When cheaper isnt better

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If you live someplace for seven years and never meet your neighbors, you might be part of the problem. You ( as it used to be), have a resposibility, to knock on 2 doors each way and 4 across the street. Try being a neighbor, and you might end up living in an ol' neighborhood.


Bravado and ego are a part of human nature, but you are not a true pro. Plumbers, electritians, financial advisors, lawyers, and doctors all clean up others messes. The good ones fix the lesser-thans mistakes, thats how the real world works. The better or best swoop in and take care of the spots the journeymen just couldn't handle.

Do you think Dr. X, would be cool if he could save your life, but passed on the oppertunity because Dr. Y couldn't help you? .... hello?
Don't forget this is a spot where the 'HACK' Is rolling a porta wrap and line that is strong enough to
pull over a tree. Sorry about the glick.

I'd love to see Mr. Beans go in a time machine, and hinge the top out of the tree that failed at the roots. He wouldn't, I wouldn't, neither would anyone that had respect for their own life.
Sorry, I left you guys hanging, my daughter is in the hospital and has been since Friday. I didn't get pictures, the homeowner posted on facebook, and my wife told me about it. He hasn't called, but knows my little girl is in the Children's hospital so wouldn't..........The anchor was a 18-22" poplar, that was cleaned up first the tree they were working in was a bigger white oak with visible trauma to the roots/ base. I was going to work each tree separately and pull all the spars down into a hole (removed fence) as the back yard is smaller than the trees. My price was 3 full days since all the wood had to be removed from a fenced in yard and I wanted to keep from making a mess in his front yard on the way out.

3 men 3 days with a tractor and dump truck w/ operator for 1.5 days
Chipper for 2 days
1/2 day grinder

Total of 8 large trees and at least 10 smaller chipper (<12" trees) like I said it was a $5600 job priced by the tree without the stumps and the extra trees, I was going to just charge gas and equipment to haul off the wood and credit him anything I might have gotten from the white oak logs.

Either way. I am not concerned at all as my baby is sitting at Brenner's Children's Hospital................I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers, she is happy, just worrying wife and I to bits.
If you live someplace for seven years and never meet your neighbors, you might be part of the problem. You ( as it used to be), have a resposibility, to knock on 2 doors each way and 4 across the street. Try being a neighbor, and you might end up living in an ol' neighborhood.


Bravado and ego are a part of human nature, but you are not a true pro. Plumbers, electritians, financial advisors, lawyers, and doctors all clean up others messes. The good ones fix the lesser-thans mistakes, thats how the real world works. The better or best swoop in and take care of the spots the journeymen just couldn't handle.

Do you think Dr. X, would be cool if he could save your life, but passed on the oppertunity because Dr. Y couldn't help you? .... hello?

LOL, what? Your logic is entertaining. Please, go on. I would like it if you dug a little deeper into this subject.
Depending on the situation the accident could of happened to anyone. I check things out pretty good before hanging stuff, but you still never know. Hindsight is always 20/20. I understand where beans is coming from. I don't like cleaning up some other persons mess. If I did do it, I'm billing high. Partly because I'm just mean but also it seems like it takes twice the work to clean up someones else mess. I did this olive for years, then one time they had this rip off come do it. I get a call. Half the tree is hat racked, they left the brush in the driveway, and bailed after getting money up front. They wanted to know if I'd clean up and finish the tree. Screw those people, I took it personal.I never made money on that tree. I'd spend all day lacing it out just because It was a beautiful tree. I might be more understanding if I hadn't bid the job. Small and petty? Oh well, I got to be me.
Hope your girl is alright, my prayers go out to both of you.
Had two of these cases this year already. 2 Weeks ago we get a call from a job we bid. H.O. wants us to consider a lower price since half the tree is now down...because the guys he hired took half the cash up front...worked a couple hours...went to lunch and didn't come back and left a huge pile of tree in his yard. We get there and see why. The leg of the tree (huge maple) over the house is all that's left. The leg over the yard was gone. All these idiots did was free-fall/chunk the one leg into the yard and leave the part over the house with nothing to rig it off of to get it away from the house. We nearly doubled our original price, told the customer why and explained the situation and the inherent dangers and the need for additional helpers and he said do it.

The other one was where a real estate investor who tried to save a few bux and hired his roofing and siding guys to cut down 2 large trees in the back yard of a newly purchased home. They dropped the first tree on the house, took out 2 windows, power, cable, phone lines and literally ripped the meter and weather head off the house that had just been installed a few days before. They were using ropes they got at Wal-Mart!!! Seriously....those thin little 400 pound limit ropes you get for a couple dollars.

We had both trees down in a matter of 3 hours and left the mess for the roofers to cut up and remove. We charged $600 for our part and the homeowner was happy to pay and said several times how professional we were and how pleased he was with our safety and work. The neighbor watched us the entire time to make certain his house wasn't next...lol He asked for our card to come back for some trimming in the Fall.

I am happy to clean up someone else's mess...but it WILL cost extra.....a LOT of extra. Not to be a jerk or to punish the customer but as you all know cleaning up a pile of brushy mess is not as easy as dragging it to the chipper as it drops and takes a LOT more time and effort...I pay my guys extra for their extra effort and I charge extra to the customer for that.
I hope your little girl is ok. I'd go over and see the guy and ask how's this low bidder doing?
If you live someplace for seven years and never meet your neighbors, you might be part of the problem. You ( as it used to be), have a resposibility, to knock on 2 doors each way and 4 across the street. Try being a neighbor, and you might end up living in an ol' neighborhood.


Bravado and ego are a part of human nature, but you are not a true pro. Plumbers, electritians, financial advisors, lawyers, and doctors all clean up others messes. The good ones fix the lesser-thans mistakes, thats how the real world works. The better or best swoop in and take care of the spots the journeymen just couldn't handle.

Do you think Dr. X, would be cool if he could save your life, but passed on the oppertunity because Dr. Y couldn't help you? .... hello?
Dam, you come across like you know everything in the f-ing world. Responsibility to go meat your neighbors ? what a joke.
I have had this happen a few times. They go with the cheaper guy, bad things happen and then they call and want me to rescue them. I wont. The last thing I want, is the neighbors to hear about the carnage, look down the street and see my truck there and just assume it was me that did the damage, not realizing I am there to fix it. I make sure to tell them "told ya so"
I had one guy get really pissed that I wouldn't help. Local hack tried dropping a dead maple over in a small back yard, no way it would have fit without hitting something. Took out power, cable and phone and smashed garage, blocking the HO's car in. He told me that he ran them off and that I could come any time, and he would pay me half my price, ya know, since the tree is down. When I old him no, he said he was going to sue me since I had "24hr Emergency Service" in my add. I just started laughing and he went off. I hung up on the Fool.
100% correct. Last year i went to grind some stumps in my town where the guy removing the trees a few days before cut down the power line when it went the wrong way. Now i did not know this happened until i got there and everything was fixed. So i grind the stumps and i am on my way, no problems. The next week i run into a guy i know and he wants to know what happened . He has heard i was the one that took out the lines. See some one saw my truck parked out front and thought i did it.
Little girl is home, back to work, got into the spurs a bit yesterday for next door neighbor, and got a handful of small pines to climb later in the week also next door. Glad to be able to work again, and glad to have my daughter home again.