Just purchased a used tw5 thanks to Yukiginger who found it for me. The levers that control the splitting cyl would not lock for auto cycle. So i tighten bolts on top of vavles seemed to work. It seemed to split ok but few pieces it could not split. But my old tsc splitter could. wondering if releaf vavle or pressure needs adjusting. Anyone know how ?
OK before we get any further:
Where were the bolts you tightened?
Were the bolts in question the end cap bolts for one of the five valve spools or the bolts holding the valve body to the frame of the splitter?
How hot was the oil meaning how long did you let the splitter run prior to splitting any firewood when you split the fire wood?
Were the owners manuals provided to you for the wood splitter when you took possession of it?
If no manuals were provided call timberwolf ASAP and ask for a set as a soon as possible and take it to the local timberwolf dealer- only because I do not want to see you get your head blown off with a blown hose or skin punture from hydraulic oil-that is always fatal.
You should under no circumstances adjust the relief valves with out a pressure guage and proper understanding of the prince valve set up on the wood splitter.
It could be as simple as the splitter running cold or the oil filter screen being clogged, look, I know it is your splitter, and your business, you can tell me to piss off but I do not want to see you get hurt. I have seen what happens to people with hydraulic oil injuries-it is not pretty.
I worked on hydraulics for twenty two years and a lot of problems can be created with out proper equipment and procedures I also own a TW5-FC.