sharing "wood"

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about a month ago a guy i know wanted me to help him cut a few cord of firewood to sell (he wanted to go 50/50 using all my equipment granted he split it and hauled it an 8th of a mile to his house) so i thought this a fair deal and i didnt mind helping him out, anyway after i bucked about a cord and he had about 3 peices split i took the maul from him and finished it up while he "went back to the house to use the bathroom" then he gets back and helps me load his truck up and we dump it at his house. okay im a little irritated at this point as im doing the majority of the work, so the next time we go out i cut for about and hour and i got a bunch of rounds bucked and he is whining about how he cant get any help moving the rounds to a better splitting location (he is 6'5 320 pounds) and i have been throwing the rounds his direction to get them out of my way (im 5'8 170 lbs) and on top of that i have been splitting as much as him while im bucking as well. so i tell him to stop being a whiney #####, and he then proceeds to threaten to make me walk out of the woods and 4 miles back to my house with my chainsaw, splitting maul, wedge, bar oil and gas and files. so i proceed to ask him whether he wants his teeth knocked out of his head (was further irritated considering i had just given him 4 gallons of gas and 2 qaurts of oil for his truck after he only drove out two loads, using my wood rack) so then he proceeds to get in his truck and starts leaving and keep in mind im fairly furious at this point in time to i tell him to get out of his truck so i can kick his ass, so he just sits in his truck,so with my steel toed boots i put a melon sized dent in the side of his truck ( then he gets out) and trys to tell me i owe him 50$ for his dent so i tell him if he doesnt shut his mouth and drive me home his heads gonna be thru the windsheild. then like the puss he is he complys then i get my truck go up there and haul out two loads of wood (my share) and then he claimed i stole the wood, like i should have cut it for him for free. oh at one point he tried claiming i was doing all the easy work running my saw :) thats around when i snapped.
Very interesting thread....

From my own personal experinces with friends/neighbors on this subject has taught me that how the split goes depends on the circumstances as many of the previous posts elude to.

Here are two examples:

Back when I first bought my place and couldn't spare the time to cut/split firewood for sale (as I do now) due to trying to clean up old fence rows, leaning trees into fields, and in general making the place more suitable for farming, it was less work for me to cut the offending trees down, limb them up and drag them near the driveway where a friend from work would come with his truck/trailer and cut up the trees into rounds and take them back to his place to be split. So, I did the work of getting the trees down and ready for him to make firewood out of as it was less work than cutting them completely up and throwing them in the burn pile just to get rid of them. Basically, he got free wood, I got the tree out of the field, and it was a reduced work load for both of us.

Another situation involved me having to widen out the road leading into my place which is by easement across one neighbors land that is immediately bordered by another neighbor. Luckily, both neighbors are "good folk" so there was no problem in making the changes as long as I paid for the dozer/hoe work and the new gravel on the road. On the one neigbors property that has the property line running right next to the access road there was a steep bank (almost a cliff) with an old fence and about 20 trees on it that would need to go to make the improvements. So, the deal was that I would cut the trees, limb them up, and pull them up near his house so he could cut the wood for his 85 year old father's wood stove. So, everyone was happy with the outcome: Both myself and the neighbor who owns the land I have an easement through got an upgraded access road and the other neighbor whose property line borders the road got firewood (with reduced work for him) and a landscaped, seeded, gently inclined bank with grass that he can now mow and upkeep as he sees fit.

So, again, the circumstances between the parties involved (both past and current) should dictate the split, at least in my opinion.