to all you i cut 300-400 cords a year

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300-400 cords a year? One guy, working alone... felling, skidding, bucking, loading, hauling, splitting, selling, reloading and delivering? No way.
200 cords? One guy, working alone? Maybe... if he wasn't married with kids and had no other job... and no other life interests.
One guy, working alone... working purchased logs delivered to his storage area? No other job? 300 cords shouldn't be too much problem with good reliable power equipment.

It's all relative. If I worked with a crew of five, I did all the "cutting" and the other four did all the loading, splitting and hauling... well heck, I could easily "cut" 300, maybe even 400 cord a year. I tend not to be so quick to call someone a liar before exploring the facts.
300-400 cords a year? One guy, working alone... felling, skidding, bucking, loading, hauling, splitting, selling, reloading and delivering? No way.
200 cords? One guy, working alone? Maybe... if he wasn't married with kids and had no other job... and no other life interests.
One guy, working alone... working purchased logs delivered to his storage area? No other job? 300 cords shouldn't be too much problem with good reliable power equipment.

It's all relative. If I worked with a crew of five, I did all the "cutting" and the other four did all the loading, splitting and hauling... well heck, I could easily "cut" 300, maybe even 400 cord a year. I tend not to be so quick to call someone a liar before exploring the facts.
spidy! you pretty much hit the block on the head!!!! this "ASS HAT" comes off callin most busy wood cutters a "LIAR" with out even a back ground of his knowledge of what a cord may be!! so not knowing the op's statement has no value of thought!! one guy with a good saw and wood supply has no problem putting up 300 to 400 face cords by himself... other then a full cord and no other than usual wooders tools to do the job theres probably no way! this statement is only his idea of a weekend cutter with a pullin all day with a volkswagon truck an a double bited axe plus 3 cases of bucky beer for energy......
about 300 cords on my super splitter so far. Faster with two people (got to convert a treadmill over to a conveyor one of these days if only to help me feel better about not using the treadmill that's gathering dust in the shed) but alone next to a stack of rounds, my absolute best, too-tired-to-speak, sore-for-days, production so far is 5 1/4 cord in one (very long) day. Never again will I attempt such stupidity, but I'll try anything once.
If I was of such a mind, I'm pretty sure I could put up 300 to 400 cords a year by myself.
Now before you start cussin' and callin' me a liar, you might want to consider the fact that I have a Hydro Ax 311c to cut the trees with, a John Deere skidder, and a dozer to skid the logs with, and a Fecon FTX 90 to take care of the "brush" with. I have a Chomper processor that can put 8 cords a day on the conveyor, and I've got a Bobcat T320 that I can move wood and load trucks with.
Out of log decks (barring any break downs) it shouldn't take me over about 50 days to put 400 cords of wood on the ground. Oh, and I don't stack much wood, just what I burn at home.

I don't know for sure who the op was directed at, but you might want to do a little research before slinging around such harsh words.

You mean this guy isn't doing 300 cords a year?


I got tired waiting for the thing to split. I'd hate to be his back after a cord.
On the average it takes me 8 hours to cut and split a cord.(@ almost 60yrs)
365 days in a year it is possible,it would be hard to deliver though.
My problem is seems my tools always break or the wife needs something fixed around the house.(If it has tits or tires your going to have problems)
I have found if i put that wood into bundles i can make the same amount of $ with alot less work.(barring fire bans)
What do you do with all them splitter chips?
splitter chips = fire starting, or grind up for mulch or grind up and compress with a little wax for fire starters. or if really out there use for making pellets or wood bricks. lots of ways to use. all depends on your creativity, ability, and maybe pocket book
and to the guy who said he split 20-25 cords of elm by hand with a 20 lb sledge, you are full of ####
about 300 cords on my super splitter so far. Faster with two people (got to convert a treadmill over to a conveyor one of these days if only to help me feel better about not using the treadmill that's gathering dust in the shed) but alone next to a stack of rounds, my absolute best, too-tired-to-speak, sore-for-days, production so far is 5 1/4 cord in one (very long) day. Never again will I attempt such stupidity, but I'll try anything once.

Who needs a treadmill when they have wood to cut?:rock:
The guys who are doing that much have no time for computers.

I like this thread, more fun to read than a lot of other threads I can think of.

Forget about anything else, I want to see someone split that much each year.

The OP's profile claims he is a "CFO",,

Around here "CFO" equates,,, "Bean Counter"...
Around here "Bean Counter" equates some kind of "Desk-Riding-Office-Jockey".

Any CFO I've ever met had no idea what a sore back or calloused hands were.

Now, Mr CFO,, slip out of yer' loafers, slide out from behind yer' desk and GET OUT DOORS.
MAN-UP, Toss yer' chainsaw in the trunk of yer Lexus, get out and work up some firewood.
It would be more productive than calling some one a liar.

Oh yeah,,we aint got no "chords" 'round here,,all we cut are "RICKS" and I cut 'bout 1 "rick" when I go to the wood with my saw,,then it's beer thirty.,,,LOL.
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