>$2000 for a 090AV??!!!

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Still hasn't met reserve at $2,000? What's up with that? The only thing I can figure is that he has no intent to sell it and just wants to see what it's possible worth. LINK

How much does a new ms880 cost new?
Now a 090AV at a Stihl dealer would be worth?
I can see it worth $2250.

It may be that the seller has the attitude, "Hey if someone wants it bad enough, sure I'll let it go, but I don't really want to sell it". Who knows? I'm just surprised at what the reserve price must be.
I dunno brad I think if that was my never run 090 and I had to sell it,that is a price I would be shooting for
i wouldn't sell this for less than 1200.
That saw is located a very short distance from me. I had intended on going and taking a look at is Saturday as there was some guy here doubting it was new. It turned out he really was not interested. I think you will see it sell and it will sell at $2350. In 7 hours we will see how wrong I am.

Type in NEW 090 NZ in search here and you will see that a new one in NZ went for $2800 several years ago in a old thread. :cheers: