Snakes: Be careful out there!

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First of all...

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes, etc. I had no idea this thread would take off like it did. Y'all are really a fine bunch! I brought her home from the hospital yesterday, her leg is still swollen really bad, black and blue from her toes up to her butt. She showed me how it happened, snake was laying beside the railroad tie that is the edge of the raised bed, and she must have stepped on it. The doc also verified before we went home yesterday that she got bitten twice, lower bite must have been the warning strike, main bite was slightly above it, fang marks 3/4" apart, was big daddy or mama, whichever. Also, as well as there being a possibility of a severe allergic reaction to the antivenin, it costs around $25K for each shot! She is going to be off her feet for a while. I usually see only one copperhead a year, but I can count on seeing one of them, plus the yellow jackets coming out after the Fourth of July...that's my weakness, bee allergies. She won't let me post a picture of her leg on is kinda gross looking, but I certainly don't want to get hit myself. Thanks again to careful out there!!
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes, etc. I had no idea this thread would take off like it did. Y'all are really a fine bunch! I brought her home from the hospital yesterday, her leg is still swollen really bad, black and blue from her toes up to her butt. She showed me how it happened, snake was laying beside the railroad tie that is the edge of the raised bed, and she must have stepped on it. The doc also verified before we went home yesterday that she got bitten twice, lower bite must have been the warning strike, main bite was slightly above it, fang marks 3/4" apart, was big daddy or mama, whichever. Also, as well as there being a possibility of a severe allergic reaction to the antivenin, it costs around $25K for each shot! She is going to be off her feet for a while. I usually see only one copperhead a year, but I can count on seeing one of them, plus the yellow jackets coming out after the Fourth of July...that's my weakness, bee allergies. She won't let me post a picture of her leg on is kinda gross looking, but I certainly don't want to get hit myself. Thanks again to careful out there!!

Wishing your wife a fast recovery. If the snake is still around, hope you can kill it :mad: .

$25K for a shot? Is that $25,000? Man, I hope you got good insurance! Its hard to believe that any shot would cost that much, but then again, look what health care cost now a days! I had a large rock fall on me a couple of years ago, broke a couple of ribs, tore the lining of my lung and ended up in the emergency room. I saw the bill that our insurance paid, $135,000!
Glad your wife is okay! Tell her Avalancher wishes her well!
When i had chickens running around the yard they caught and ate a bunch of coral snakes,they fought over them:laugh: It was pretty funny to watch.
Does anyone know of an all black snake that is poisonous? I had one latch on my boot last year in a woodpile. He was 5-6 ft long and some pretty good fangs on him. He hit my heel and hung on for dear life. I dont know if he was poisonous, but he sure scared the ####ens out of me!!

I think you'd know by now!:D
Some folks say that "dog days" are in August and that snakes are blind during this time.I have noticed that snakes really are the most aggresive in late July and August.I was fishing a couple years ago,just walkin along the river bank.I had my tackle box in my right hand.I walked by an ol elm snag and heard somethin that sounded like a 20 gauge shotgun goin off,and felt a big jolt.I looked back and saw a 6 foot black snake coiled up by the snag.It had struck at me and hit the tackle box.I pride myself on my ability to control my bowels ,and I was never more proud than I was that day.We have copperheads and timber rattlers here,and Ive been told that the few hoop snakes we have are poisonous.A hoop snake is a sight to see,it actually rolls like a tire after its prey.Pretty common in northern KY and the southern part of WV.Lots of people will tell you that black snakes get aggresive because they bred with copperheads,but it aint true.Poisonous snakes have live young,non poisonous lay eggs.I will leave a garter snake alone,but all the others are fair game
Some folks say that "dog days" are in August and that snakes are blind during this time.I have noticed that snakes really are the most aggresive in late July and August.I was fishing a couple years ago,just walkin along the river bank.I had my tackle box in my right hand.I walked by an ol elm snag and heard somethin that sounded like a 20 gauge shotgun goin off,and felt a big jolt.I looked back and saw a 6 foot black snake coiled up by the snag.It had struck at me and hit the tackle box.I pride myself on my ability to control my bowels ,and I was never more proud than I was that day.We have copperheads and timber rattlers here,and Ive been told that the few hoop snakes we have are poisonous.A hoop snake is a sight to see,it actually rolls like a tire after its prey.Pretty common in northern KY and the southern part of WV.Lots of people will tell you that black snakes get aggresive because they bred with copperheads,but it aint true.Poisonous snakes have live young,non poisonous lay eggs.I will leave a garter snake alone,but all the others are fair game

First off many myths occur around serpents the hoop is not poisonous
and does not roll to get prey. The whipsnake does not whip you they
are just fast. Some poisonous snakes do in fact lay eggs and in truth
black snakes give a nasty bite as well as; many non poisonous snakes
and can in fact, make you sick or even die from infection. The king is
the best snake to have in your yard, as it feeds on other, including
poisonous snakes. Two reptiles not to get bit by in our country are coral
and the gihilla monster spelling wrong, one bad azz lizard.
I hope your Wife gets better soon.
We have lots of Garter Snakes around here, and every time I see one, it gives me a shiver down my back. Growing up here on the Farm, my Sister and I as kids, would be playing out side, and when She Would See A Snake, She Would Let Out The God Awfulest Scream, that would send shivers down your back. Then I'd always play the hero, and kill the poor thing.
After she turned 15, and got her Gun Safety Course, and Hunting Licence, if she would see one, She'd go in the house, and get the 12 Gauge, and blow it to smithereens, of coarse, after her scream. Bruce.

Well, I've been off work since last Wednesday, taking car of the Missus, not enough time to get on here...laundry, cooking meals, etc. I'd make a good wife if I ever decided to have a sex change! She started to improve some Thurs./Fri., went downhill on Sat. and took her back to the hospital on sunday morning, foot got infected, they gave her 2 IV bags of antibiotics. She is still pretty much immobilized, foot still throbbing. I did manage to bag the snake on Thursday. My in-laws were up for a visit, we walked out to the west end of the house to show them where it happened, and lo and behold!...there it was in almost the exact spot where Mama got bit. I got everyone out of the way, broke out the old shotgun, chambered up some 00...blew the head and the first 3 inches of the snake off, peeled most of the body like it had a zipper. Turns out this was a female, loaded with 4 babies, about 3 inches long, almost ready to come out. The head/3-inch piece was still trying to slither away! She goes to the doc on Thursday for a follow up.
and, I'm still looking for it's mate, haven't seen anything. On the positive side of this "vacation" I had, I canned 21 qts. of homemade salsa, picked/froze around 150 ears of corn, got the OWB tie-in piping almost finished.:clap:
Well, I've been off work since last Wednesday, taking car of the Missus, not enough time to get on here...laundry, cooking meals, etc. I'd make a good wife if I ever decided to have a sex change! She started to improve some Thurs./Fri., went downhill on Sat. and took her back to the hospital on sunday morning, foot got infected, they gave her 2 IV bags of antibiotics. She is still pretty much immobilized, foot still throbbing. I did manage to bag the snake on Thursday. My in-laws were up for a visit, we walked out to the west end of the house to show them where it happened, and lo and behold!...there it was in almost the exact spot where Mama got bit. I got everyone out of the way, broke out the old shotgun, chambered up some 00...blew the head and the first 3 inches of the snake off, peeled most of the body like it had a zipper. Turns out this was a female, loaded with 4 babies, about 3 inches long, almost ready to come out. The head/3-inch piece was still trying to slither away! She goes to the doc on Thursday for a follow up.
and, I'm still looking for it's mate, haven't seen anything. On the positive side of this "vacation" I had, I canned 21 qts. of homemade salsa, picked/froze around 150 ears of corn, got the OWB tie-in piping almost finished.:clap:

Glad she has someone taking care of her put out some sulpher
and mothballs they are supposed to help!
Well, she atarts back to work today...finally have these pics to share...copperhead no match for #00 buck from my trusty 12 ga.
Last update

Well, the wife went back to work two weeks ago, can finally wear shoes now, pain is all gone, nerve damage not permanent. She will be going to see a plastic surgeon sometime after the first of the year to repair the scars. I showed her this thread, and she says thanks to all of you for your concern and support, as I do.
heres the one that didnt get away !!!! this was the first one we got around the house we leave the black snakes they keep the copperheads in check we got rattlers in our area but lucky have not seen any around house we grew up in the mojave desert so were snake aware so are the kids..