wanted free firewood

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I just saw a cl ad yesterday for free firewood, guy had four dump truck loads, cut and split, he needed gone asap. He was even willing to deliver! I called, thinking I could get that much farther ahead. I figured I would even give him some cash. Never heard back from him.:( I just keep telling myself it was poplar anyways.:D

Probably someone doing a 'revenge prank,' using someone else's phone number. I won't say I haven't done the same thing, but it was more of a joke than revenge. :D
I just figured it didn't hurt to call the number, so I did. I didn't honestly expect any free wood. One of those sounds to good to be true things. It only wasted 1 minute of my time.
Geez...what do these beggars think... wood grows on trees? gotta work to make those the piles.

Seriously, if someone was in need there are many ways to get wood. Hell, yesterday I brought home 3 beautiful pallets on the roof of the ol'subaru forester. Of course I ALWAYS have straps in the car.
I think he is just laughing at all the responses he got and that was his purpose cause if he phrased it the right way I probably would have given him some
Probably someone doing a 'revenge prank,' using someone else's phone number. I won't say I haven't done the same thing, but it was more of a joke than revenge. :D

Yup, One morning before work about 5am , saw an ad pop up for a monster Honda tracked snow blower for free, dad died and guy just wanted it out of his garage........I came close to calling before the coffee kicked in and realized what was up. That ad stayed up for a few days too.
When my grandparents were young they lived in the depression times the stories of poverty and perseverance were heartbreaking people back then firmly understand what being " needy " actually meant back then death by starvation or hypothermia was a real possibility for your family "needy people were desperate and literally had nothing in this life ..they ate grass and insects to survive and lived 8 or more to a farm house to conserve resources .. They had no welfare no handouts only churches ..Today our culture thinks your needy if you can't afford more than one plasma tv or can't afford your iPhone payment this month .