WTB-dogs for my husky 346

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your one redeeming quality has yet to be experienced.

how so?


i think thats is your best move anyway.


OH MY! How witty! Let me guess, I'm being played by you once again? Not on your best day, even if you weren't held to the truth as usual.
For some reason I can't open anything that has a picture of double dogs for the 359. I wouldn't mind putting a set on my 346 either. Does anyone have the part Husky part numbers for the double dogs that fit the 359?

Heres a shot of the double dogs that I run on my 357xp. I'll find the part # if you need

OH MY! How witty! Let me guess, I'm being played by you once again? Not on your best day, even if you weren't held to the truth as usual.


very good, took you long enough but you finnally got it.

now you get a cookie!


playin' you is like slumin' for me. i have fried bigger fish with a Bic lighter.
denial is a form of admission in certain psychological disorders.


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very good, took you long enough but you finnally got it.

now you get a cookie!


playin' you is like slumin' for me. i have fried bigger fish with a Bic lighter.
denial is a form of admission in certain psychological disorders.



Big Dave says Hi. He'd like to talk to you about my 346.

very good, took you long enough but you finnally got it.

now you get a cookie!


playin' you is like slumin' for me. i have fried bigger fish with a Bic lighter.
denial is a form of admission in certain psychological disorders.



Your right, I should never mess with a guy who slums in his natural state!:clap: :clap: :clap:

very good, took you long enough but you finnally got it.

now you get a cookie!


playin' you is like slumin' for me. i have fried bigger fish with a Bic lighter.
denial is a form of admission in certain psychological disorders.



BTW, thanks for the cookie, chocolate chips are my favorite!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Also, what does "finnally" mean? Is that part of your fish thing? I would imagine knowing the English language and being able to spell would be prerequisites to psychological diagnosis! :dizzy:

very good, took you long enough but you finnally got it.

now you get a cookie!


playin' you is like slumin' for me. i have fried bigger fish with a Bic lighter.
denial is a form of admission in certain psychological disorders.



I think your genes have faded from mixing them with others in your family and it's coming out in the wash! Thanks for the entertainment!
my freind, it is myself and the others that should be thanking you. you not willing to take credit is another sure sign.


I've may be a lot of things, perhaps not all good but, I take exception to being called a "freind"!!!
That's down right nasty, I think????:confused:
BTW, how many grades in school did you actually skip??:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:
I've may be a lot of things, perhaps not all good but, I take exception to being called a "freind"!!!
That's down right nasty, I think????:confused:
BTW, how many grades in school did you actually skip??:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:


i was baiting you!


Meaning what, you equate finned creatures to erotica?:confused: :confused:
Very interesting and certainly substantiates my hypothesis in regards to your genes.

judging by your name and character it is a sure sign of a small member.


i was baiting you!



No doubt your a master baiter, it's obvious and probably all you get! Your always bragging on how well you can play, I didn't realize you were speaking of yourself. And to think you fell for that!! Your not half as good as you think you are.

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