Worst nut job I've ever went to quote

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Firewood Purveyor
Dec 15, 2008
SW Missouri
A friend called late this afternoon and told me about a guy wanting around 15 cord of wood cut, the land owner would furnish the timber, all we had to do is stack it up in the wood lot, with him furnishing the fence post to use for stacking. I leave where we were working and take the oldest son with me. Know the place, it has been empty for a while but a retired couple from out of state had bought it.
I pull in, truck is loaded with firewood, I myself to the gentleman, tell him we are in the firewood business and we had "heard" he was looking for someone to cut firewood for him.
I tell him if he furnishes the wood, and he wants 16" wood, stacked between post, that we'll so it for 125.00 a cord and pile all the small limbs and debris, pushing it up with our tractor.
He explains he is a retired college professor, blah, blah, blah, tell him I've got a Criminal Justice Degree with and Associates in Military History/ROTC.

Then the fun starts, he tells me the price is ok for the "timber harvesting" he wants done. When could we get started? I tell him we could work him in within a couple of weeks but could come one day and knock out four or five cord so he would have wood, I tell him I invoice and payment is due the same day the wood is cut and stacked. I assure him he can measure our cords and they will exceed the legal definition by a minimum of 10% and offer a list of references.

This guy then proceeds to tell me that he will not pay until he has burned the wood. That is the only way to assure it is a quality product. My son is giving me the "look", waiting on me to flip out.lol

I just told him that around here that is not the way it works, payment is due upon receipt of goods, period. I say if you can't pay for the 15 cord all at once you can call and we will keep you in wood, if you just need one, two or three at a time no big deal, lots of customers operate that way. Nope he doesn't pay until he burns it. I tell him I'm not his guy, gave him my flyer with references and phone number and tell him if he changes his mind we'd like to have his business.

I leave trying to make it to the local parts store before it closes. Need a couple hydro filters, I start telling the owner about the conversation, it just so happened his son had got involved with the guy, cut three cord, stacked , measured out between fence post. The owner tells him it's a nice cord, he tells the 17 year old kid three cord is actually one. Apparently the kid also thought he would be paid when he cut the wood. The dad/owner of the parts shop was hot as a fire cracker, when he closed his first stop was to see the professor and measure the wood that was already cut and tell him he wanted paid immediately.
Can't wait until he opens at 8:00am in the morning to see how it turned out.
What a nut, where in the hell do you get people to cut wood and wait for payment until you burn it. Is this some kind of city deal, maybe something done up North?
This cat regardless of his educational back ground, might freeze to death this winter. Around here you pay when the wood is delivered. World is full of all kinds.lol This is one of the weirdest deals I've ever been offered. You can bet your hiney if he calls me to do his wood cutting,, it's going to be cash in hand for say three cord before the saws are fired up, when those three are cut , it will have to be cash in hand for the next three. I'm not into the five year 0% interest wood plan.lol


ArboristSite Operative
Dec 20, 2010
Some people are...uh.......different. You did good by not being sucked into his silliness. If it's something I do in my shop, the goods don't leave until they are paid for. If I'm doing something on site, the cash is in my pocket before the job starts. No exceptions. Don't like the terms? Find somebody else to do the job.
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Apr 21, 2010
Carter Co, TN
I'd be stacking it right next to his house, then lighting it up to "see if it will burn"....

I must say that's a new one for me, just how long were you supposed to wait for the wood to season? lol


Firewood Purveyor
Dec 15, 2008
SW Missouri
He has enough standing dead white/red oak's in about a 25 acre wood lot to come up with enough seasoned wood to fulfill his request. It would be a simple job, I've just got to have cash in hand at the end of the day.


ArboristSite Guru
Sep 18, 2011
NH Lakes Region
What a nut, where in the hell do you get people to cut wood and wait for payment until you burn it.

Doesn't work with any other fuel so why wood??? Being a college professor he's probably familiar with schools charging for an education before it's given and the subsequent "no return" policy if ya find out the education wasn't worth the $$. At least with firewood there's a substantial exchange.

Is this some kind of city deal, maybe something done up North?
Not in any "up North" I've ever been to. Unless you've got a payment arrangement or know a guy real well, you call for wood you'd better have payment ready when it's delivered.

Although it wouldn't be right, I can at least see the reasoning if you're supplying the wood. But it's his wood, so what could you possibly change by applying a saw and splitter??? Hmm... Maybe tell him it's ok to pay after burning the wood so long as he's burning it in your stove. That way he has a controlled environment to burn in.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 11, 2008
Northeastern Connecticut
Is this some kind of city deal, maybe something done up North?

Yeah, but only for two species -- electric wood and natural gas wood. Those have meters to measure the number of cords used.

Depending on your arrangements, might have a week or four to pay for cords of fuel oil or propane, but you'll pay a bit more for the privilege.

If I was selling wood to someone I didn't know, it would be cash in hand before the unloading begins.


Where the Wild Things Are
Jul 9, 2011
About the only place that would be normal is in a restaurant. And it's his wood! Just a nut job, forget him, you wasted enough time over it.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 1, 2005
East Lansing, MI
People like that need to be avoided, but if that is not possible, they need to be sued. His cost for litigation will surely be greater than the cost to pay up-front as he should have done. And the aggrieved wood cutter/seller can, if nothing else, get the satisfaction of knowing that the seller regained control in the situation and forced the a-hole to part with his cash on the seller's terms by having to retain counsel, defend a suit, etc.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 11, 2008
Northeastern Connecticut
About the only place that would be normal is in a restaurant.

I've seen more then one company in more then one restaurant over the years getting a check or cash at the time they deliver the food.

Makes me think they're not an industry that operates on a lot of credit :biggrin:

If it was me and knowing I'm only delivering about a month supply at a time to a restaurant, I might be as generous as offering a legitimate (i.e. not tax dodging) cash discount -- say 5% off for cash, then 2/10 net 30 (means 2% discount if paid within 10 days).


Apr 21, 2010
Carter Co, TN
Hey now, there's an idea for all you would-be inventors out there - the patented Wood Meter!

Lessee now, how can we work this...

Mebbe a self-checkout style system, that weighs wood as it's placed in the burner: ( picked a heavy green stick? too bad for you! )

"Unexpected wood in the burning area."

"Please wait for assistance..." ( ha, yeah I'll be right over..." )

"Insert cash, or select payment type. Use pinpad to complete transaction."


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 9, 2009
Well, you know, some people will just try to get as far as they can with everybody. Anybody trying to pull that line on a wood seller is up to no good, and the deal with the kid confirms it. The wood is burned, when, in a year? Fifteen cords? No, no, no, that stack only came out to ten cords when I burned it. And it didn't burn all that well, either, you must not have cut it right.

I'd say he's one to avoid.


Completely retired...life is good.
. AS Supporting Member.
May 19, 2005
In the Redwoods.
Hedge it on the spot, California transplants.

Keep em! We don't want them back. :smile2:

If he tried to run a game on a firewood cutter out here he wouldn't get any farther than he did with you. Damn shame the way he took advantage of that kid. I think I'd be looking into that.
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