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That's from me twisting it!

Hush Cain, you have caused your brother enough trouble, hahahaha


If you had a lick of business sense, you'd make lemonade out of these lemons by calling your company:

Raisin' Cain™

ole joat is just sittin' here eatin' his raisin' bran.

Best wishes,

ole joat
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And, I would market your little painted up ported mufflers under the tradename of:

Homeowner Helper™

ole joat
37 And peace settled into the land as the followers of the wicked ways and the naysayers were silenced so as to end discord. 38 Abel then prophesied and said, "Give a man a Fish, and you will feed him at the cost of anger, and the Fish will return and hold thy rod". The LORD heard this and to this day, the day of our children and their children, the LORD has called not upon Abel to prophesy. 39 Now trouble brewed from the land of the Washingtonites as their top dog, called Booker, hurled insults to Abel and taunted him. 40 And BookerDog recalled the sins at the Camp of Steel where the abominations caused Abel to lose his extremity end. 41 And the LORD said to Abel, "You have stood the challenge from thy brother Cain, and you did right in the sight of the LORD. Go now as the champion and stand thy ground against the one who calls himself the new champion" 42 "Take haste as this new champion is crafty, with finely tuned instruments of cutting." Take with you a sharp chain and a sharp wit against the crafty one." 43 And Abel said, "LORD, do you take me for a fool? I am wise to his way and I have victory over mine enemies". 44 And the LORD said, "Abel, you are wise, but this foe is mighty and can not be defeated by your hand alone. Call upon my name and listen to my prophet Roland and you will taste victory and prosper."

..... to be continued ......

If you insist I shall go and defeat thy Booker. Booker himself sent me knowledge of cruel unusal punishment, he sent me the Sopranos. I now have the knowledge and enough gas to burn him out to defeat. However right now I have much larger problems only you can answer. Hear me out oh great one.

Yesterday evening I found out my dear sweet little old mother of 80 is either a racist, a fanatic Elvis fan or just plain jealous with a mean streak to boot.

I went to visit her at her supper table for free supper like I do as often as possible. The word freeloader has never bothered me. While there she, my dear little old mom of 80 was reading the Washington Post. I was quietly eating free viddles when all the sudden I heard this from this sweet little old woman I call moma.

She said "can you beleive it, they are saying Michael Jackson has now surpassed Elvis in record sales. Can you beleive that. I refrained comment as the mean look on her face shocked me. She continued. She said "well I'll tell you one thing, Jackson may be selling more records now but his music isn't nearly as good as Elvis". Once again I refrained comment and held firm from laughing. She continued looking at the paper and then came this from her. She said " and that thing with those kids, he was obviously abit weird". I held my breath to keep from laughing as she sounded off. Then she said "you know Stacey says she's likes Micheal no matter what they say about him". Stacey is my youngest daughter. She then says "and what did he do to his face for goodness sake, he looks awful". Needless to say it took all I had to keep from laughing. I finally said well yes Michael did seem abit weird to me too. She calmed down and said no more.

So oh great one what are we gonna do about moma? Instilled in her is the same fight thats instilled in her son Abel. I'm so afraid a Jackson fan is going to step in her house and be murdered by that nice little 80 year old woman that loves Elvis. Please oh great one send me thy answer, what are we gonna do about moma???
If you insist I shall go and defeat thy Booker. Booker himself sent me knowledge of cruel unusal punishment, he sent me the Sopranos. I now have the knowledge and enough gas to burn him out to defeat. However right now I have much larger problems only you can answer. Hear me out oh great one.

Yesterday evening I found out my dear sweet little old mother of 80 is either a racist, a fanatic Elvis fan or just plain jealous with a mean streak to boot.

I went to visit her at her supper table for free supper like I do as often as possible. The word freeloader has never bothered me. While there she, my dear little old mom of 80 was reading the Washington Post. I was quietly eating free viddles when all the sudden I heard this from this sweet little old woman I call moma.

She said "can you beleive it, they are saying Michael Jackson has now surpassed Elvis in record sales. Can you beleive that. I refrained comment as the mean look on her face shocked me. She continued. She said "well I'll tell you one thing, Jackson may be selling more records now but his music isn't nearly as good as Elvis". Once again I refrained comment and held firm from laughing. She continued looking at the paper and then came this from her. She said " and that thing with those kids, he was obviously abit weird". I held my breath to keep from laughing as she sounded off. Then she said "you know Stacey says she's likes Micheal no matter what they say about him". Stacey is my youngest daughter. She then says "and what did he do to his face for goodness sake, he looks awful". Needless to say it took all I had to keep from laughing. I finally said well yes Michael did seem abit weird to me too. She calmed down and said no more.

So oh great one what are we gonna do about moma? Instilled in her is the same fight thats instilled in her son Abel. I'm so afraid a Jackson fan is going to step in her house and be murdered by that nice little 80 year old woman that loves Elvis. Please oh great one send me thy answer, what are we gonna do about moma???


Well, Eve demonstates good taste in music .... and she can cook. You know, they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'd be very interested in hearing her opionion on the following:

1) Folgers or Maxwell House?

2) Pepsi or Coke?

3) She ever really like that low life Cain?

4) How does she feel about Phophet Roland not getting his head gear yet?

5) Did she follow the "axial force" explaination or did she need Prophet Roland's parabolic example?

6) Stihl or Dolmar? (I trust not Husky)

7) Chevy or Ford?

Call my pretty nurse with the results,

dr. joat
If you insist I shall go and defeat thy Booker. Booker himself sent me knowledge of cruel unusal punishment, he sent me the Sopranos. I now have the knowledge and enough gas to burn him out to defeat. However right now I have much larger problems only you can answer. Hear me out oh great one.

Yesterday evening I found out my dear sweet little old mother of 80 is either a racist, a fanatic Elvis fan or just plain jealous with a mean streak to boot.

I went to visit her at her supper table for free supper like I do as often as possible. The word freeloader has never bothered me. While there she, my dear little old mom of 80 was reading the Washington Post. I was quietly eating free viddles when all the sudden I heard this from this sweet little old woman I call moma.

She said "can you beleive it, they are saying Michael Jackson has now surpassed Elvis in record sales. Can you beleive that. I refrained comment as the mean look on her face shocked me. She continued. She said "well I'll tell you one thing, Jackson may be selling more records now but his music isn't nearly as good as Elvis". Once again I refrained comment and held firm from laughing. She continued looking at the paper and then came this from her. She said " and that thing with those kids, he was obviously abit weird". I held my breath to keep from laughing as she sounded off. Then she said "you know Stacey says she's likes Micheal no matter what they say about him". Stacey is my youngest daughter. She then says "and what did he do to his face for goodness sake, he looks awful". Needless to say it took all I had to keep from laughing. I finally said well yes Michael did seem abit weird to me too. She calmed down and said no more.

So oh great one what are we gonna do about moma? Instilled in her is the same fight thats instilled in her son Abel. I'm so afraid a Jackson fan is going to step in her house and be murdered by that nice little 80 year old woman that loves Elvis. Please oh great one send me thy answer, what are we gonna do about moma???

I dunno, seems like your momma has a pretty good bead on things.

On another note, (no offense to the King intended), but Elvis might have gotten a bit weird there at the end too.

Well, Eve demonstates good taste in music .... and she can cook. You know, they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'd be very interested in hearing her opionion on the following:

1) Folgers or Maxwell House?

2) Pepsi or Coke?

3) She ever really like that low life Cain?

4) How does she feel about Phophet Roland not getting his head gear yet?

5) Did she follow the "axial force" explaination or did she need Prophet Roland's parabolic example?

6) Stihl or Dolmar? (I trust not Husky)

7) Chevy or Ford?

Call my pretty nurse with the results,

dr. joat

So your saying I should let her vent without comment and agree with her 100%, I can do that. In fact I have to if I wanna keep getting those good viddles. Thanks, I knew you would have the answer,:cheers::cheers::cheers:
So your saying I should let her vent without comment and agree with her 100%, I can do that. In fact I have to if I wanna keep getting those good viddles. Thanks, I knew you would have the answer,:cheers::cheers::cheers:


That'll be $75. Oh, you have MediCain? That'll be $275.

Here's your receipt,

dr. joat
I dunno, seems like your momma has a pretty good bead on things.

On another note, (no offense to the King intended), but Elvis might have gotten a bit weird there at the end too.

Oh no fear, maw agrees Elvis was abit weird too. She commented something else she was reading. She said something about they're saying Jackson was deep in debt and didn't really pay anyone according to the paper. Her big issue was the music and the kids. She seemed furious about those child rumors of Jacko and far as the music goes even my pappy, who is no Elvis fan agrees Jackson is no Elvis by any means. Pappy, now 86, always tells maw whats the big deal about Elvis. She always tells him shut up,LOLOL

That'll be $75. Oh, you have MediCain? That'll be $275.

Here's your receipt,

dr. joat

I never knew when they said leave it all to the church it meant while I was alive,GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Oh no fear, maw agrees Elvis was abit weird too. She commented something else she was reading. She said something about they're saying Jackson was deep in debt and didn't really pay anyone according to the paper. Her big issue was the music and the kids. She seemed furious about those child rumors of Jacko and far as the music goes even my pappy, who is no Elvis fan agrees Jackson is no Elvis by any means. Pappy, now 86, always tells maw whats the big deal about Elvis. She always tells him shut up,LOLOL

See now, that's typical "Pappy baitin' Maw" behavior. We do that in my house, that's just downright good times. I'll admit the wife doesn't seem to appreciate it nearly as much as I do. As far as what your Pappy says about Elvis? Eddie Murphy had an old stand up routine in which he pokes a bit of fun at Elvis (something about his weight), but ends up saying... "you know, you can say what you want about Elvis, but that m*^%^#fu&$^#r could sing!!" I feel the same way.. NOBODY does what Elvis did. The second runner up might be Tom Jones. Incredible voice.
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See now, that's typical "Pappy baitin' Maw" behavior. We do that in my house, that's just downright good times. I'll admit the wife doesn't seem to appreciate nearly as much as I do. As far as what your Pappy says about Elvis? Eddie Murphy had an old stand up routine in which he pokes a bit of fun at Elvis (something about his weight), but ends up saying... "you know, you can say what you want about Elvis, but that m*^%^#fu&$^#r could sing!!" I feel the same way.. NOBODY does what Elvis did. The second runner up might be Tom Jones. Incredible voice.

I'm with ya. Pappy says things to Maw just to get her going about Elvis. Oddly though he watches this country music show on some cable station every single night. They ran a 2 hour special on Elvis' gosphel music. They have played the same show at least 5 times now. Who is glued to the TV for each re-run, you guess it, Pappy. Maw grins and tells me you think he would have it memorized by now,LOL

Pappy hasn't said much about Michael. He wouldn't watch Jackson for 5 seconds. Just a different generation I guess. Maw wouldn't either but she's outspoken about Elvis, thats for sure.

Its fun to watch older folks tease each other, it really is.
37 And peace settled into the land as the followers of the wicked ways and the naysayers were silenced so as to end discord. 38 Abel then prophesied and said, "Give a man a Fish, and you will feed him at the cost of anger, and the Fish will return and hold thy rod". The LORD heard this and to this day, the day of our children and their children, the LORD has called not upon Abel to prophesy. 39 Now trouble brewed from the land of the Washingtonites as their top dog, called Booker, hurled insults to Abel and taunted him. 40 And BookerDog recalled the sins at the Camp of Steel where the abominations caused Abel to lose his extremity end. 41 And the LORD said to Abel, "You have stood the challenge from thy brother Cain, and you did right in the sight of the LORD. Go now as the champion and stand thy ground against the one who calls himself the new champion" 42 "Take haste as this new champion is crafty, with finely tuned instruments of cutting." Take with you a sharp chain and a sharp wit against the crafty one." 43 And Abel said, "LORD, do you take me for a fool? I am wise to his way and I have victory over mine enemies". 44 And the LORD said, "Abel, you are wise, but this foe is mighty and can not be defeated by your hand alone. Call upon my name and listen to my prophet Roland and you will taste victory and prosper."

..... to be continued ......


Well, Eve demonstates good taste in music .... and she can cook. You know, they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'd be very interested in hearing her opionion on the following:

1) Folgers or Maxwell House?

2) Pepsi or Coke?

3) She ever really like that low life Cain?

4) How does she feel about Phophet Roland not getting his head gear yet?

5) Did she follow the "axial force" explaination or did she need Prophet Roland's parabolic example?

6) Stihl or Dolmar? (I trust not Husky)

7) Chevy or Ford?

Call my pretty nurse with the results,

dr. joat


No need for two boxes anymore; maybe not even one! The ending was anti-climatic and now it's just a random rambling while the credits roll....... and yet I had to read up anyway...... :dizzy:

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