This IS Winter, right?

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PA. Woodsman

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May 1, 2006
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Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Was just outside in a t-shirt restocking the woodpile that I keep next to the stove for the next time I use it whenever that may be; temps in the 50's here and tomorrow starts Winter. Sitting here typing this and I hear a thunderstorm outside...not complaining about the heating bill, but this November and December so far here in PA. have been fudged-up. I remember the wife telling me months ago one of these weather "experts" predicted cold and heavier than normal amounts of snow. Not even close...

I know that I just jinxed it for us so Ponyexpress, Woodheat warrior and others will come knockin' when we're knee deep in the white stuff lol!!!

Merry Christmas!! :msp_tongue:
Do not mind the white stuff just hope the ground gets frozen before it snows.
It is currently 28 degrees ABOVE zero going on 9 pm! That aint right for Minnesota at this time of year! Only a dusting of snow that is going to be gone by Saturday! But the ice houses are going out and people are walking on the lakes, so it's gettin there! Just a little slow.

i remember a year ago we had 2 feet of snow and i was freezing deer hunting, not cutting wood yet!!
you guys just wait end of january well have 50 feet of snow so lets not talk yet!
Louisiana has been really dry as well until last week.Lots of hardwoods dying and I'm just guessing, but I'd say from the drought we've been in for the last 2 years.I'm talking sweetgums, I didn't know you could kill a sweetgum!Been pretty warm as well.Not much firewood being sold, I reckon I'll be ahead on wood next year.
I hear ya.

It's creeping me out. We started Pruning when the ground temp got to 45, and then it warmed up again, so we have stopped.
Mud up to the ankles from all the snow melting, and it just plain sucks.

I hate to say it, but every time we get a warm December like this, it's just the Manitou taking a little longer to wind up and start the annual war, with a couple of bigger than usual hits. It ain't over 'till June..and those forecasters are all clueless.

I just hope we can get the temps down and freeze up all this dadgum mud.

Stay safe!
Warm here too. Just tilled the garden and am going to plant the garden. JUST KIDDING! I WAS digging in the dirt today and it should be froze solid by now. It's going to be a brown Christmas for us this year. I just knew I should not have traded the chainsaw for that snowmobile.
This month for us as been the driest in 120 years.

yeah, but its cold(not like midwest cold, but cold for us) here... and on top of that the dang enviro freaks are banning us from burning almost every night... :msp_mad:
Driest december ever on record so far here for all of WA. I was out splitting/piling wood in my shirt sleeves this morning. Had anyone told me I could do that at the end of Dec with no snow and on dry ground I would have had them committed.

This is beyond scary for this area, dryland wheat farming is the money maker in east Wa. Semi arid country and the farmers need the moisture storedover the wet season to carry them through the dry. We are already almost 2 months into our wet season and we have had diddly squat. A few light rains in early Nov and one 2" snow around Thanksgiving. Nothing enough to even measure since.

Harry K
yeah, but its cold(not like midwest cold, but cold for us) here... and on top of that the dang enviro freaks are banning us from burning almost every night... :msp_mad:

Yep, Wednesday's high temp was 49f, well shy of the mark. We have had 13 inches of rain since July first, that is 10 inches less than normal. Either we are headed into a drought or it is going to rain through June, oh wait, it has been doing that anyway.
This super mild weather has been great for me. I had 2 fair size roof jobs that I didn't think I was gonna get done this year. Just finished up the last one yesterday.
I have a month long inside project at a factory to start Jan 4th. The weather can do whatever it wants now.

Biggest problem I have is not being able to get to the woods due to the rain and mud. Need to get those saws running again.
We had those 50[sup]o[/sup]+ temperatures over the weekend. The sun came out in full force on Sunday while we were watchin’ Minnesota, Chicago and Green Bay lose there butts. House was full of friends helpin’ drink my beer and make sure the 55-inch TV didn’t go on the fritz. Damn, it got down-right hot in this house… couldn’t open any windows ‘cause they’re covered in plastic, so we kicked the doors wide-open. The wife told me to go shut-down the fire… What? The fire had been out for over 24 hours… since Saturday morning!

Still not keepin’ the wood furnace going 24/7… Usually start a small fire a couple hours after dark and another one at 5:00 AM when I get up. This morning is about as close to winter as we’ve had… a dusting of snow over night and a 15 MPH wind out’a the northwest. But it’s still only 29[sup]o[/sup] at 6:00 AM, which is considered balmy ‘round here this time of year… the house only cooled to 69[sup]o[/sup] over night, so just a tiny fire this morning. The ground was froze-up pretty good (at least the top couple inches), but the weekend drove most of that out and temps have been above freezing, with sun during the day this week.

The forecasters are sayin’ mostly sunshine and temps in the high 30’s and even lower 40’s through the middle of next week, a little bit of wind on-and-off but no howlers… It’s entirely possible I could be playin’ around outside in shirtsleeves on New Years Day. If I wasn’t still fightin’ this flu/cold crap in my chest I’d be out enjoying it (going on a month now)… feelin’ better though, maybe I’ll kick it by Christmas. If the winter stays this mild I’m gonna’ haf’ta get out and cut some more standing-dead in January (for use in February-March)… ‘cause I sure ain’t wastin’ my oak when the temps are above zero, I’ll hang on to all of it ‘till next year. I ain’t burned even near what I had by this time last year… maybe 1 cord of American Elm and a ½ cord of Red Elm is all… probably three times that much last year. Even if the winter does decide to kick-in full force, I’m bettin’ my wood consumption would only be half of last year.

I’m not complain though… just sayin’.

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