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ArboristSite Guru
Mar 11, 2005
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Has anyone noticed the presence of HMI in the tree care industry in the last couple of years?

What is the deal? Is it going to come to a point where we have to be associated with HMI to do tree work?

Just curious if anyone noticed what was going on. Will it weed out the small companies like mine?

Let me know what you think or if you can give me info.
I have noticed how so many people are associating themselves with businesses that actually do work, trying to provide a service that basically leaches off others and tries to provide whatever without doing anything. case in point, employment services, marketing consulting, etc.....

I have so little respect for others who try get paid for nothing, and yet everyone wants to slam people who work for less. at least they WANT to work.
latinos work cheap because we have lost lost our work ethic as a nation, and its only getting worse, everybody wants top dollar without being able to do anything with experience.

For those who disagree, maybe I don't mean you. but tell your kids to get off the #### and go do chores without pay or allowance.

see what I mean?
I have noticed how so many people are associating themselves with businesses that actually do work, trying to provide a service that basically leaches off others and tries to provide whatever without doing anything. case in point, employment services, marketing consulting, etc.....

I have so little respect for others who try get paid for nothing, and yet everyone wants to slam people who work for less. at least they WANT to work.
latinos work cheap because we have lost lost our work ethic as a nation, and its only getting worse, everybody wants top dollar without being able to do anything with experience.

For those who disagree, maybe I don't mean you. but tell your kids to get off the #### and go do chores without pay or allowance.

see what I mean?

I see, I see.

Ok, so I was wrong. Its not a bunch of chubby ####toons bent over a computer trying to figure out how they can make money by telling us how to use the chipper... its a bunch of flabby ####toons bent over computers trying to figure out how to sell us more insurance.
Now where did I put that bullet I carved my name in?

But I didn't not see what HMI stood for on that site.
Hey you are a big boy and can think what you want. But if you have been reading in certain arbor related mags and newsletter in the recent months...HMI is announcing deals with all the big players across the country. Take that a step further and read the application....it sounds like they represent the insurance industry and are leading the charge to identify risk related trees and by doing so they can dictate who does the work for the insurance company.

Now maybe it is just me, but here is how I see it....homeowner is insured by abc insurance.....hmi works for abc insurance....they say remove that tree....they say use xyz tree co., who happens to be a member of HMI.

Now maybe I am wrong and this deal with HMI is much different. But you have to pay to be a member of HMI.

I am not pimping nothing unless you need me to come over and take care of your woman.....b i a t c h
By the way...I guarantee you would not be talking smack if you were 4' from me. You are just a big ##### typing on the keyboard. Talk all the smack you want....but I guarantee you be laying on the floor if you bring that weak ass #### to my place.

First off, you respond to a post in which you don't know anything about with a smart ass comment. Then you call me a name without checking out the information.

So big boy, tell me....why did you even respond other than to open your mouth and let the #### run out.
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My money is on TreeSlayer in the first round.:)

I've worked with them both, let us just say that Dave is welterweight and Steve is in the unlimited class. If Steve were coming after me, I would want to end it fast and dirty.

But then I do not understand why he let Dave get under his skin like that.

As for HMI if looks like a group that is looking to go after the large campus consulting work, and maybe Muni.
Dam Slayer! The guy is not advocating anything here, just putting it out there for feedback it seems. I just hope I am not responsible for the outburst with my above experpts.
Well, I am glad we got to the bottom of this one quickly this time. We are here for ya.

If you think you have it bad:

My friend divorced his wife, he had been cheating on her for awhile. She wanted kids but he knew he was not game for that. So during her tribulations after the divorce she goes out and hooks up with some dude she picked out of a dating service. On the first date they go at and she gets pregnant. The dude is allready divorced with a few kids and she sued him for child support. Seems fair right? Well then answer this; she was married to my friend for over ten years, that is over ten years of consumation, and she did not once get pregnant during that time.:dizzy:
She tried to hand me a line about it but I told her it appeared to me she got exactly what she went out for. I just feel sorry for the poor dude who is paying two different women and not even getting any.
I am not trying to might light of the situation but here is something:

When I was helping my friend clean out his stuff from his ex's place I saw a picture of one of her rather chubby relatives. She was the one that actually broke a chair or something like. So I exclaimed when I realized the girth on this woman, I said , " holy crap! that's big!" So my friend says " don't underestimate the power of a big woman"
Well I just froze for a second and thought about it then said " Just exactly what are you telling me bro? " It turned out to be true.
Yeah...not sure why I blew up on you TreeSlayer....I was being sincere in asking the question about HMI. I apologize for talking like a drunk teenage boy when some other guy talked to my girl. LOL

I got another email today announcing another signing to HMI's network.

Just curious if I was letting my mind think too far ahead.