Simonized saws.

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No offense, Simon may be the best sandpaper spinning engine builder in the world. I just thought that doing so in open forum was always frowned upon. I know he can get his own forum subcategory...But There are other engine modders who most likely are more qualified saying less. I guess that the GtG will decide that for the most part.
You know I'm gonna call you out and be rash/harsh/(A ####)

Quite frankly I don't f-ing like you (thats just me)...But I don't think many other people are taking a liking to you either. You are quite frankly representing yourself very poorly to your potential friends on this sight by poking fun at someone you do not even know. Also possibly about a work saw build that is made (in my opnion as more of a fun look what he did instead of a who has the biggest sack!). The equal to what you seem to be doing to me more or less is coming into someone business post and speaking ill of them to possibly clients for no good reason.

You wanna know somethin.....I got a lot of respect for Simon's for taking this with the best face, I would not for sure. For that I alone I say I am happy to be working on a deal to buy a saw that he modded. The person I am getting this saw from is quite reputable and described in detail all the things that were done to this saw and it sounds like something I would happy purchase and use.

If you would like to flame this be my guest but remember I got a PM box for a reason so you can at least not trash this guys thread anymore with your spam
Maybe Im over reacting, maybe its my time of this month...but this isn't so cool
You know I'm gonna call you out and be rash/harsh/(A ####)

Quite frankly I don't f-ing like you (thats just me)...But I don't think many other people are taking a liking to you either. You are quite frankly representing yourself very poorly to your potential friends on this sight by poking fun at someone you do not even know. Also possibly about a work saw build that is made (in my opnion as more of a fun look what he did instead of a who has the biggest sack!). The equal to what you seem to be doing to me more or less is coming into someone business post and speaking ill of them to possibly clients for no good reason.

You wanna know somethin.....I got a lot of respect for Simon's for taking this with the best face, I would not for sure. For that I alone I say I am happy to be working on a deal to buy a saw that he modded. The person I am getting this saw from is quite reputable and described in detail all the things that were done to this saw and it sounds like something I would happy purchase and use.

If you would like to flame this be my guest but remember I got a PM box for a reason so you can at least not trash this guys thread anymore with your spam
Maybe Im over reacting, maybe its my time of this month...but this isn't so cool

Actually, Scott's been around a long time. He was a sponsor at one time. There's a lot more to the story, but that should suffice. Why he's dissing on Simon is beyond me.
there is only one class,and its a work saw class. hence the saw being used all day by the guests at the gtg. it will be timed and will be video'd first thing in the morning and that will determine the 5 cut winner. then the saws will be ran by the guests and they can vote for their favorite. so you will have the actual fastest timed saw winner and the saw that most people would like to own winner. they may be the same saw,they may not be the same saw. i keep telling people dont send a race saw to a work saw event becouse it might not make it through the day. builder beware,you better have confidence in your skills to build an all day long work saw.
I see how you are--sounds like an excellent ploy to get a bunch of firewood cut. :hmm3grin2orange:
LOL...Scott I keep you as a favorite seller just so I can watch your video on ebay and get a chuckle from time to time. You've always been a nobody trying to be somebody and I see it hasn't changed. When you become somebody come back and chime in.
. The equal to what you seem to be doing to me more or less is coming into someone business post and speaking ill of them to possibly clients for no good reason.


I mean no disrespect to you or any sponsor. I thought that the sponsors had their own forum for threads like this.

Could you imagine if every sponsor would run a thread like this in the chainsaw section, and keep bumping it? I think the information value of the site would greatly diminish, and thus the advertising value for all the other sponsors would as well.

Simon, I apologize for speaking to this in your thread. Sometimes I shoot to quickly. Hope you can forgive my impulsiveness.
No big deal Scott, if I had a dime for everytime I had to engage in a "less than gregarious" discussion on this site,...
Having said that, if I built you a saw and you paid for it and it was a POS, ....then you can call me out in public. I don't mind friendly banter, it keeps the site fun, but in the future please refrain from unwarranted outbursts. Apology accepted.
Simonizer eh?

"Wax on, wax off"

My bro used to wax his '40 Chrysler with that stuff, man was it hard to get off, but it would gleam like a black pearl when he was done.
Looks like a used Simonized 372 has made it's way into the hands of TheChainsawGuy, it is listed on Ebay right now. I did not pay attention but there may even be a video attached.
O ya dave, I bought one from him :hmm3grin2orange: He had told me about them about a week or so ago
If this guy says it runs good, it does I have bought from him before and been very happy

I will have to agree. TheChainsawGuy is the man who has owned and sold just about every monster sized cc chainsaw that has ever been built, though I have NEVER seen him describe any saw as being "scary fast" before.