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I just went back and tried to repost but the upload failed. It looks like I can upload tp to 3.91Mb, but my pic may be too big. Stand by and I'll see if I can resize it. In the meantime, here's a test pic. This is out at Naukati as I'm just opening up the strip. It's an old Cedar snag that I didn't have to buck, as we'd get paid for a 40' log with the diameter being measured across the stump. Let me know if this one doesn't come through.

I do indeed, but only for fun. "You call, I'll fall!" I cut on fires for a while for the USFS and trained some of their Hot Shot and Jumper crews after I healed up, but never got back in to busheling. I like to call it 'sport logging' since now I don't have to do it for a living anymore. I'll saw firewood for myself and a few select friends and take on custom falling and climbing jobs when it looks like a good one comes along.

I got into rebuilding 051's and 075's about a year ago and like to play around with them. Most of my firewood cuting is done with an 046. Here's another few pics. The one with my mouth open I like to call "Catching Flies"...


Here's one of me today (...well yesterday) with my favorite 075. That's an 046 and an 051 under the bench that I'm building for a friend of mine who still lives in ketchikan. I'll see if I have any more pics and if so, I'll scan and post them up.

This whole addiction thing is getting out of hand.

So since I joined AS, I have gone from rebuilding my 026 and struggling through many cord of wood over the years to acquiring this fine group of saws.

1 Makita 6401, just waiting for it to get weaker to justify a rebuild to a 7900, but so far, runs like a top.
1 Olympyk 254, bulletproof and bought for about $25, runs great, it is currently my only loaner saw.
1 Stihl 026PRO, second OEM Piston and Cylinder, my father had seized it up while I was deployed in 1998, and it sat in a box until last year thanks to AS. Now it is my primary "light" saw.
1 Stihl 036PRO, real craigslist find, the addiction had just started to set in when I found this one for $100. I put rings and a carb rebuild in it, one fine saw.
2 Husqvarna 288's. Why Two of the same saw??? I traded my basketcase 2100, a parts 340, a parts 041 farmboss, and a parts 026 for these two. I think it was quite fair. The older has 160 PSI cold and the newer one 150 PSI, both really nice saws. The old addage that there is no replacement for displacement is very true. It really is amazing how much faster things go with some weight and power with sharp chains.
Oh yeah, I also acquired an Oregon 511A thanks to AS. This site has been a great place to share information, and the people have been very friendly. Now the question is for the 2 loan saws at the bottom of the page, what should I do with these "duplicate" saws? The 036 and the 6401 are very close, and I already have one 288, so why not hack into the other, right?

Thoughts and suggestions? I don't have a lot of cash, but I do have some time, and an evergrowing shop with a very understanding wife with kids who love the garage. Enjoy,



Dealing With Sweep In A Log

I got a red oak log from a guy for FREE (that i bought a few other logs from) and i figured i'd make stickers out of it, or saw it up into firewood. It had a lot of sweep in it, so even though it was a 12 footer, it wasn't usable as a 12 footer. In fact, most that saw it, called it a "junk log".

Once i put it on the mill bunks, i decided to saw it in half and make a nice pile of 5/4 x 6' boards... Every once in a while i'll put two logs on the mill and saw them both at the same time, and this was going to be the case here....


This log has sat around for at least a year, but it still looked pretty good inside...


In this case, both logs had drying splits that went opposite ways, so i had to turn one log differently from the other, and i ended up sawing them for the most part, separately... It's still faster this way, than putting them on the mill separate...


Pileing all of your unedged boards against a cant is a good way to edge them as your sawing... The cant will hold them steady for you while you saw, and this way you get them all done at once...


And here's the Tally from those two "junk" logs...


I always like to "at least" try to saw up, even old logs, as i can always chuck them into the wood stove if it doesn't work out!!

Hope you liked the picts...

You make it look so easy picking up that 441.............I keep reading all the time over and over and over and over how heavy it is..........It is a nice saw..


They ARE heavy.

Just run it for one hour or so....

...you'll see. :lifter:
They ARE heavy.

Just run it for one hour or so....

...you'll see. :lifter:

I ran mine for 3 hours yesterday and Im ok. Its funny how people go nuts over a half pound or so here or there on saws. A pound or more I can see, it does make a difference. But dont you agree this is kinda of the direction saws of the future will be going? By the way I am 5'10" 160 lbs, and the 441 feels good in my hands.
I ran mine for 3 hours yesterday and Im ok. Its funny how people go nuts over a half pound or so here or there on saws. A pound or more I can see, it does make a difference. But dont you agree this is kinda of the direction saws of the future will be going? By the way I am 5'10" 160 lbs, and the 441 feels good in my hands.

I don't disagree. I was being a sarcastic b@stard to 04!

Thanks for the compliment livewire, Sam is my baby girl, and she for sure dont act like a girl. We have a baby boy due on Nov 26, (my birthday) and he gonna have some shoes to fill. :cheers:
Thanks for the compliment livewire, Sam is my baby girl, and she for sure dont act like a girl. We have a baby boy due on Nov 26, (my birthday) and he gonna have some shoes to fill. :cheers:

Coming up real fast!!! Congrats!

I tried to rep ya but I'm all knotted up.

I owe ya one.

Our little girl is almost 9 months......hence the lack of AS activity from me in recent months. :crazy1: