Whats cookin?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Lake Oswego, Oregon
So what was the best/coolest/crafty lunch you have had?

My forman was telling me about how he brought a grill and cooked up some fresh bear meat right on the chipper bed!
Ya know

After I went to school etc, tree climbing etc...I went into bricklayin. Man, I never ate so well in ,my life, my boss turned out to be a culinary chef by trade - everything was off the Salamander heaters, (in winter)if we could shove it on a 'slicker', or put it between trowels' we cooked it - lunch, very best sausages, sandwiches anything *once I put a brand new slicker through part of my hand, and if anyone here knows what that is - they'll know - worst part was, it was after we were done work and I was makin my lunch - anyhow

:greenchainsaw: :cheers:

the one who dies with the most trades wins
I used to on occasion bring a single burner backpacking stove and cook soup or stew for lunch. Havent done it in a long time though.

Ive had some mexican fellas bring burritos and heat them on the chipper manifold too.

Most of the time if I need something heated, it goes on the dash of the truck in the sunshine. If its a bucket truck thats running, the defroster on helps out tremendousley
In summertime our crews work 1/2 days every other friday. Since cooking was a former profession of mine I always man the grill. Things got pretty elaborate last summer ranging from grilled pizza and skirt steak fajitas to lobster tails and strip steak for 4th of july. And my buddy usually brings his homemade beer to wash things down :cheers:
BC1000's with the cummins have a spot between the motor and muffler for 2 cans of soup. Works very well, 1 hour and its done.
Good Folks from Ohio fed my three person crew rainbow trout fillets and fixings during a job at their vacation home. That was southern hospitality.
Thanks for the ideas!!!

IMO A good lunch is one of the most important part of tree care. Ya dont want to be falling a tree or climbing out on a limb and have your mind on how hungry you are.:dizzy: :clap:
I used to cook all my meals on the pony motor for the bucket truck.

The guy I'm working for now is great. Every day he says what do want for luch today? I dont think a day has past he hasnt went out and bought everyone lunch. Pizza, cheese steaks, wendys chicken sandwiches.

I think he's trying to keep the weight on me for competition?
It may be stupid, Rolla, but today I sizzled up some chipolatas served in crispy french baguettes. It was slashing down with bitter cold rain and I think that helps the day go by. Just the smell of them beauties cooking raised my morale, yep its got everything to do with tree care. Happy crew works better.