Stihl Magnum, details please

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firstly let me say im sorry you got injured dude ,but by heck you were lucky .
it amazes me that a number of you guys on here dont wear chainsaw boots or even class aor c chainsaw trousers ,overhere in the uk they are a compulsory item for any chainsaw user . i know some of you guys work in very hot climates but id would rather sweat some more than be in the back of the ambulance . so once again sorry you got hurt and take care in future , regards paul:cool:
Sorry to hear about that Rob:( Get well soon so you can push, push in the bush again!!!:angel:
Originally posted by StIhL MaGnUm
Hey whats up Erik ,

Yup thats one way to look at it I guess .. I definetly redifined the meaniing board foot.. But yeah I'm doing alot better now atleast so thats good..Cant wait to get back into the woods I know that much for sure : ) So are you going to the Expo at the end of the month ?? I'll be there Saturday but I dont think I can make it for Friday.. If your going look for the Tall guy wearing a Timberjack skidder hat who walks with a limp and has his hot blonde fiance with him .. That will be me Hope to see you there man


felt good to be back in the woods monday, too muddy this winter to get in the woods. I know what your feeling.

Id buy some kevlar boots if they made some that wasn't like a big rubber boot type.

Make them like my whites and ill buy them
Jim, what do you think the Stihl boots are made of??:rolleyes: The husky's are also good.
They just look like a big rubber boot and are clumsey(sp) as hell when trying to walk through brush, Ive got a pair. Size 11 1/2.
Not to mention they offer no arch support or comfort.
Sorry to hear about injury, hope recovery goes well. Another reminder of how dangerous this biz can be and how quick an injury can occur. Be careful !!!
I Was running a BIG older poulan one time (not mine, don't know what it was) when I was still inexperienced at running a saw. I was limbing a trunk that was suspended by a bobcat and I under-estimated the weight of the saw, it hit another limb and came to visit me with an attitude. Cut into the visor of the ball cap I was wearing within 1" of my head. That was my wake up call.

Well wishes to you during your convalescence.

Really Sorry to hear about the accident. Hope the fast healing continiues.
Reading about it makes me try to stay more aware of my surroundings and looking out for potential problems or accidents I may cause myself, in the course of cutting.
Well I know one thing now that I need a new pair of boots I think it's time to step up and buy some Matterhorn or other boot with Kevlar.. The boots are alot cheaper than my hospital bill that I got today my little incident cost $10,227 thank god for insurance. Well thanks again fellas

WOW Rob, I`m sorry to hear about your injury, that really sucks. I hope that you are atleast being nursed back to health by your girlfriend to take your mind of it.

Here`s to a speedy recovery and thanks for sharing the details so that maybe someone else may be spared from the same type injury.

BTW, it`s good to see you posting again.

Double ouch!! Jim, the stihl Pro Marks are leather and have multiple layers of kevlar and engatex in them. They are very comfortable, I'm on my second pair now.
Thanks Russ , yeah the women is taking good care of me thats for sure :D . It's good to be back I missed this place and talking with all you guys ! I'll be around more often thats for sure. Well keep intouch
sorry to hear of u accident. . just be sure and take enuff time .. dont be jumping no 5 ft fences with that little blond u mentioned,in u arms..good luck:)