What is the dumbest thing you have done with a chain saw?

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Boomer 87

Boomer 87

Addicted to ArboristSite
Jul 31, 2016
Probly shouldnt admit this to the world, but first time i felled a tree i was alone, DONT GO ALONE! I tried to make it fall a certain way, i pinched the bar on my 028super.i decided i didnt want the saw to get hurt i took the power head off and left the bar and chain in the tree. I then tried to get it unstuck with my poulan farm pro 375, i pinched it as well. I then figured i get the last saw i brought cut the tree and pull out the 375...... i got the tree come around to my thinking. It fell and in what seemed like an eternity the bottom hit the ground bounced up and over right on top of the 375 busting the rear handle wadding up the clutch cover destroying the bar......... and the good 028 bar that was still in said tree was destroyed..... after cussing for an hour or so and my pride being beaten into an oblivion. I repaired all saws, worst part i got a handle and new bar and chain for the poulan for less than just a new bare stihl bar. That tree cost me about 200.00 in repair
hedge hog

hedge hog

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 20, 2014
south centeral Kansas
Worked a semi roller that had swinging beef halves (full load) in a ice storm
They wrote the meat off as contaminated because ripped the trailer open in a few places
30,000# of tangled halves and after a hour of trying to drag them out with chains and skid steers on ice wasn't working
Sent so help back the shop for a couple of chainsaw with 20'' bars and fuel
No bar oil was needed

We cut all of the trailer load up in smaller pieces to fit in the buckets
The fat lubed the chain really nice but would plug the clutch cover fairly quick so you had to keep digging fat and meat out
Wasn't so bad til a couple of weeks later we realized we did clean the saws up

Wow did they stink the shop up

Meat was all taken to National byproducts in Wichita

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a. palmer jr.
Apr 8, 2007
Southern Indiana
One of the dumber things I've done is running my chainsaw to test the oiler without the bar and chain on it. Apparently the clutch wasn't on tight enough and when I let up on the gas the clutch kept going across the garage floor and the pieces were flying everywhere! I found them all but a clutch shoe, looked for a long time and gave up. Guess I have another parts saw..


Carnac The Magnificent
Aug 6, 2016
One of the dumber things I've done is running my chainsaw to test the oiler without the bar and chain on it. Apparently the clutch wasn't on tight enough and when I let up on the gas the clutch kept going across the garage floor and the pieces were flying everywhere! I found them all but a clutch shoe, looked for a long time and gave up. Guess I have another parts saw..
I have done that same thing
a. palmer jr.
Apr 8, 2007
Southern Indiana
It sux a lot worse when you can't get parts for it. It's a Redmax that's not worth a whole lot so hate to spend the money to buy another clutch. I think it also needs an oiler worm gear which is kinda what I was checking when it flew apart. The worm gear is NLA just about everywhere I looked on the net. Ebay has one worm gear but don't think it's compatible with my saw.


Carnac The Magnificent
Aug 6, 2016
It sux a lot worse when you can't get parts for it. It's a Redmax that's not worth a whole lot so hate to spend the money to buy another clutch. I think it also needs an oiler worm gear which is kinda what I was checking when it flew apart. The worm gear is NLA just about everywhere I looked on the net. Ebay has one worm gear but don't think it's compatible with my saw.
Are the ryobi saws made by redmax


I have chainsaws and chainsaw accessories.
Jan 3, 2016
They were about till about 8 years ago.

Dumbest thing i've done with a saw is throw it across the yard.

The best f... Up i've everseen done with a saw is when my uncle tried to fall a tree at the cabin, no wedge cut, cut both side, and it sat on the bar, tried wedges and no go. It fell a week later across auberry road. We came up the next day hoping it fell the other way but saw it sticking out of the brush next to the road. A few hours later a guy pulls up the driveway, introduces himself, and asked if we needed some trees dropped, and if he could store his wood on our property. Ten years later our friend Mark still gives us wood, helps cut brush, and drops trees for us and will not take a dime.
Ted Jenkins
Apr 18, 2016
Twin Peaks
Why I like Husqvarna
I was hired to clear a lot just below a customers house. Had a 25' Oak trunk left to bring down off of a hillside maybe 60' above an access road. About a week earlier had hired a military vet who was way too buffed out. I pulled on to the access road just below the last remaining tree with a splitter and my pickup. While I was servicing my brand new Stihl I was hearing some creaking noise, but thought maybe the little breeze was causing some limbs to rub together then heard some loud cracking noise. So I ran up the bank to see my helper pushing over the tree that I had partially cut the day before and had untied the tag lines that I had left on it. With a couple of tons of Oak rolling straight for me it was all I could do to jump behind a large stump to avoid being rolled into a pie crust. As I quickly turned around to see what devastation was to follow I could not help but notice the trunk rolling then bounce end over end directly towards my new Stihl. Yes sire the saw was scattered at least 25' in all directions and then continued over the access road towards a house just below, but caught the edge of the splitter which caused the trunk to turn just enough to crash into another tree along the edge of the access road. I have not been able to stroll into a Stihl dealer to buy a new saw. For quite some time I have told any helper to sit into the truck until I call for them or have a very early lunch. Thanks


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 29, 2012
For a.palmer jr. : you can fit a chinese oil pump and worm . Any 37 cc Redmax clone saws [ Eartquake, Bluemax and others like them] have adjustable oil pumps. You can use just the worm [ is a little bigger than the original] but works. I have a Ryobi with that combo. Edit : the clutch allso works.


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 29, 2012
Check on Ebay : renu4ushop sells the new Ryobi [refurb] for 99 bucks. They state in the add to have spare parts. The clutch,oil pump and worm should be the same. Even the plastics are. The oil pump worm for the bigger chinese saws[ 45 cc and up] will not work on the little one.


ArboristSite Lurker
Jul 31, 2016
geneva, fl
this one's not chainsaw, but...

last weekend, continuing post-mathew cleanup and delayed maintenance - working 50ft of pole saw on a branch, probably 4" diameter. didn't clean or oil the blade before putting it up so it was sticking a lot, got about half way and bounced the saw out of the cut. Then managed to drop the saw while trying to slip it back in, and no branches below to hang it up on, so all the way down into the palmetto it went.

decided it was a good time to say screw it and get lunch and refill my water bottle.

well, you know what happened when I was gone.

got back and that 4" branch had come off....and landed smack in the middle of the saw. happily it landed between joints so it only killed one section instead of two.

what makes it worse is I bent another (just a slight bow) section the weekend after mathew getting down an 8" dangler - and stuck the saw, full pole. pulled everything off I could and called it a night. it dropped overnight......

back in '04 or '05 after one of the many hurricanes came through those years, we had the top of one of the oaks sitting on top of the house.

limbed it down (either using electric chainsaws or maybe a craftsman 18" that I hated from the day I started it) to just the hanging trunk, wedged two ladders under it for support and proceeded to cut it up from standing under it. not entirely sure how we manged to not kill ourselves. :)


Got him...
Sep 28, 2015
I have not been cutting for that long and have to cut alone most of the time since my son was born last year... both have kept me very careful. The farmer always knows where I am cutting and he comes up or sends someone up to checks on me if he has not heard the saw running in a while.

But... last year I was dropping trees the night before woodcutting on the farm I hunt. (woodcutting on the farm is when all the hunters cut 10-15 cord on the 2nd Saturday in October for the farmer to heat his house.) I had a big half-dead cherry I was dropping about 20ft into the woods from the field. The tree was 30+" at the stump and stood straight up with no lean but had extra foliage/branches on the field side and there was no wind. Thought it would be an easy one. First mistake! Notched it (but not too deep as a lot of the cherry around here is rotten in the middle when it gets any size to it), bore cut, wedged it, then cut the holding wood... I should have known things were about to go wrong when I had to cut the whole strap for it to go over. It was just starting to go as I finished cutting through the holding wood. The gap open a little as she leaned and I pulled the saw and booked it out of there... as all of this was happening the wind picked up and pushed it back on the the wedges... oh wait... the crappy short wedges I had fell out when the tree started to lean!!! :eek:

Tried to pound the wedges back in... no luck. (lesson learned 6" wedges are almost useless... I carry 12" wedges now, the extra $2 per wedge is well worth it!)

I drove down to the barn to talk to the farmer and get extra chains to pull it over. Farmer told me to leave it overnight the wind was supposed to change direction and should push it over during the night. So on his advice (not doing this again) I left it to fall overnight.

The next morning I arrived extra early, it was still standing and the wind was pushing it toward the field.:dumb2: I drove back down and told the farmer to warn everyone to stay 100' away from the tree line when they drove up on top of the ridge because we were going to have to pull a tree over that was refusing to fall. (this is pretty normal at the farm, until I did one 3 years ago none of the guys that cut on the farm had ever seen the bore cut method of directional falling, this has made me the official feller for the group and earned me the very aggravating nick name that first year, thankfully it did not stick )

As the other guys were starting to arrive I had to tell at least 2 of them to park buy my truck since they drove up and parked under the tree even though they were warned to stay away from the field edge!!! :dumb:

I had just gotten enough chain together too have a little over 1 1/2 the trees height in chain and was starting to walk toward the tree with the first bit of chain when the tree came down. If it would have come down 5 minutes earlier the trunk would have crushed one truck for sure and the limbs would have done some damage to another, I try not to think about what would have happened to the guys who were starting to get there gear ready at each of the trucks.

Needless to say it was a learning experience for me, I now have appropriate length wedges and 120" of heavy tow strap and chain in the truck any time I go out.



ArboristSite Guru
. AS Supporting Member.
Dec 7, 2011
North Alabama
Two years ago I was taking down a pine in the pasture on the side of a terrace. Broad canopy. No other trees around it. Simple cut. I was chasing the cut and while the kerf began to open I cut through the hinge on the opposite side. The tree spun on the stump and came right at me along my planned escape route. The next thing I remember I was watching about a foot from the end of the tree my saw flipping off the stump and being driven bar first into the ground with only the handle sticking out. Thank God for giving me the reflexes of a cat in the moment because I am normally slow as molasses on a cold winter day. I could see the switch and turned it off. Went and got the tractor and pulled the tree off my saw about to cry like a baby thinking my saw is no more. Pulled all the mud and crap out, reset my chain and showed that damned pine tree who be the boss.