setting leaves on fire...

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Absolutely it's OK. There isn't such a mess if they are burning. May burn up the leaves in their yard too. The burnt grass comes back with a vengeance in the Spring and is a nice dark green.
Pics or it didn't happen.

My neighbors wife burned the whole hillside a couple years back. Dumped fireplace ashes out back. Set the browned dry grass and leaves on fire. When I first came down the road I thought "cool, Dennis is burning some leaves in the ditch." Then as I drove further, I noticed lots of charred burned up saplings and even some bushes and trees were damaged. Still no sight of Dennis. As I get further up the road I catch a glimpse of his side yard and burnt melted siding on his house and shed. His whole yard had burned, and leaves were smoldering all around.

She threw the ashes out and promptly left for work at 7am I was the first one home around 2:30pm. It was a near calm wind day, any more wind and it would have been much worse. We're surrounded by hundreds of acres of woods.
My wife burned up a full compost pile one time.
We make compost out of leaves and goat poop. We also put a few ashes in to lower the PH.
We had a full 8 x 8 wire bin of compost. It had been quite dry.....
The good wife cleaned out the insert and dumped the ashes in the compost pile.
About six hours later a friend of hers knocks on the door....... Hay, Is that supposed to be on fire?

how dare they!!! i usually just burn asbestos. burns nice and hot plus keeps it outta my lungs. :)

obviously i'm totally joking... some still gets in my lungs after its done burning. gotta find a better way... lol.
Dad caught a corn field on fire a couple of years. Called me frantically to come help but it was 30 mins away. On the way I thought about how it was going to look with so much corn on fire but thankfully it had been harvested so it was just stalks. It was very windy and rainy so everyone was suprised that it burned let alone burned 30 acres. Got it stopped by getting the tractor hooked up to the disc and disced up the perimeter
No pix of either of the incidents that I mentioned above.
No pix of the one that "shall not be discussed" either.

We burn leaves. We live in the boondocks of North Alabama.
Everybody burns leaves here.

Burning leaves brings back memories. We used to raise a few hogs when I was growing up. We grew a patch of corn and kept it in a wooden crib close to the hog lot. Rats and Squrrels probably ate more of the corn than the hogs got. Anyways, My brother and I used to go to the crib to get target practice with the old 22's. We would wait on the rats to head to the crib and pick them off. Well, targets got sort of hard to comeby and the rats got smarter to. we decide one day to pour a little gas in the rat holes to force them out in the open. A little gas and boy they came running out of holes we didnt even know was there. We decided it would be fun to throw a match down one of the holes. The whole ground shook and flames shot out everywhere, including the corn crib. talk about 2 boys shoveling corn out of that crib in a hurry and stomping out flames. We got the fire out and shoveled the corn back into the crib. Daddy never knew what happened, if he had of knew,I shudder to think of the whooping we would have gotten.
I don't bother with leaves, they don't mind sitting under snow for a winter. Get mulched in spring. Most of time they blow off in corn field, it can be calm anywhere but on my little hill it is windy.

Have started neighbors field on fire 3-4 times as kid burning garbage. Well, my fault once. Fire dept out once.

Our big burn pit was lit, wind switched and started about 20 acres of 4-6' switch grass on fire. looked out back door at about 9:00 PM, and seen a large "glow" about mile and half away, thought bro's house on fire. Flew over and got the disk hooked up, but fire dept was there already. It was windy.

I try to be careful as I have about 80-100 acres in CRP just across from me.
Me I just make sure my blade is real sharp on the mower and mow the leaves.
Some sort of weird satisfaction from seeing them become fine dust :)
Lawn really loves it next spring and summer, like adding free fertilizer.
Me I just make sure my blade is real sharp on the mower and mow the leaves.
Some sort of weird satisfaction from seeing them become fine dust :)
Lawn really loves it next spring and summer, like adding free fertilizer.
I hate mowing leaves. Even with a dust mask I end up picking boggers out of my nose for a week. I still mow the leaves as it returns carbon to the soil, granted must of that carbon doesnt really break down until the grass greens up and I start mowing the grass. Got to have green to go with the brown.
We can't burn leaves here, you'll get a citation from the EPA. They frown on tires too.
Are you sure it's the EPA?? Maybe some sort'a state agency, not a federal one??
We can burn leaves (or any yard trash) here... and if'n they're wet, you can use an old tire to get them going, as long as you let the sheriff know beforehand (nobody does).