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Had a Chicken

I had a little chicken wouldn't lay an egg,so I ran hot water up down it's leg,ran hot water up and down it's leg,the yarn barn chicken layed a hard boiled egg!
We keep 10-12 layer hens. Couple of years ago a buddy worked for Frito-Lay used to give me truck fulls of out-of-date chips to feed them. A heavy diet of Cheetos yielded the best tasting eggs I've ever eaten. Doritos were pretty good too. Funyons... yuck.
Heres some pics of our farm from a little while ago (kinda half sold now). . . .but we used to milk around 100 head . .. . it was fun growing up but i only miss it alittle .. . . the green barn is no longer there and all the junk is cleaned up, looks pritty good now a days, still have beef and pigs and some chickens.

oh yea and our house has actual siding on it. . . . i need to up date some pics

your last picture looks like my equipment! who in the heck can afford new equipment when you don't farm 5000 acres!

At least the top half of the garden looks OK......
We keep 10-12 layer hens. Couple of years ago a buddy worked for Frito-Lay used to give me truck fulls of out-of-date chips to feed them. A heavy diet of Cheetos yielded the best tasting eggs I've ever eaten. Doritos were pretty good too. Funyons... yuck.

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered in my pickup, a jar of pure
Horseradish that I had bought a week or two earlier, and it must have fallen
out of the grocery bag.

It was refrigerated when I bought it, and was supposed to stay cold,
so when I found it, I assumed it was ruined, so I just dumped it in the driveway..

Later, my wife went to gather eggs, and one of the Rhode Island Reds
escaped from the Stalag compound, and came out to help my repair business.

The chicken came out, and saw the horseradish, and ran to it.

She started eating it, stepped back, shook here head vigorously, ate some
more, repeat, repeat, repeat, until the horseradish was gone.

Never had a spicy egg.

But it was cute to watch....

At least the top half of the garden looks OK......

Jeepers, the creek did RISE! At least you may have success growing
water chesnuts for the chinese resturaunt. Otherwise it looks like
it might rise farther. Heavy rain ehhh? Hopefully the house is not too close, otherwise you may need a pontoon.
Current alarm settings… Rudy in the foreground goes off at 6am sharp with a couple of timid cock-a-doodle-doos then Rodney wakes up about 15 minutes later and belts out about a dozen ear-splitters.

As long as we are posting birds,it was a hatch day this weekend!
Well, since some guy called me "tender" and mentioned this thread, I should
kick it back up...

Here is a pic of "Himwill's" garlic, grown in my method. I need to weed it badly, but it is growing well.

This is a cool thread.

I also farm for a living. Registered angus beef cattle. We sell very nice reg. angus bulls if anyone in Va. needs any. Also been putting up alot of hay lately and dodging the rain. Got drowned yesterday with a half a windrow left in the field, prolly three round bales left. Was lucky to get what I did up. We have baled about 450 5x6 rolls this year. Been really busy.

I would'nt have any other life if you paid me to live it. I have lots of places to hunt and saw. I try to do some logging on the side and am getting more into it every year. Hard to find time for anything besides work these days but even the work is fun if you enjoy doing it.

Been building some fence and installing watering troughs too lately and it's been so hot I feel like laying in the troughs when we get the water running to them. I'm more of an autumn guy myself. Not too heat tolerent. Autumn is the seaon of football, hunting, sawing, cooler weather and everything else I love. I just hate to see the winter coming behind it cause thats when the real farming starts. Thank god for cabs on tractors!

This a great thread indeed,but I really can't offer much here as I don't have a farm or even acreage.So unless I won the Lotto I will just be asking questions.
Well this thread is kind of an "explanation" of sorts, I guess..

My dad was a success in his endeavors, and did not understand my lack
of "drive", to put it simply...

I studied in high school and college, for the ministry, as I thought I had it all figured out.

My last sermon to the church we were active in, was more or less, a

The church I belonged to was chock full of old folks, and I more or less
said I had no reason to be on the pulpit, as they had been on the planet for 30 plus years more than me, and I have nothing to "tell" anyone.......

In a nutshell, I think when all is said in done, if you have hated all the time
you have invested in a job, and you have done it for a long time, that is a
bigger shame than not meeting your supposed "potential"........

I feel that enjoying what little time on this planet outshines any legacy
of "greatness", but I may be way wrong, and the only real mark we may
make on this planet is the impact our children make.

Sorry I am rambling, but that is kinda why I started this thread.
I live in a farming community and have been called a farmer and a rancher; doesn't bother me either way. What I don't understand is these city guys moving to a five acre housing addition with a couple of horses and putting a sign on the driveway stating the place is a ranch. Now I think that is hilarious, although I do understand that after living on a postage stamp in the city they probably feel like they are living in the wide open spaces with 5 acres.

You must have driven by my ranch. Rancho Costo Mucho:buttkick:
Hate to break it to your son-in-law, but those look like Ducks............

My tomatoes are up in the big garden up the hill, I get a late start on
them as we get late frosts down here in the valley.

Got them off of 'second hand lions' seed company.:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Worse than uncorking the spinchter on a plugged up sow?

Or lancing a needle infection on a cows hip. :cry:

The other day we had a cow with pink eye so bad her eye was popped out about the size of a baseball. We had to lance that also. That was a mess. She felt alot better afterwards I'd say.:cheers:

we have to do all sorts of weird and nasty, sometimes amazing things. We AI breed cows. We also have to semen test bulls. If you guys have never seen this, we have to take this big rockst ship looking vibrator thing to thier bungholes. It shoots pulses thru the bull to make him do his thing. I swear if you look in the pen at the others, they all have thier rears to the wall.:)

We used to do embryo implants but hav'ent fooled with it much lately.

Pulling a calf does'nt hardly compare to some of the meyhem on the farm.
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While many members here consider me a loser, shadetree hack, comedian,
etc.. I feel it is time for me to come out of the closet, as my goals in life have been reduced to not too ambitous, but I feel that we only go around once, life is too short to drink cheap beer, except I drink cheap beer,
a lot of it, etc ...

Growing up as a kid, I idolized Jerimiah Johnson, Grizzly Adams, Clint Eastwood
Ansel Adams, living off the land, Cher, John Wayne, etc.

When I got married, I either wanted a place on a lake, which I did from 1990
until 2005, then we moved to a farm, which is where I am now. I will have
to save and get a tractor, and each step is small, but I love it.

This thread is started for guys that want to share their dream, and this is the
place to do it, as I will say the word "Chainsaw".....

I have started some interesting weed control ideas, as well as hired a bunch of chickens to assist me in the "Fisherizing" processes, no worries, these
Chickens are Methodist, one of them was a Catholic as a chick, but she

No, this thread is about you/us, what we do, our home life, garden, etc...

If I couldn't have this life, I would settle for being the frycook at the
Louisville "Hooter's"

Here is a pic of my new coop, my beautiful rose bush, and my experimental

Check out our garden, the onions are at least 6" now. Lol

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