Would I Make A Good Abhorist?

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Sure have another heart attack just before the GTG, Gypo I think you are to much like me to be a abhorist, neither like to climb when we can just fall it and see what happens then run like h@ll and blame the other guy :angel:
Dan, I believe that there being no set us standard, enforced, and trained, like other trades, really hurts our industry. I hear it all the time, folks say that if you hire an electrician, plumber, whatever, you know that they know their job, but if you hire a tree guy, you never know what might happen, or what their skill level is.
So many trees here are hacked on Saturday by utility bucket fliers, they do 1/2 the work, collect 1/2 or more of the money, then are never seen again. I've stopped taking jobs to finish their work in hopes that the customer will contact a lawyer about it, and shut some of this nonsense down. Bad part is, they have no insurance, trucks or tools, yet charge as much or more as the legit equiped companies around here (like me)
Arborist, Abhorist, Whatever. I just want to know if somebody got to use all that wood. Please tell me that all those BTU's didn't go to waste.
Somebody will be burning it. I have never cut a stick of wood I haven't sold.
Dadatwins said:
Sorry to derail your thread Gypo, and the answer to your question is yes you would make a fine abhorist and probably a good 'hort wanker' whatever that is. Nice tractor, have you driven over any saws with it yet?
No saws driven over yet Dadatwins, but the odds are I will, however it's a cyclical things so probably not for a few years yet.
Gypo, good luck getting that tractor stuck. A friend of mine has one that size, I've watched him shove rootballs onto the front bucket with a dozer, lift them and drive through mud that was over the front axles and the front tires almost smashed flat to load his dumptruck. helluva tractor!
hort wanker...

If you're wankin' properly, often and with great care a good hort wanker will wind up with not only calluses and the suspicions of his neighbors but a bunch of these little ones.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/Elmore/Assorted%20Trees/goodassortment2.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
begleytree said:
Gypo, good luck getting that tractor stuck. A friend of mine has one that size, I've watched him shove rootballs onto the front bucket with a dozer, lift them and drive through mud that was over the front axles and the front tires almost smashed flat to load his dumptruck. helluva tractor!
Hi Ralph, the tractor seems to really pull, especially with the diflock on. The log pictured looks bigger than what it really is, but it was at least 2500 lbs and 1/2 cord of White Ash. It had a large seam so it went as firewood. It was about 24"DBH
Elmore said:
If you're wankin' properly, often and with great care a good hort wanker will wind up with not only calluses and the suspicions of his neighbors but a bunch of these little ones.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/Elmore/Assorted%20Trees/goodassortment2.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
Elmore, that brings a whole new dimension to the term hort wanker. We have alot of hort wankers around here. Is a hort wanker kinda like a crack monkey?
TreeCo said:
No, I don't really mean it's a money grab.

I'm just frustrated that it takes multiple certifications to show that I know and can do tree work and even then the certifications are for really basic knowledge.


I assume your a member.

Become more invovled at the chapter and international level. Good help is always welcomed.

What many people dont realize about the ISA revenue is, its pretty much shoestring. The ISA is reliant on the volunteered time from committed and dedicated members for many things.

Each chapter has a certification liaison, if you have frustrations, voice your opinion there. The liaisons are there for that reason.
Gypo Logger said:
Elmore, that brings a whole new dimension to the term hort wanker. We have alot of hort wankers around here. Is a hort wanker kinda like a crack monkey?
I don't know...I'm not "Down Under" enough to pick up on their cunning lingo and I haven't been back to the West Coast since '86. :)
<img src="http://postofficeconspiracy.tripod.com/crackmonkey.gif">
Dan Forsh said:
I don't think Gypo's spelling "Abhorist" was by mistake.... it was subtle Gypo, but I got it.
Hi Dan, I don't know what I was thinking when was trying to spell arborist, but I did a check on my spelling and this is what I am aspiring to be! Is this a good thing?
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Is the ISA certification for Arborists the only type available in the USA? And is the ISA certification a govt designed/regulated thing or just something an independent organisation thought up?

Also, are other school curriculums consistent across the states? Is the education system a national standard?

And to answer the question of an Arborist here doing the wrong thing and spiking their prunes or topping ... nothing can be done unless there's a local govt bylaw for them to prosecute under ... some districts have them and others not.

I agree the whole system is wrong. If an accountant, lawyer, dentist or doctor does the wrong thing they get scrubbed from practice or suspended depending on the severity and circumstances of the offence.

But tree work ... ha, I'll be dead before they start sorting this industry out.

I think you have created an interesting thread Gypo ... contrary to your intentions.
So the consumer has to pretty alert over there. Tough on you if you're a good one with high skills getting bounced by hort wanker with the gift of the gab. Then you get called in on contractors rates to cut it down for them!

Gypo, he must live out the woods somewhere, lonely like a hermit and get his rocks off on stirring people up ...

... but beyong the keyboard he must be doing something right as he has plenty of toys and jobs. Do you think he has a conscience?
TreeCo said:
Nice looking maples Elmore...
Thanks Dan. They looked good when that pic was made but they are sure dry and in need of irrigation now. A lot of pain this hort wankerring. Hey, not only are you an abhorist, I understand you are a bit of a hort wanker also...yes? :eek:
Of course it is Pinus and important that one knows the symptoms of soil deficiencies, fertilizers etc. I would hope that most climbers assess a tree prior to entering it at least.

I think the ISA does a good job in this area.

So, I'd expect that an Arborist know both. What if the defect were at height and needed an aerial analysis? What if a limb had to be removed over a roof that was cracking?

In my mind an Arborist is a person with horticultural knowledge specialising in tree care and tree work. Has chainsaw tickets, felling tickets, rigging and climbing knowledge etc ... the complete package to be able to handle any tree problem within reason.

There's heaps of these guys around, right here on this site. They must have learnt from somewhere or is there no official recognized training in rigging trees, complex climbing, confined space dismantling etc?