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Beautiful working day in Pittsburgh

We went back to trim a sprawling Cherry tree (Black Cherry?) today. Figured for another half day to beat the city traffic. The thing was infested with grapevines and at one point the vine I was pulling on tore loose and I fell to my rope. I took a pretty good shock, and I wished I would have had the SpiderJack with the screamer on it. We got it done though and got across town before the traffic hit.

Tomorrow a trim and two small removals, after that three Pines to takedown. This is the first Winter that work has stayed steady, slower, but steady.
We went back to trim a sprawling Cherry tree (Black Cherry?) today. Figured for another half day to beat the city traffic. The thing was infested with grapevines and at one point the vine I was pulling on tore loose and I fell to my rope. I took a pretty good shock, and I wished I would have had the SpiderJack with the screamer on it. We got it done though and got across town before the traffic hit.

Tomorrow a trim and two small removals, after that three Pines to takedown. This is the first Winter that work has stayed steady, slower, but steady.

Why do you continue to post here, when its obvious that most everyone hates you/and or clearly has no respect for you? I expect a serious answer too!
DONE!! Finally got the grinder finished up. Took a case of rayco paint and about a week of my time. What a PITA, stumpers are some nasty dirty greasy things. Came out lookin pretty good for a 13 year old machine. One down :rock:

Damn, that came out really nice.

Here's our paint project, 250xp. It had a lot of rust scale on it, so I'm pretty happy with the results so far. One more coat to go and then decals. The #1 symbol is gonna disappear.

Ripped the radiator out today, hoping to find someone to rebuild it. Also need to mount the tires and wire the electrical hookup.





I think we woulda blown the windows out of about 25 apartments that were on the river and scared the **** out of the horses that were a few hundred feet away... where can you even buy explosives these days? and I'm talkin the legal way...
Damn, that came out really nice.

Here's our paint project, 250xp. It had a lot of rust scale on it, so I'm pretty happy with the results so far. One more coat to go and then decals. The #1 symbol is gonna disappear.

Ripped the radiator out today, hoping to find someone to rebuild it. Also need to mount the tires and wire the electrical hookup.

looks awesome man
So one of my classes is a ArcGIS tutorial (Geog 215) where I have to flip back and forth between 3 different screens and go back to a word doc for the class assignment. Needless to say the old fart is the last kid to get out of class every Monday night (4:30-6:10 but I'm invariably there to 6:20) because I cannot get it to save right and I allways seem to loose some data. Today I had a keyboard bounce and hit crtl-Z too many times :laugh:

I guess humbling experiences are good for the soul :laugh:
So one of my classes is a ArcGIS tutorial (Geog 215) where I have to flip back and forth between 3 different screens and go back to a word doc for the class assignment. Needless to say the old fart is the last kid to get out of class every Monday night (4:30-6:10 but I'm invariably there to 6:20) because I cannot get it to save right and I allways seem to loose some data. Today I had a keyboard bounce and hit crtl-Z too many times :laugh:

I guess humbling experiences are good for the soul :laugh:

Well when this old fart was in school they made us take a mandatory technology class to make sure we could use basic programs like word and all of that to be able to do college level work. I had a pretty good professor and she knew all kinds of slick tricks with word. The first thing she taught us was as soon as we started a new document immediately save it even before you type anything. That way the auto save feature kicks in and you won't have to worry about loosing work or forgetting to save it.
I think we woulda blown the windows out of about 25 apartments that were on the river and scared the **** out of the horses that were a few hundred feet away... where can you even buy explosives these days? and I'm talkin the legal way...

Aww heck ya got me I was merely having fun pointing out the easiest way I know of handling those critters. I thought the video was interesting but in your location I'm sure it wouldn't be a good Idea anyways. Btw you want to be careful with them guys, had a friend that noodled catfish dang near get killed by one. It left him with scars half inch wide down his arms and he almost bled out before reaching hospital.
What did The Vet ever do? Until he got wrapped up with 101 and MDS he seemed dam allright. Them 2 will wear just about anybody down.

That ain't right Dan when you asked me about the salters I tried to be helpful and not for a split second was I a ####### and for you to go there , I mean if X ever bags it here , should I call your rabbit dressing up ### out for it , I mean he had some of it coming .....SOME .... And he also dished SOME out so I apologized for my participation and I would hope that it is received as a genuine statement.... And as far as WOODSMAN liking that post well sorry I didn't know there would be teenagers reading my posts ....
Well when this old fart was in school they made us take a mandatory technology class to make sure we could use basic programs like word and all of that to be able to do college level work. I had a pretty good professor and she knew all kinds of slick tricks with word. The first thing she taught us was as soon as we started a new document immediately save it even before you type anything. That way the auto save feature kicks in and you won't have to worry about loosing work or forgetting to save it.

I've had it where i hit save every time I changed my map features (GIS is computer cartography, in so many words) and it still did not save it the way I thought it should. Our TA is a chineese girl on a Visa, so processing the accent is a course in it's self. :laugh: