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I need service manual for a Stihl 009 L, sn 219149960. Don't know manufacture date but have email in to Stihl tech for date. I have a SM for 009, 010 & 011 which addresses only ignition with points, my unit has electronic coil and no points. Want to be sure I am working off correct manual as there may be other differences.
Great site with very helpful and knowlegible members. Thanks for your help.
I need service manual for a Stihl 009 L, sn 219149960. Don't know manufacture date but have email in to Stihl tech for date. I have a SM for 009, 010 & 011 which addresses only ignition with points, my unit has electronic coil and no points. Want to be sure I am working off correct manual as there may be other differences.
Great site with very helpful and knowlegible members. Thanks for your help.

I don't find anything new in my inbox. Must be doing something wrong. Should be arboristsite inbox, right? Any ideas?
Check your inbox for the stihl service manual and a small clymer service manual. The clymer mentions the non -points ignition.
I'm building a 440 from Farmertec, could I get a WM and IPL?
Not an arborist but a firefighter trying to get to know his saw better!