the attachment of the leg straps to the saddle. That simply means, without argument, that when you weight your saddle the bands around your thighs take most of the forces. As long as gravity is functional, and you're moving upward against it you have opposing forces, like your mass against those leg straps.
Of course, maybe this may just be a reality for me.
Anyway, on ANY saddle, your support comes from beneath, and the back strap is to keep the system balanced- unless you bust horizontal moves and you'll feel the forces then becoming shared by the back strap, or if you go inverted, you can make it so
all the weight and support is on the back strap.
But for the most part, when a climber weights the saddle almost all the support comes from the leg straps. I'll share more details, but for now, is what I'm sharing realistic?
I don't want to 'promote' any one saddle or style or brand or whatever. I'd like to point out the plusses and minuses. We can then have legitimate information and make informed choices.
This false notion of a bosun saddle limiting your motion is what you hear from guys who have never used one. A casual comment, based on assumption, cast out there to our readership can be believed as truth by the reader. I'm not playing favorites, but I will take a stand against misleading or inaccurate information.