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City Slicker Hacker
May 8, 2015
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Update: Good news I got a memeber comming out to help, so help is no longer needed per the below.

Hey Guys, as some of you know I had quite a few trees to clear a few months back when I started on my new property in Winchester VA. Well now (about 8 weeks later, and thanks to a lot of help from Marc) I have got pretty much all but 1 tree left to cut.

The issue is I was informed (by someone much smarter then me when it comes to cutting) not to try to do this tree with my echo... and I, being one to listen to sound reasoning, decided I will throw this tree on here for someone to possibly help me with.

The tree is about 70 feet tall and has an approximate 26" base. This tree has little to no leaves and is most likely dead, however this is not at the point of decay.

We did cut 2 trees on the property the same size, but I did the first once without consorting anyone with prior tree cutting knowledge and was advised not to try that

The good news Is all the fall ground of the tree (no matter which way your drop it) I own, and there is nothing there (well besides other trees and rocks) so it doesn't matter where it falls.

So here's the offer, I will pay someone who lives near buy 100$ to just cut it and drop it, or $200 if you climb it and top it at the 40'-0 mark. I'm fine with you doing whatever way you feel safest doing, I personally think that the topping option sounds safer... however the man in me wants to see the whole thing fall at once with a big with one big crash... ;)

Then once you make the cut, we can throw back a few brews and ****-chat or you can just be on your way.

Message me for info on location, Saturdays during the day work best for me and I am open to meeting up this Saturday (or next) if you are available.

I made a deal like this with someone once , i took 2 guys with me and he said we could drink all we want.

He said around 11pm when we were still on his property standin around a fire with no sign of slowin down in sight he wished he would have paid would've been cheaper.
I made a deal like this with someone once , i took 2 guys with me and he said we could drink all we want.

He said around 11pm when we were still on his property standin around a fire with no sign of slowin down in sight he wished he would have paid would've been cheaper.

lol I believe you, that's why I offered cash and beers, but yeah I always bring at least a case with me when I'm out for after cutting... and if someone's actually planning on drinking with me then ill usually bring 2 cases for the 3 of us.... and about 3 hours later I usually end up having to make another beer run.
haha nice, I also already stated making a 10 foot ring of a rock circle for a bonfire pit.. its right left of that tree.
If you look closely in the bottom left there is the stump of a tree I dropped (still rooted) that I cut into a chair by the future fire pit.
with this offer I might drive down from jersey and give ya a hand. I don't know how to fell trees, but I could drink beer good.
From the pic, it appears the tree is weighted to fall 180 degrees from the way the arrow is pointing. Would it be a problem if it went that way? Maybe get hung up?
It could probably be wedged to fall any direction you need it to.