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If you only knew how tired I am of working with idiots...

Can't blame somebody for not knowing if they have never been taught but when I have to tell people the same thing what to do every day it gets old!!!

My soul is feeling a little worn thin... I am just going to try to survive the Summer, make as much money as I can and enjoy a long vacation in my deer woods in the cool Fall... I can set in a tree and watch for deer for hours on end and just enjoy the hell out of myself... It is the only time I turn my phone on silent... Well... Almost the only time... :)
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Today, hmmm...

decided to have a co meeting in the morning.. much fighting going on, they're all idiots fighting for dominency..

got to remind them we're all on the same team and there is only one boss..
For you more mature tree guy's. FYI.
I get up at 3am,
So I get up every 2 hours for a bathroom break.
I figure if I crash at 9pm, I will be up at 11pm, then at 1am and finally at 3am!
I hope I can stick to that because if I fall asleep at 8pm, it could be crazy!
Jeff :msp_sneaky:
If you only knew how tired I am of working with idiots...

Can't blame somebody for not knowing if they have ever been taught but when I have to tell people the same thing what to do every day it gets old!!!

No, you cant blame people who genuinley dont know....but locking truck keys in the truck; forgetting important equipment; mindlessly forcing obviously dull saws into wood time over; not finishing simple tasks like moving wood, raking and blowing - I go check it and its just not fckn good enough....just do it right, first time. Nobodies thinking ahead. Then you see that 'feelin sorry for myself' look. All the worse when its a big awkward tree.
For you more mature tree guy's. FYI.
I get up at 3am,
So I get up every 2 hours for a bathroom break.
I figure if I crash at 9pm, I will be up at 11pm, then at 1am and finally at 3am!
I hope I can stick to that because if I fall asleep at 8pm, it could be crazy!
Jeff :msp_sneaky:

3am, Jeffers? You sneaking in a paper route before you meet the gang at the shop?
No, you cant blame people who genuinley dont know....but locking truck keys in the truck; forgetting important equipment; mindlessly forcing obviously dull saws into wood time over; not finishing simple tasks like moving wood, raking and blowing - I go check it and its just not fckn good enough....just do it right, first time. Nobodies thinking ahead. Then you see that 'feelin sorry for myself' look. All the worse when its a big awkward tree.

I feel your pain. I had this one idiot working with me for a few months who would regularly forget to brush his teeth in the morning, or put on deodorant. We can only take so much before changes must be made.
Took a dead white pine, 70ft, 3ft dia, dead and punky,super light, picking up skidloader sized chunks by hand! All done for the day and the HO comes out, just had a email from the HOA, big tree fell in road, blocking my exit..............we made it in about 8 last night!Had all 3 of my boys out for the first time, it was great. First day 12 hours for them! They are beat, so today we do half day and fix crap.
Did 4 jobs yesterday, my main guy had to go at 230, so I asked Youngbuck20 from here to see if he wanted some extra work for the last 2. He came along, smoked a small poplar first, and dislodged a poplar that had snapped 15' up and was lodged in another tree on the second. Both went smooth and he did a great job on both sites! :msp_thumbup:
we put in a request awhile ago for the big O to come clear a set of lines so we could do a removal there was only a limb or two that were an issue but they grew clear through the wires and stuck out the other side at least 10 feet, today they call and say there is no danger and there not going to do anything. WTF??? the tree is growing clear through the lines and your saying its not a hazard? its not like its a service drop its the main line

The last time I had a make safe done a couple weeks ago the utility guys were telling me about a HO who'd requested a make safe, and the utility told him it was no danger and they wouldn't do anything. So he cuts the tree, takes out the lines, breaks the pole, and calls them again. They wanted to charge him for the cost of repairs, but couldn't because they'd refused the obviously needed make safe.

Not saying that would work in any other situation, but it was amusing to me that they'd refused and then suffered a few $k in damages. I'm sure if it had been a company instead of the HO, it would have been different.
Guess you better get your 'man-suit' out of the cleaner's!
Jeff :msp_tongue:
I wore it out, I'm waiting on a new one but its back ordered

The last time I had a make safe done a couple weeks ago the utility guys were telling me about a HO who'd requested a make safe, and the utility told him it was no danger and they wouldn't do anything. So he cuts the tree, takes out the lines, breaks the pole, and calls them again. They wanted to charge him for the cost of repairs, but couldn't because they'd refused the obviously needed make safe.

Not saying that would work in any other situation, but it was amusing to me that they'd refused and then suffered a few $k in damages. I'm sure if it had been a company instead of the HO, it would have been different.
I think I'm just going to cut the limb and tie it up to the lines and leave it since they don't feel its necessary to do something that is part of there line clearance contract anyway lazy bastards
I just got hollered at by an old lady for butchering her rhodies so I threw my stuff in the truck and left. I was getting pissed and knew if I had to hear anymore of that crap I would have freaked like a cat that's just been thrown in a tub of water.

Now she did say she wanted them lower than the roof, that they were severely cut back before and wanted it done again. I do refer to it as "hackin em back" and they look like crap for awhile, this I know. But I also know what an overgrown bush is and how to rejuvenate one.

During our initial conversation I did make sure I heard " take half off" right. I hate to do it for the simple reason people say its been butchered and it does indeed look that way. that is what she said and I went over where I was going to be cutting and showing all manner of broken branches that had to come out and dead branches too.

I had pretty much finished the initial hack job with a chain saw and chipped the brush then split like a cockroach in sunlight when she opened up her mouth.

And you know what? I don't even care. I am tired of people wanting " below the roofline" and complaining when they get it.
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Working with idiots. Is there anything worse? Just got in, its about 7:15....would have been home hours ago if only. Chest is paining like Ive been punched, gotta calm the fck down.

You know its bad when Sir Reginald has to "calm the #### down".
I just got hollered at by an old lady for butchering her rhodies so I threw my stuff in the truck and left. I was getting pissed and knew if I had to hear anymore of that crap I would have freaked like a cat that's just been thrown in a tub of water.

Now she did say she wanted them lower than the roof, that they were severely cut back before and wanted it done again. I do refer to it as "hackin em back" and they look like crap for awhile, this I know. But I also know what an overgrown bush is and how to rejuvenate one.

During our initial conversation I did make sure I heard " take half off" right. I hate to do it for the simple reason people say its been butchered and it does indeed look that way. that is what she said and I went over where I was going to be cutting and showing all manner of broken branches that had to come out and dead branches too.

I had pretty much finished the initial hack job with a chain saw and chipped the brush then split like a cockroach in sunlight when she opened up her mouth.

And you know what? I don't even care. I am tired of people wanting " below the roofline" and complaining when they get it.

I've got to do 3 overgrown crepe myrtles tomorrow. I have done them for her before, about 4 or 5 years ago but I am still dreading doing them. She wants them "below the roof" but not look butchered. OK lady, just let me pull this rabbit out of my hat...
I've got to do 3 overgrown crepe myrtles tomorrow. I have done them for her before, about 4 or 5 years ago but I am still dreading doing them. She wants them "below the roof" but not look butchered. OK lady, just let me pull this rabbit out of my hat...

Some times a person will listen to what you say but chose to not hear it. I get into this thing of repeating myself over and over about the outcome of these projects with these people who are expecting a rabbit.
Just got back from grinding a stump on a small job I did yesterday for an old repeat client... Cream puff job all the way but I was still thinking to myself the whole time how much I hate grinding stumps... Then she gave me a hundred dollar tip... Made more on this removal and stump than I even have in my machine...
Finished yesterday's job. Took about three-hours this aft. The guy added four-trees last night when he went to check the work. One of the trees he flagged, a maple, must have been 2" x 12'.

What do you charge for a tree that takes 35 seconds to cut down, cut up, and put in a pile? :msp_tongue:
Trimmed up a few crabs this morning. Picking up my new harness I had buckingham custom make me tomorrow, right now I'm drinking beer and doing yard work. Not sure which is taking precedence at this point. Guess I'll find out in the morning.

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